Wi-Fi Trades Blue's Poke-shop

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Schrunchy the Skymin!
Shop Rules and Guidelines:
* Please do not go "wut do u wnt fr teh...?," "can i hav teh...?," or any derivations of such questions. I will redirect to you this section of the shop.
* I'm usually busy with uni or work, so I'll reply and trade when I have the time. Please be patient if we cannot trade immediately.
* Most FCs will be listed next to the section of the shop. Sections with more than 1 possible FC will not have the FC listed.
* I clone all of my Pokemon. I do not consider Korean Pokemon to be hacked, so that is why I offer them in my shop.
* Please do not be rude to me or to others in my shop.
* Please do not give me junk offers. I do not want to offer you a rip-off and I do not want to recieve a rip-off offer.
* If you do not see anything you want, feel free to ask if I have it. I've been collecting for 2+ years, so I have a much larger collection than just what is listed.
* Please let me know the nature and UT-ness of the Pokemon you offer.
* I can trade via Wifi and file for most Pokemon.
* This is not a freebie thread (with some exceptions with items/fillers). If I offered something for free, it is generally only for that day.

With my other shop being locked, I finally have the motivation to make a completely new shop.


*Once again, credit for the picture goes to a friend of mine*​

> Wants
> Black/White trades
> Movie Pre-Order Victini
> ANA Darkrai Black/White
> B/W Tour Celebi
> Canadian Ash's Pikachu
> Korean Ash's Pikachu
> Europe Celebi
> Europe Shiny Beasts
> Ash's Pikachu
> Korean Goon Scizor
> Gamestop beasts and Celebi
> Korean Crown Raikou
> Pokemon Ranger 3
* Heatran:
* Shaymin:
* Deoxys:
> Shiny Legendary Pokemon
> Platinum Shiny Pokemon
> Filed Shiny Pokemon
> Foreign shiny Pokemon
> RNG Egg move Breeding
> Services

* Shiny legendary Pokemon. Must be UT. High priority.
* Shiny 5th generation Pokemon. Preferrably UT. High priority.
* 5th generation legendaries. Can be UT or T. Mid priority.
* Shiny foreign Pokemon. Mid priority.
* Shiny chained/wild encounter Pokemon. Must be UT. Mid-low priority.
* Shiny RNG'd Pokemon. Must be UT and have good IVs. Mid-low priority.
* EVd Pokemon. Low priority.
* I will trade T for T, though I may refuse an offer.

Black/White trades
FC: ? ? ?

I have a box of female Zoruas with the egg move Extrasensory. I can trade you one for free. More will cost you.
I have all the Unova starters available at level 1, or I can get them in eggs. I also can get starters from the other regions by request.
I have boxes of shiny beasts and Celebis (BOXES!!! Like, over 100 shiny beasts). I will not ask for much since I have so many. This way you can keep your events in your 4th generation games while still activating the Zorua/Zoroark events!
I can catch any readily available Pokemon in the Unova region since I have Black (US and Japan) and White (Japan). I can get up to six commoner ones for free from any game.
I have the fossil Pokemon available also. First one free of course, but more will cost you.

Dream World Pokemon
(sorry if some aren't detailed; I couldn't figure out the nature for a few)
Shinx - Male - Relaxed
Oddish - Male - Quiet
Rattata - Male -
Ponyta - Male -
Hoppip - Male - Lonely
Croagunk - Male - [neutral nature]
Umbreon - Male - Modest
Lotad - Male - Quiet
NidoranF - Female - Impish
Kangaskhan - Female - Impish
NidoranM - Male - [neutral nature]
Poochyenna - Male - Adamant
Arceus - n/a - Bold
Farfetch'd - Male - Lax
Exeggcute - Male - [neutral nature]
Carivahna - Female - [neutral nature]
Barboach - Female - Relaxed
Chatot - female - [neutral nature]
Electrike - Male - [neutral nature]
Skarmory - Male - Adamant
Growlithe - Female - [neutral nature]
Pachirisu - Female - Relaxed
Murkrow - Male - Brave
Yanma - Male -
Manmoswine - Male -
Butterfree - Male - [neutral nature]
Aerodactyl - Female - Brave
Pidgey - Male - [neutral nature]
Staravia - Male -
Igglybuff - Female - [neutral nature]
Sudowoodo - Female - Impish

