• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Boiling Hydro Pump (White Kyurem EX / Charizard / Kyurem EX)


Aspiring Trainer
Boilling Hydropump (my deck name)


  • 1 White Kyurem EX
    1 Kangaskan EX
    1 Mega Kangaskan EX
    2 Kyurem EX
    3 Charmander
    3 Charmeleon
    3 Charizard
    2 Cubchoo
    1 Beartic
    1 Keldeo
    1 Reshiram
    1 Tauros (Flash Fire)

  • 1 Evosoda
    2 Heavy Ball
    1 Hypnotoxic Laser
    1 Max Revive
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Town Map
    1 Cheren
    2 Cilan
    1 N
    1 Pokemon Center Lady
    1 Professor Juniper
    1 ACE SPEC Crystal Edge
    1 Muscle Band
    1 Rescue Scarf
    1 Rocky Helmet

  • 11 Fire Energy
    10 Water Energy
    2 Double Colorless Energy

My strategy is to win.. plain and simple lol

Anybody have any tips? I would like to have less pokemon.. and more trainer cards.. But I dont have enough water, fire, or colorless EX cards.. This is the energy combo that allows me to have the most of my EX cards in a deck as possible.. These are my pokemon trading card game online cards by the way... I won second place in a tournament with this deck yesterday.. but I got whooped in the championship round.. so any advice to make my deck better? I would greatly appreciate it! :)

We require a strategy to help you better your deck, so please put that in so we can help you better! I've edited your list to coincide with the rules, so please use the template we have in here next time! Thanks! :D ~Kecleon