Booster Box prices?


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, I'm sorry if this is against the rules, I'm pretty new to this. I saw that there's a card price thread, but I didn't feel like this topic fit in there.

Anyways, I recently acquired booster boxes of 1st edition Neo Destiny, 1st edition Neo Revelation, and 1st edition Neo Discovery. Any idea what the market value of these are?
If you're looking to sell that Neo Destiny Box, I'll definitely buy it off of you. xD

But all three are pretty pricey.
Neo Destiny is going for 130$
Neo Discovery is about 135$
Neo Revelation I can't find

These are the prices that I found on eBay however I don't think that they are first edition so even more than listed above.
Thanks for the info, guys. I'm sorry but these aren't for sale at the moment. Just wanted to know their relative value for collection purposes :)