Extras I don't want in Black. Mostly to help people that can't transfer to Black/White. Take as many as you want - get them out of my game!
Gardevoir - Bold (synchronise)
Quagsire - Brave
Chatot - Naughty
Unown L - Sassy
Probopass - Gentle
Castform - Careful
Kecleon - Naive
Quilfish - Calm (Japanese)
Rapidash - Lax
Floatzel - Gentle
Staraptor - Adamant
Gastrodon - Lax
Rhyhorn - Careful
Budew - Calm
Chingling - Naughty
Cherrim - Timid
Wormdam - Lax
Seaking - gentle
Kricketune - Lax
Furret - Sassy
Golbat - Quirky
Fearow - Gentle
Drapion - Jolly
Abomisnow - Sassy
Medicham - Modest

Events and Shinies
UT unless stated otherwise

Distant Land Lunatone - Bashful (Baton Pass)
Ranger 3 Heatran - Quiet
Ranger 3 Deoxys - Relaxed
Ranger 3 Shaymin - Naughty

Shiny Aron - Adamant FLAWLESS
Shiny Audino - Timid JAP
Shiny Blitzle - Rash JAP
Shiny Brivary - Adamant (near flawless, EVd)
Shiny Deino - [neutral nature] (smileyrus)
Shiny dratini - Adamant
Shiny Girafarig - Quirky (Italian)
Shiny Giratina - Modest
Shiny Haxorus - Jolly (T, may be EVd)
Shiny Pokabu - Modest
Shiny Ralts - Modest
Shiny Riolu - Modest
Shiny Zorua - Jolly (T)

Transfer Service
I will transfer up to 6 Pokemon for you to Black/White. All I ask is a clone of the Pokemon to keep for myself.

I can clone Pokemon for you. All I ask is a clone of the Pokemon to keep for myself.

Movie Pre-order Victini
FC: I forget again.>.<
Can be traded as files

I have the WC for this date. I can try to get a nature that isn't listed by request.
Hardy (x2)
Quirky (x2)

ANA Darkrai Black/White
FC: NONE. These are file trades only.

12/27 - Adamant, Brave, Docile, Lonely, Serious

B/W Tour Celebi
FC: many
Can be traded as files.

I have the Wonder Card. any date available.

Canadian Ash's Pikachu
FC: many
Can be traded as files.

I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.

Korean Ash's Pikachu
FC: many.
Can also be traded as files.

I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.

Europe Celebi
FC: many.
Can also be traded as files.

I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.

I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.

I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.

Europe Shiny Beasts
FC: many.
Can also be traded as files.

English - I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.
Spanish - I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.
French - I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.
German - I have the Wonder card. Any date available.
Italian - I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.

English - I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.
Spanish - I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.
French - I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.
German - I have the Wonder card. Any date available.
Italian - I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.

Ash's Pikachu
I have the WC. Many dates available.

Korean Goon Scizor
I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.

Gamestop Beasts and Celebi
FC: many.
Can be traded as files.

I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.
Many available.

I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.
Many available.

I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.
Many available.

I have the Wonder Card. Any date available.
Many available.

