AgFlame said:
Wow, this sounds really interesting. I think you're on the right track with this deck. From looking over the set, it would seem that the biggest threats are going to be Yveltal-EX and other Fairies. So Raichu is definitely a good idea, along with Fairy Garden to keep those Shadow Circles away. With only 2 Stadiums to work with, either, 1) Your opponent plays Shadow Circle (and probably Yveltal) and you want to counter it to knock out Yveltal, 2) Your opponent plays Fairy Garden too making all of your Fairy Gardens dead cards, or 3) They don't play any Stadiums and you only need a single Fairy Garden the whole match with the rest being dead. I would probably recommend playing 3 copies so you can keep replacing their Shadow Circle without too many dead cards in cases 2 and 3. Also remember that sometimes you can benefit from your opponents Shadow Circle, and you might want to wait to play a Fairy Garden if you don't immediately need it and your opponent can take advantage of it. How? A very versatile card called Rainbow Energy.
Rainbow Energy goes great with a Fairy Deck. Since it counts as every energy, it will allow you to make use of both Fairy Garden and Shadow Circle, and it can be freely moved around with Aromatisse. This allows you to tap into non-Fairy attackers as well. The biggest one, why don't you play your own Yveltal-EX? The other non-Fairy attacker I would recommend would be Skarmory-EX. Skarmory will be a great attacker against other Fairy decks and its first attack is a great way to get rid of your opponents pesky Hard Charms and Muscle Bands.
Now, like Ivy_Profen mentioned, Aromatisse is great at making your deck very tank-y. With a lack of Pokemon hitting high enough damage to take OHKO's, you will probably survive an attack. Being able to move your energy around allows you to take advantage of Super Potion without losing any Energy and survive much longer. Another bonus is the lack of ways for your opponent to target your bench (Bench Damage, Lysandre, Pokemon Catcher) the main one being Xerneas-EX. With Aromatisse and Fairy Garden, you can easily retreat and move your Energy to a new attacker while the old one is relatively safe on the bench. The name of the game is denying your opponent Prizes.
One last threat that might be important is Trevenant. While it isn't hard to knock him out with an Yveltal-EX, he can be very annoying in messing with your healing strategy. I don't know how popular he will be, but if you expect to see him, it might be worth it to put in a 1-1 Swellow line. Now if your opponent has 2 Trevenant, Swellow will be unable to break the item lock, but it is the only way you have of potentially breaking it. EDIT: I missed this originally, But its possible you'll see Blastoise-EX/Trevenant with Fairy/Rainbow Energy and Fairy Garden. I don't know how likely that is since even with a Muscle Band, Blastoise-EX isn't doing a whole lot with Rapid Spin and you'll have to switch too, but they could still Rapid Spin into a Trevenant (Blocking your healing), retreat and repeat to eventually wear you down.
With all of that, I would recommend:
- 1 Mr. Mime
- 1 Xerneas
- 1 Xerneas-EX
- 2 Swirlix
- 2 Slurpluff
- 1 Muscle Band
- 3 Professor's Letter
- 8 Fairy Energy
+ 2 Yveltal-EX
+ 1 Skarmory-EX
+ 1 Shauna
+ 1 Cassius
+ 4 Super Potions
+ 2 Hard Charms
+ 2 Evosoda
+ 4 Rainbow Energy
(Your list was also at 62-63 Cards)
For me, the above looks solid until I actually think about the current meta. The current meta is either denying your opponent something or OHKOs. That's the two here. Given that, then the above list starts to look rather shaky and perhaps too inconsistent.
Firstly, I agree that Rainbow Energy is an awesome card. But remember two cards exist that makes this a dead duck. Enhanced Hammer and Xerosic. Both are going be used to either counter Seismitoad which is still the deck to beat in some cases. So I'd probably replace those with basic energy to limit the situation.
Swirlex and Slurpuff actually synergy well if you use the Phantom Forces one with the normal Status blocker. Though Virizon EX might do a better job, the Slurpuff might help out as its attack blocks Special Conditions on it, denying a turn. Plus Tasting helps thin the deck further.
Trevanent and all Item Lock decks are only scary if you passively allow them to be. You can beat them if you're aggressive enough. And honestly, adding cards that might help in a situation isn't going to help.
Here's my tips to improve the deck.
-1 Xerneas: You only need 2 to work well in this deck. 3 is just overkill.
-2 Xerneas EX: 1 is a good counter as you can either snipe or overkill something.
-2 Pikachu
-2 Raichu: Reason being is that there are other avenues to attack
-4 Tierno: Drawing 3 isn't great. You need speed which is important for this deck.
-4 Great Ball: Would be useful if Pokedex was reprinted but there are better search cards out there.
-2 Professor's Letter. Your initial objective is to use Geomancy to attach energy.
-6 Fairy Energy: Way too many. Most Aromatisse decks I use has a max of 8 Fairy Energy.
+1 Yveltal EX: Devastating as you can shift energies onto it. Add to that DCE then it adds very very quickly.
+1 Manetric EX
+1 M. Manetric EX. Practically the best mega EX in the meta now. Turbo Bolt makes sure you kill Yveltal EX and gets energy off the discard onto your Pokemon.
+1 Seismitoad EX. Why not counter with your own?
+2 Colress. You need additional draw late game and Colress does this very well.
+2 Skyla. Gets you any trainer which may prove necessary such as that Fairy Garden or that Professor's Letter.
+2 Ultra Ball. You're using Manetric so you can afford to junk 2 energy for this.
+2 Max Potion. Hard to source now but if you do, you can laugh at all the damage being wiped off.
+1 Manetric Spirit Link. Mega without having to waste a turn? Hell yeah!
+2 Lysandre. You need knockouts, this allows you to bring out wounded EXs and knock them out.
+2 VS Seeker. Grabs any trainer you need from the discard. Helps a lot if you need that Lysandre.
+2 Dark Energy
+2 Lightning Energy: Rainbow might be good until the opponent wises up and deletes them. Having Basic would be a much better proposition as you can use Y Cyclone to move the Darkness off or Turbo Bolt to retrieve them back.