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bobsasukes trading thread trying to get my newest wants


Aspiring Trainer

lv x, promos, secrets, EX"S
empoleon lv x tin
Shaymin lv x tin
infernape lv x tin
torterra lvx pack
darkrai lv x tin
gengar ex damaged
rayuaza ex damaged
groudon ex
celebi ex
Garchomp C lvx

Supreme Victors
shroomish x2
x2 nincada
skorupi x3
croagunk x4
spiritomb c x2
chimchar x2
roserade c
milotic c
corphish x4
foatzel x2
buizel x4
mudkip x4
rotom rh
palmers contribution rh
night teleporter
cyruss initiacive
garchomp c rh

rising rivals
x2 Flareon 4
x2 Infernape 4
Nuzleaf RR
Carvanha RR x3 1rh
Steelix GL x2 1rh
Aron rr
Forretress G x2
gastrodon west RR
Nidoking RR x2 1rh
Gliscor 4 x4 1 RH
Whiscash 4
hippowdon 4 x2 1rh
Aerodactyl 4 x3 1rh
Hippopotas RR
Lairon RR
Nidorina RR x2
x2 koffing RR
x2 Nidoran female RR
nidoran male RR x3
Nidorino RR x4
Alakazam 4 x2 1rh
Espeon 4 x2
starmie RR
Shellos west RR x2
Gastrodon east RR
Sealeo RR x3
Froslass RR rh
Leafeon RR x2 1rh
Seedot RR
Heracross 4
Kakuna RR x2
Weedle RR x2
Roserade GL rh
Tirtwig GL
Scizor 4 RR x2
Snorlax RR x2 81
munchlax RR x2 69
munchlax RR x2 1rh 70
Keclceon RR x2
ambipom G
Vibrava RR
darkari G
sharpedo RH
Snorlax #33
golem 4 x2 1rh

Bronzong G x2
Vulpix PT x2 1rh
Torkoal PT
Chimchar PT x2
Combusken PT x2
Torchic PT x2
Mightyena PT x2 1rh
Bastiodon PT
Shieldon PT
Lucario PT rh
Electrike PT x4
Riolou PT x3
Diglett PT x4
muk PT
Shuppet PT x4
Ralts PT x4
Mismagius PT x4 1rh
Banette PT
Misdreavus PT x5 1rh
kirlia PT x3
Gardwvoir PT
Golduck PT
Psyduck PT x2
Probopass PT
Lapras PT x2
kricketot PT x2
Carnivine PT
Kricketune PT rh
cascoon PT x2 1rh
turtwig PT
Lotag PT
Cacturne PT
Silcoon PT
Combee PT
Skitty PT x2
Vigoroth PT
Slakoth PT
Dunsparce PT
Swablu PT x2
Turos PT x4
Happiny PT
Chansey PT x2
crobat G x2
poochyena x2

Storm Front
Stunky SF x2
magneton x2 metal
maneton lightning
magnemite x2
Skuntank SF x2 1rh
Sableye SF x3
Skarmory SF
Pichu SF
Electrode SF x2 1rh
Voltorb SF x2 1rh
Pupitar SF x3
larvitar SF x5
Swinub SF x2
Onix SF
Mamoswine SF
Machop SF x5
Haunter SF
Gastly SF x2
Misdreavus SF
Budew SF x3
Snover SF
Magikarp SF
finneon SF
Cherubi SF
Tangela SF x2
Combee SF x2
Vespiquen SF x2 1rh
Bagon SF
Starly SF x2
Bidoof SF x3
Staravia SF x2
Staraptor SF
regigigias rh

legends awakened
Poochyena LA x2
Mightyena LA x2 1rh
Metang LA x2
Beldum LA x4
Chinchou LA
lanturn LA 59
Anorith LA rh
Drifloon LA
Spoink LA
Exeggutor LA
Dexoys Defense LA
Misdreavus LA
Drifblim LA
Poliwag LA x3
staryu LA x3
tentacool LA
Swinub LA RH
Poliwhirl La x2
Froslass LA x2 h
Laturn LA 58
Ledian LA x2
Ledyba LA x4
yanma LA x4
ninjask La x2
Pineco LA x2
Gloom LA RH
Oddish LA
castform LA x2 1rh
Meowth LA x4
regigigias h 15
politoad h

majestic dawn
Umbreon MD
Pikachu MD x2
Electrike MD x4
Raichu MD rh
Pachirisu MD
Manectric MD x2
Sudowoodo MD
Hippowdon MD x2
Bronzor MD
Prinplup MD x3
Piplup MD x4
Croagunk MD x2 1rh
Shellos east MD x2
turtwig MD 78
Scyther MD x2
Munchlax MD
Starly MD
Buneary MD x2
ambipom MD
Eevee MD 62 x3
Spearow MD
eevee 63
philone 12 RH
burmy sand
empoleon x2

Diamond and pearl
Misdreavus Dp x2
Ponyta DP
Chimchar DP
Stunky DP x3 1rh
Nuzleaf DP x2
Skuntank DP h
Meditite DP x2
Machop DP x2
Bonsly Dp
Machoke DP
Hippopatas DP
Skorupi DP
Drapion Dp
Haunter DP
Mime Jr Dp
Azumarill DP
Buizel DP
Mantyke DP
Marill DP
Roselia dP x3
Cascoon DP x2
Seedot DP x2
Cherubi DP x2 1rh
Roserade DP h
NOctowl DP rh
clefairy DP
Cleffa DP
buneary DP
Staravia DP
Azurill DP
Glameow DP x2
Bidoof DP x2
infernape x2 1 RH