Korean Crown Raikou
FC: many
Can be traded as files

9/20/2010 - Capable of taking hits, Hates to lose[x2], Good perseverance, Thoroughly cunning
9/21/2010 - Likes to thrash about, Mischevious, Likes to run
9/22/2010 - Often doses off[x2], Scatters things often
9/25/2010 - Impetuous and silly, Very finicky, Strongly defiant, Quick to flee
9/29/2010 - Sturdy body, Quick to flee[x2], Likes to run
9/30/2010 - Good perseverance, Alert to sounds
10/1/2010 - Likes to thrash about, Impetuous and silly, Good perseverance, Likes to run
10/2/2010 - Loves to eat, Often doses off
10/15/2010 - Mischevious
10/16/2010 - Hates to lose, Often lost in thought
10/22/2010 - Often lost in thought, Somewhat of a clown, Quick to flee, Good perseverance
10/23/2010 - Highly curious[x2], Hates to lose
10/24/2010 - Somewhat vain

Pokemon Ranger 3
FC: many
Can be traded as files.

Japan: many different dates available
English: available. Any date you'd like.
German: available. Any date you'd like.
French: available. Any date you'd like.
Italian: available. Any date you'd like.
Spanish: available. any date you'd like.

Japan: many different dates available
English: available. Any date you'd like.
German: available. Any date you'd like.
French: available. Any date you'd like.
Italian: available. Any date you'd like.
Spanish: available. any date you'd like.

Japan: Normal form available. Either one that has already been picked up or any date you'd like.
English: Normal, Defense, Attack, and Speed form available. Any date you'd like.
German: All forms available. Any date you'd like.
French: Attack form available. Any date you'd like.
Italian: Attack form available. Any date you'd like.
Spanish: Attack and Speed form available. Any date you'd like.

Shiny Legendary Pokemon
FC: many

[brackets] next to a Pokemon's nature tell about any conditions of the Pokemon.
"Myself" means I caught the Pokemon in one of my games.

Articuno - Bold, calm, Careful, Gentle, Modest[Myself], Relaxed[Japanese], Sassy[Myself], Timid, Quiet
Azelf - Bashful[x2], Bold, Calm, Careful[Myself], Hardy, Lax, Mild, Modest, Quiet[German], Timid, Docile[Myself]
Cresselia - Careful, Modest[Myself], Modest, Quiet, Relaxed, Bold[myself]
Darkrai - Adamant[JOSHK:)], Calm[Myself], Modest, Naive, Quiet, Timid[German], Bold[myself]
Deoxys - Calm[French], Quirky, Mild[very BT], Adamant[Japanese]
Dialga - Adamant, calm, Modest, Naive, Naughty, Relaxed, serious, Quirky, Hardy[Myself], Modest
Entei - Adamant[Japanese, CROWN]
Giratina - Adamant, Adamant[T], Bashful[German], Bold[x2], Brave, Hardy, Hasty, Impish[Myself], Mild, Modest[x2], Quiet[Myself], Serious[SmileyRUS], Naughty
Groudon - Jolly, Lax, Modest, Quiet[BT], Serious, Adamant
Heatran - Bold, Modest, Timid, Naive, Serious[myself]
Ho-oh - Relaxed, Adamant, Bold[Japanese], Timid, Quirky, Sassy[Japanese]
Jirachi - Docile
Kyogre - Calm, Impish, Modest, Timid, Naive
Latias - Docile, Quiet[Japanese], quirky[SmileyRUS], Timid
Latios - Quiet, Modest
Lugia - Gentle[SmileyRUS], Quirky[Japanese], Timid[x2], Modest[Japanese, Smileyrus]
Mespirit - Brave, Naive, Relaxed[Myself], Timid, Modest[Myself]
Mew - Adamant[Japanese]
Mewtwo - bashful[German], Calm, Docile, Gentle, Impish, Mild, Modest, Quiet[Japanese, Pokerus], serious, Timid
Moltres - Modest, Naive, Relaxed[Myself], Sassy[SmileyRUS], Timid[Myself], Bold[myself]
Palkia - Adamant[EIBON], Hardy, Naughty, Quiet, Sassy[x2], Modest[Myself], Relaxed, Impish[smileyRUS]
Raikou - Brave[German], Hasty, Timid[SmileyRUS, ribboned], Rash[Japanese, CROWN]
Rayquaza - Adamant, Bashful[German,T], Careful, Hardy, Jolly[x2], Sassy, Naughty, Timid
Regice - Bold, Careful[German], Modest, Relaxed[Myself], Sassy, Adamant
Regigigas - Adamant[x2], Bold[SmileyRUS], calm, hasty[SmileyRUS], Impish[Myself], Naughty, Quiet[Myself], Quirky[Myself]
REgirock - Adamant[Myself], Careful[x2], Relaxed[x2], Sassy[Myself]
REgisteel - bold[German], Careful, Rash, Relaxed[Myself], Sassy, Mild, Lonely
Shaymin - Bold[Myself], Gentle[Myself, Shaymin], Impish, Modest, Timid
Suicune - Bold, Bold[Japanese, Smileyrus], Impish, Naive[Japanese], Relaxed[Japanese, CROWN], Docile
Uxie - Calm[Pokerus], Hardy, Hasty, Impish,Bold[Myself] Naughty[German], Relaxed, Sassy, Serious, Timid, Rash[smileyRUS]
Zapdos - Bold[Myself], Brave, Calm[Myself], Gentle[German], Jolly, Rash

