Pokemon (22):
All cards except Scramble Switch and Rare Candy are from XY sets on.
This is my first deck, I just got into the TCG two weeks ago. With some doubt I used the 'Fun' prefix, since it's not actually fun when half my opponents on PTCGO concede within 5 minutes! This deck is seriously winning 80% of the time on Ranked. There are no EX Pokemon in this deck, as up until today I have been dead against them.
Golem will hit for at least 150 with Explosion, +20 boosted per each Machamp on the bench plus Strong Energy bonuses. So it isn't uncommon to hit for 200+ before resistance. Protection Cube = no recoil.
Hitmontop offers slight draw support and Helicoptero is handy to switch out once Golem is up and running.
Dedenne helps me get Machop and Geodude out quickly. Its attack can be surprisingly nifty as well.
Miltank is sort of like my scapegoat for when my Stage 2s are benched but not ready for attack. Hence Miltank can hit for 80 with one energy.
The trainers are self-explanatory. Draw support. Evolution support. Energy support. Korrina is super for fetching Protection Cube or Rare Candy. And I love screwing opponents with Lysandre, like getting their defenseless EX Pokemon out from the bench and OHKOing it for 2 Prize Cards.
I've noticed a lot of decklists have fewer Pokemon and Energy in exchange for 30+ Trainers. Is this a standard? My main concern is that Hitmontop, Dedenne and Miltank are being deadweights. Not really necessary. All of them have their useful points but I'm not able to exploit them each game.
Geodude - 3
Graveler - 2
Golem - 3
Machop - 3
Machoke - 2
Machamp - 3
Hitmontop - 2
Dedenne - 2
Miltank - 2
Scramble Switch - 1
Korrina - 3
Rare Candy - 4
Protection Cube - 3
Professors Letter - 3
Tierno - 2
Evosoda - 2
Lysandre - 2
Pokemon Center Lady - 2
Strong Energy - 4
Double Colorless Energy - 4
Fighting Energy -8
All cards except Scramble Switch and Rare Candy are from XY sets on.
This is my first deck, I just got into the TCG two weeks ago. With some doubt I used the 'Fun' prefix, since it's not actually fun when half my opponents on PTCGO concede within 5 minutes! This deck is seriously winning 80% of the time on Ranked. There are no EX Pokemon in this deck, as up until today I have been dead against them.
Golem will hit for at least 150 with Explosion, +20 boosted per each Machamp on the bench plus Strong Energy bonuses. So it isn't uncommon to hit for 200+ before resistance. Protection Cube = no recoil.
Hitmontop offers slight draw support and Helicoptero is handy to switch out once Golem is up and running.
Dedenne helps me get Machop and Geodude out quickly. Its attack can be surprisingly nifty as well.
Miltank is sort of like my scapegoat for when my Stage 2s are benched but not ready for attack. Hence Miltank can hit for 80 with one energy.
The trainers are self-explanatory. Draw support. Evolution support. Energy support. Korrina is super for fetching Protection Cube or Rare Candy. And I love screwing opponents with Lysandre, like getting their defenseless EX Pokemon out from the bench and OHKOing it for 2 Prize Cards.
I've noticed a lot of decklists have fewer Pokemon and Energy in exchange for 30+ Trainers. Is this a standard? My main concern is that Hitmontop, Dedenne and Miltank are being deadweights. Not really necessary. All of them have their useful points but I'm not able to exploit them each game.