Mysterious treasures
Magmar MT x2 1RH
ninetails MT rh
cyndaquil MT x3 2RH
Quilava MT x2 1rh
Murkrow MT
Aron MT
Sheildon MT x2
Electrike MT
Pichu MT
Graveler MT
Geodude MT x2
Crobat MT
Golbat MT x2
Abra MT
Croagunk mt
Nidorina MT x2
Nidoran female MT x4
Octillery MT
Craconaw MT x2
Seel MT
Remoraid MT
Buziel MT
Sealeo Mt
snorunt my x4
totadille Mt x2 1rh
Spheal MT x2
masquerain MT
parasect MT rh
spinarak MT
Exeggutor MT
Abomasnow MT
Surskit MT
Exeggcute MT x2
kricketot MT x2
Bayleef MT x2 1rh
Chikorita MT x3
Gible MT
Aipom MT
Dunsparce MT
girafig MT
Blissey MT h

Great encounters
Cacturne GE
Makuhita GE
Pelipper GE
Weedle GE x3
Kakuna GE x3
Snubull GE
loudred GE x2
Exploud GE
Glameow GE
whismur GE x3
darkari 4 h
cresslia x2
darkari #3 h

secret wonders
Electravire SW H
Voltorb SW
Gastrodon west SW h
Smoochum SW
Shuppet SW
Nidoran Male SW x3
quilfish SW
Lotad SW
corsola SW
Cloyster SW
Ivysaur SW x2
Venonat SW
Burmy Trash SW x3 2rh
Roselia SW
Bulbasaur SW x2
Venomoth SW
Burmy plant SW x2
bagon SW x2
miltank SW
Farfetched'd SW
RAttata SW
Sentret SW
Kecleon SW
Spinda SW
Pidgeotto SW

Trainers, ETC
Berthas Warmth x2
Pokemon Contest Hall x3 1rh
Upper energy
Lucians assignment RH
Technical MachineG x2
Aaron's Clooection x2
Galatic HQ
Energy Gain x2
Pluspower x2
Cyrus's conspiracy
Pokeball x5 1rh
Life herb x2
Pokehealer x2
Poke radar
Dome fossil
Technical Machine TS-1
Claw Fossil
conductive Quarry x2
Professor Rowan
Armor Fossil x3 1rh
Energy switch x7
Energy search x11 1rh
Quick ball x2
Night maintenance
Bubble coat x2
Energy restore x2
Potion x15 1rh
Underground expidition
Metal Energy
flints willpower
poke turn x2
erergy pickup

garchomp c x2
requazza c x2
lickylicky c x4
milotic c
lucario c x2
altaria c
roserade c
togekiss c
palmers contribution x2
cynthias guidance x2
champions room
sp energy x4
gible mt x3
gabite MT x2
garchomp SV
garchomp lv x from majestic dawn
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

Approved! Welcome, if you have not already done so, please read the rules to make sure you understand and follow the rules.


RE: bobsasukes trading thread

Check my List to see if there is anything you would like. Will trade lots for a Lv. X

Looking for :Mismagius Lv X

I do have a Mismagius GL + others

RE: bobsasukes trading thread

starforce: all i saw was hippowdon lv x
tatusa: sorry didnt see anything
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

How about my 2 Energy Switch RF, Call Energy, Gliscor 4 RF, Ivysaur SW, and 2 Cyndaquil MT
for your Glaceon X?
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

darksoul: i will get back to on that one

i need the azelf lv x from you darksoul
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

I have the following
Gliscor 4 RH
Nidoran-RR RH
Typhlosion-MT RH
Nidoking RR RH

I am interested in your
Dusknoir Lv X

pm me if you want to trade
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

Hm... The problem is, I am making an AMU deck at the moment. Is there some uncommons or maybe a rare I can add to my previous offer?
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

i would need the nidoking SW and nidoqueen MT

i would need the nidoking SW and nidoqueen MT from you
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

Could I throw in an uncommon to make up for them? Please CML for anything please! :)
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

what about dialga g lv x for my glaceon lv x

or else i need all these also
Mow Rotom
Heat Rotom
Wash Rotom
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

Err, that's more slanted in your favor, as Dialga GX is worht a lot more than Glaceon. Is there anything I can add to the last offer?
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

i saw these but i dont know how much they are worth a peice
Mow Rotom
Heat Rotom
Wash Rotom
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

The Rotoms are worth about $8-10 each. What if I did:

Gliscor 4 RF, 2 Energy Switch RF, Ivysaur SW, and Wash Rotom for GLaceon X?
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

i just looked it up my self and found out that the rotoms are only worth about 5 a peice so i could do
wash rotom-5$
mow rotom-5$
heat rotom-5$

glaceon lv x- 15-24$
RE: bobsasukes trading thread

...Alright, I can do that. I'm also interested in your Gardevoir X and Mismagius GL X. Would you like to do the previous offer for one of them?