Platinum Shiny Pokemon
FC: 3051 3499 4874

[brackets] next to a Pokemon's nature tell about any conditions of the Pokemon.
"*" next to a Pokemon's nature means I cannot nickname it in my game.

Absol - Hardy, Calm, Relaxed, Bold*, Naïve*
Aipom - Timid*
Anorith - Adamant
Aron - Jolly[Omoikanea]
Articuno - Quiet*[IceIceBaby], Modest[RNG]
Baltoy - Jolly[Golden]
Barboach - Bold*[PKRS]
Beldum - Bashful, Impish, Lax, Lonely, Careful*, Quirky
Bidoof - Adamant[RNG, Buck Teeth]<- Like, moar awesomesauce tan Arceus, Calm*
Bonsly - Adamant*
Bronzong - Lonely*
Bronzor - Adamant[RNG, Green Can]
Bulbasaur - Naïve, Quirky, Jolly, Lax*[SmileyRUS], Calm*
Buneary - Docile
Cacnea - Calm*
Caterpie - Modest*
Charmander - Lonely, Hasty, Rash, Adamant*, Jolly*
Cherubi - Jolly
Chikorita - Docile
Chimchar - Bold, Jolly
Chinchou - Calm*
Clamperl - Modest, Brave
Cleffa - Timid
Combee - Quiet[F, Izanami], Timid[M]
Corphish - Adamant*
Croagunk - Naughty*, Hardy*, Adamant*
Cyndaquil - Quiet, Hasty
Diglett - Adamant*
Dodrio - Relaxed*[Japanese]
Doduo - Adamant*
Dratini - Impish*
Drifloon - Calm, Modest*, Relaxed[RNG, Pebbles]
Eevee - Quirky*, Adamant*, Impish*, Bold*[T], Lonely, Quirky, Relaxed[x2], Brave, Mild, Calm, Impish*
Electrike - Naïve, Bashful, Timid, Impish, Relaxed, Modest, Mild, Gentle
Farfetch'd - Modest*[T]
Feebas - Modest*
Gastly - Timid[Sunset]
Geodude - Adamant[RNG, Strong Arm]
Gible - Quirky[DmndDust], Bashful*
Giratina - Bold*[T], Modest*
Glameow - Rash[Susanoo]
Golbat - Jolly[RNG, Jolly Bat]
Golden - Quiet[RNG, Orange Fin]
Graveler - Quiet[RNG, Four Rocks]
Grimer - Modest[x2], Quiet, Careful, Adamant*[Berry Glitch Fix]
Growlithe - Docile*, Sassy
Gyarados - Mild*[BT], Gentle*, Docile*[BT]
Happiny - Adamant, Gentle
Hariyama - Serious*
Heracross - Adamant*
Hoothoot - Timid*
Hoppip - Impish, Serious, Sassy, Docile, Relaxed, Modest, Bold
Houndour - Lonely, Rash*, Lonely*
Igglybuff - Docile
Illumise - Modest*
Kangaskhan - Adamant*
Kirlia - Relaxed*
Koffing - Quirky*
Lapras - Bashful*
Larvitar - Naïve
Ledyba - Lax*[Rex]
Lickatung - Bold*, Hasty*, Rash*
Lileep - Careful[Cerise]
Lotad - Serious
Lumineon - Quiet[RNG, Yummy Late]
Lunatone - Lax
Magmar - Timid, Serious, Calm, Impish, Quirky, Jolly
Magnemite - Naïve[Perfect IVs]
Mantyke - Sassy
Mareep - Mild[Izanagi]
Marill - Hardy*
Meditite - Quiet[RNG, Red Fist]
Meditite - Serious*, Timid*
Moltres - Timid[RNG]
Mudkip - Impish*, Careful
Munchlax - Gentle
Oddish - Timid*, Modest
Oxix - Adamant[RNG, Jade Snake]
Pachirisu - Adamant[RNG, Pink Tail], Adamant*
Paras - Mild
Pelipper - Docile[x3], Quiet, Brave[x2]
Pichu - Docile, Naïve, Timid, Modest*, Docile*
Pidgey - Brave
Pikachu - Jolly[x2], Naughty, Docile, Sassy, Gentle
Pineco - Modest*[GOLDIE]
Piplup - Docile*
Plusle - Docile*
Poliwag - Careful, Bashful*
Ponyta - Careful, Brave, Jolly, Calm*
Poochyena - Brave
Psyduck - Careful*
Quilfish - Lonely
Raikou - Timid*[SmileyRUS]
Ralts - Docile*, Timid*
Rattata - Serious*
REgigigas - Impish[RNG]
Regirock - Adamant[RNG]
Remoraid - Rash
Rhyhorn - Impish, Adamant*, Bold
Riolu - Naïve, Jolly, Lonely*
Roselia - Calm
Rotom - Hardy, Brave*[Japanese]
Sableye - Adamant*, Rash*[T]
Sandshrew - Sassy
Seedot - Timid[Tsukuyomi], Adamant*
Seviper - Timid, Hasty, Relaxed
Shaymin - Gentle[RNG, Shaymin]
Shellder - Quiet[RNG, GoldShield]
Shellos - Quiet[West, RNG, PinkBubble]
Shinx - Lax, Jolly, Quirky, Relaxed, Gentle, Naughty, Careful, Adamant, Mild, Calm, Naïve, Brave, Sassy, Lonely
Shroomish - Adamant*
Silcoon - Relaxed*[T]
Skarmory - Impish
Skitty - Lax, Timid
Skorupi - Jolly
Slakoth - Docile*, Quiet*, Naughty*
Slugma - Careful[Mercury]
Snorlax - Mild
Snorunt - Bashful[Amateras], Adamant, Rash[x2], Lonely, Bashful, Modest, Naïve, Hardy, Brave*
Snover - Sassy
Solrock - Lax, Quirky*[T]
Spearow - Bold
Spheal - Careful
Squirtle - Careful, Modest*
Stantler - Adamant*
Starly - Careful[Zepha]
Stunky - Bold, Impish, Lonely, Bashful, Adamant*, Mild*, Quirky*,
Taillow - Jolly*, Impish, Lax
Tauros - Jolly*
Tentacool - Quiet[RNG, The Alien!]
Tentacruel - Timid*
Torchic - Hasty
Totodile - Modest
Trapinch - Sassy, Naive, Docile
Tropius - Quiet
Turtwig - Brave*
Venonat - Modest
Vulpix - Jolly*, Mild*, Brave*, Careful
Weedle - Lax*[T], Adamant*
Yanma - Naïve, Modest*[Japanese]
Zangoose - Adamant
Zapdos - Calm[RNG]
Zigzagoon - Naïve, Hardy, Adamant, Quirky, Mild, Lonely
Zubat - Adamant[RNG, Pink Wing], Quiet[RNG, Green Bite], Calm*[BRUCEY], Naughty*

Filed Shiny Pokemon
FC: many
Can be traded as files

[brackets] next to a Pokemon's nature tell about any conditions of the Pokemon.
"Myself" means I caught the Pokemon in one of my games.
This section is small because I need to file the Pokemon before it goes here.

Absol - Adamant[flawless]
Ariados - Adamant
Azumarill - Impish[Myself]
Baltoy - Brave[German]
Bibarel - Impish[Myself]
Budew[All RNG, all Myself] - Bashful, Modest, Quiet, Timid
Bulbasaur - Timid
Buneary - Brave
Burmy - Gentle[Japanese]
Castform - Modest[flawless]
Cherubi - Serious[Myself, Fruit cake]
Cleffa - Bashful[Myself, Star]
Corsola - Modest[Flawless]
Delibird - Naughty[Myself, Mrs.Claus]
Dewgong - Impish[Myself]
Dratini - Jolly
Drifloon - Lonely
Eevee - Bashful[Korean]
Exeggcute - Naive[Korean]
Feebas - Lonely[Japanese]
Floatzel - Impish[Myself]
Geodude - Adamant, Quiet
Girafarig - Impish[Myself]
Golbat - Quiet[RNG, PinknGreen]
Gyarados - Impish[Myself, Red Rage], Hasty
Kecleon - Careful
Ledian[all myself] - Gentle, Hardy, Modest[x2], Relaxed
Lickatung - Bashful
Loudred - Modest
Lunatone - Bashful
Luvdisc - Impish[Myself, Gold Heart]
Magby - Brave[Myself]
Meowth - Impish[Myself, Pink Neko], Bashful[Myself], Jolly[KitKat, Flawless]
Meowth - Modest[Korean]
Miltank - Bashful[Myself, Egg Nog]
Munchlax - Careful[Korean]
NidoranM - Jolly[myself]
Numel - Impish[German]
Onix - Quiet[RNG, Mossy Rock]
Pelipper - Impish[Myself]
Pichu - Modest[Myself, YellowBaby], Impish[Myself]
Pidgey - Calm
Pineco - Impish
Porygon - Modest
Primeape - Quirky
Psyduck - Impish[RNG, DaBlueDuck]
Raticate - Calm
Riolu - Naive
Roselia - Impish[Myself], Modest[RNG, Black Rose]
Rotom - Modest[Myself], Timid[near flawless]
Sandshrew - Adamant[Korean]
Seaking - Impish[Myself, ImpishFish], Quiet[RNG, SirLazyFin]
Shieldon - Sassy[Korean]
Shuppet - Hasty[Japanese]
Skuntank[All myself] - Careful, Gentle[x2], Mild, Quiet, Sassy
Smoochum - Impish
Snorlax - Careful[Korean]
Snover - Modest[Myself, X-Mas Tree]
Solrock - Lonely[Red Giant]
Spoink - Impish, Lonely
Squirtle - Modest
Stantler - Adamant[Myself, Vixen], Naughty[Myself, Dasher]
Staravia - Modest[Myself, Brown Wing], Impish[Myself]
Staryu - Timid
Sudowoodo - Serious[WOODY]
Surskit[all myself] - Bold, Naive, Quiet
Swablu - Careful
Tauros - Calm[Myself, The Grinch]
Togepi - Modest[flawless], Docile
Totodile - Lax
Trapinch - Docile[Japanese]
Treecko - Modest
Voltorb - Careful, Lax
Weedle - Careful
Weepinbell - Bashful
Whismur - Modest[Korean]
Wurmple - Relaxed[German]
Zubat - Jolly[RNG]

Foreign shiny Pokemon
FC: many

All were obtained by me.
[Brackets] next to the Pokemon tell the language of the Pokemon.

Abra [Japanese]
Ariados [Japanese]
Aron [Korean]
Bagon [Korean]
Banette [Japanese]
Bidoof [Japanese, Korean]
Budew [Spanish]
Cacturne [Japanese]
Chingling [Korean]
Cubone [Italian]
Doduo [Spanish]
Drowzee [Korean,Spanish]
Dugtrio [Japanese]
Dunsparce [Italian]
Dusclops [Korean]
Electabuzz [German]
Electrike [German, Korean]
Farfetch'd [German]
Fearow [Japanese]
Flaffy [Spanish]
Floatzel [Spanish]
Gastrodon [Italian]
Geodude [Italian]
Girafarig [French]
Gligar [Japanese]
Kirlia [French]
Kricketune [Spanish]
Larvitar [Japanese]
Luxio [French]
Magnemite [Japanese]
Mareep [Korean]
Marill [German]
Medatite [Korean]
Mr. Mime [German]
Natu [Japanese]
Pachirisu [Korean]
Pichu [French]
Pikachu [Korean]
Poochyenna [German]
Quagsire [Italian]
Ralts [French]
Rhyhorn [Spanish]
Roselia [French]
Scyther [Korean]
Sentret [Japanese]
Shellos [Korean]
Shinx [German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish]
Skitty [French]
Slowpoke [Italian]
Spinda [German]
Spoink [Italian]
Stantler [Korean]
Staravia [Spanish]
Starly [German, Korean]
Sudowoodo [Korean]
Swablu [Korean]
Swellow [French]
Togepi [Korean]
Venomoth [Korean]
Voltorb [Italian]
Wingull [Korean]
Zigzagoon [Japanese]

RNG Egg move Breeding
FC: many

note: I can try for natures, but I cannot RNG breed for IVs.

Diamond 1:
Skarmory - Egg moves Curse and Whirlwind
Eevee - Egg moves Wish and Yawn
Budew – Egg moves Razor Leaf, Leaf Storm, and Extrasensory
Shinx – Egg moves Fire Fang, Ice Fang, and Thunder Fang
Vulpix - Egg moves Energy Ball, Heat Wave, Hypnosis, and Faint Attack

Diamond 2:
Totodile - Egg moves DragonDance and Ice Punch
Nincada – Egg moves Faint Attack, Night Slash, and Bug Bite
Larvitar - Egg moves Dragon Dance and Outrage
Swinub – Egg moves Curse and Body Slam

Baulbasaur - Egg moves Petal Dance, Ingrain, Grasswhistle, and Magical Leaf
Charmander - Egg moves Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush
Squirtle - Egg moves Aqua Ring, Aqua Jet, and Ice Beam
Chikorita - Egg moves Vine Whip, Leaf Storm, and Wring Out
Totodile - Egg moves Metal Claw and Dragon Claw
Cyndaquil - Egg moves Fury Swipes, Flame Wheel (early learn) and Fire Blitz
Treecko - Egg moves Crunch and Dragon Breath
Mudkip - Egg moves Ancient Power and Mirror Coat
Torchic - Egg moves Night Slash and Shadow Claw
Turtwig - Egg move Seed Bomb
Chimchar - Egg moves Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, and Brick Break
Piplup - Egg moves Mud Sport, Mud-slap, and Hydro Pump
Bagon - Egg move Dragon Dance
Gible - Egg move Dragon Dance -OR- Egg moves Metal Claw, Iron Head, Earthquake, and Dragon Claw

Riolu – Egg moves Sky Uppercut, Blaze Kick, and Brick Break
Rhyhorn – Egg moves Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, and Curse -OR- Counter, Magnitude, and Fire Fang
Lileep - Egg moves Curse, Toxic, Rock Slide, and Recover
Growlithe - Egg moves Flare Blitz, Heat Wave, Thrash, and Crunch

FC: many

All items, berries, and TMs.
Finding your SID for you.
Move tutoring in any 4th generation game.
Based on availability and time, I do have an RNG service (eggs and some wild Pokemon).
Common Pokedex fillers and *some* foreign Pokemon.

Legendary/rare Pokedex fillers available:
Japanese Rayquaza (lv. 70 and 99)
Japanese Regice

Platinum 1:
Japanese Groudon
German Articuno
French Azelf
Japanese Entei
German Mespirit
German Uxie

Platinum 2:
Rhyperior (not a legend, but hard to obtain)
Magmortar (not a legend, but hard to obtain)
Japanese Registeel
Electivire (not a legend, but hard to obtain)
Japanese Giratina
Japanese Dialga
Japanese Darkrai

Japanese Soul Silver:
Japanese Dittos

RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0

Can you CML for the best EV-training Electrike (shiny one).
I'd also like to get the non-english/japanese dexing for Daimond.
I can set up a time over the x-mas holiday/week.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0

The best one I could find in my file collection was Serious @ 25/30/10/24/14/25. I can't check any of the ones in my Platinum game as easily since they're all level 1. Which foreign Pokemon do you want? I'll be able to trade from the 18th onward except for part of the 21st.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0

^I'll see what I can do for next weekend (as it's the last one before X-mas).
I need these:
Ekans: French, Spanish & Italian
Psyduck: French, Spanish & Italian
Ponyta: French, Spanish & Italian
Staryu: French, Spanish & Italian
Magikarp: French & Spanish
Wobbuffet: French, Spanish & Italian
Heracross: French, Spanish & Italian
Sneasel: French, Spanish & Italian
Teddiursa: French, Spanish & Italian
Houndour: French, Spanish & Italian
Wingull: French, Spanish & Italian
Slakoth: French, Spanish & Italian
Roselia: French, Spanish & Italian
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

These are the ones I can get from my games the easiest:
Psyduck: French, Spanish & Italian
Ponyta: French, Spanish & Italian
Staryu: French, Spanish & Italian
Magikarp: French & Spanish
Wobbuffet: French, Spanish & Italian
Sneasel: French, Spanish & Italian
Teddiursa: French, Spanish & Italian
Houndour: French, Spanish & Italian
Wingull: French, Spanish & Italian
Roselia: French, Spanish & Italian

But 29 for free is a lot. Could I get 3 shinies for them?
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

^I only want their data.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

But 29 specific Pokemon is a lot to go out and catch for free. I'd like something for catching all 29 of them for you.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

I'm interested in your shiny Spheal. Would you accept a Shiny Jirachi, of what I believe is an Impish nature? But it is very rare and valuable (it's a WISHMAKR one, legit checked many a time), so I'd like your shiny Lapras too for it.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

Bluesummers said:
But 29 specific Pokemon is a lot to go out and catch for free. I'd like something for catching all 29 of them for you.
What bout a (pre-cloned) Japanese PCP & Arceus (both events) or Master Balls?
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

Alvin - who was it checked by?

LV - I have Japanese PCPs and Arceuses and pretty much an unlimited supply of Master Balls.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

^Ok, Pick 6 of what u'd like from me & I'll go & get them hack-checked (on SPPF).
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

I said I only wanted three shinies for the 29 Pokemon. I'd like these so long as they are UT:


if they're not UT I'll pick something else.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

Not sure. I received it from xxashxx, who got it from pokemonsecure and had it checked there.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

Bluesummers said:
I said I only wanted three shinies for the 29 Pokemon. I'd like these so long as they are UT:


if they're not UT I'll pick something else.
Marowak's been evo'd from a Cubone.
Everything else is UT.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

Finals are over (mostly) so now I can focus more on the shop.

LV - I'll pick something else and edit in a moment.

Alvin - could you pick/ask for something so that it's an easier 1:1 trade?
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

I would, but it took a lot to get, and I'm not ready to trade it for 1 normal shiny.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

Is its nature Docile? (I looked back and didn't see any mention of its nature)
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added: shiny legendary section.

I really want your modest shiny cresselia. I have a Crown entei with perfect Iv's. It is adamant and shiny. I can also clone through GTS on diamond so you can get your pokemon back with mine. My Friend Code is 2923-5788-3386. Thanks and happy holidays.
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