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Bouffalant/Deoxys EX


10 Pokemon

  • 4 Bouffalant
    4 Kyurem
    2 Keldeo EX
37 Trainers

  • 4 Colress Machine
    3 Pokemon Catcher
    4 Silver Bangle
    3 Float Stone
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Computer Search
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    2 Virbank City Gym
    3 N
    4 Professor Juniper
    4 Skyla
    2 Colress
13 Energy

  • 4 Double Colorless
    4 Plasma
    5 Water
try to OHKO EX's with Boufalant with the help of Hypnotoxic Laser + Virbank City Gym+3 Deoxys (Team Plasma Badge).

(I am thinking of adding Thundurus EX.)
I am open to Suggestions (I probably missed some cards) and this deck is not finished yet still needs a few tweeks.
If you want to feature Bouffalant as an attacker and want to buff his attacking power, why not use Aerodactyl? That way, you don't have to have Plasma Badges. Aerodactyl also uses colorless energy to attack. You could also consider putting in Revives to help get Bouffalant back.
smeargleman said:
If you want to feature Bouffalant as an attacker and want to buff his attacking power, why not use Aerodactyl? That way, you don't have to have Plasma Badges. Aerodactyl also uses colorless energy to attack. You could also consider putting in Revives to help get Bouffalant back.

I was considering Rescue Scarf but I Just cant find room and getting them back is not a huge deal.
And for Aerodactyl it is like the same thing as Deoxys EX but mine opinion 90 HP less.
If I do take away Deoxys EX and Team Plasma Badge and add Aerodactyl and old amber Aerodactyl. Then I am doing the same thing in room.
And he is harder to search/get out. And when you do get him out people can just catcher Aerodactyl and kill him with his low 90.
But they cant do that with Deoxys EX as easy
Ok I just relized (Thanks to Scizor45). That I had 6 Team Plasma Badges. So I made some changes to the deck here they are.
-4 Prism (Psychic Energy does the same for Deoxys EX and it is not speical (I put it in the first place because of Keldeo but I forgot that I was using all Speical)
-2 Team Plasma Badge (Mistake on mine part I put 6 on accident)
+5 Psychic (For Deoxys EX and now I have a answer to Cobalion EX
+1 Catcher (always good)
Gusto83 said:
4 Colress Machine and 4 plasma energy is kinda odd for just Deoxys.
It is not only for Deoxys EX it is mostly for Bouffalant with Team Plasma Badge.

Gusto83 said:
What if Bouffalant gets tool scraped?
I have 4 Team Plasma Badges in the deck with also 4 Skyla (I am trying to find room for Shadow Triad though)

Gusto83 said:
However,I would go with what Deckmaster said and use Aerodactyl with the item card that searches for Aerodactyl.Also,Lets say your up against cobalion ex with enhanced hammers and all you have are 12 special energies.Now what?
For Aerodactyl. Look at the reply to smeargleman. And for the Energy I changed the Prism to Psychic Energy.

Thank you for all your help (Gusto83 Scizor45)!!!
Ok I thought about it and I am going to take out Deoxys EX. And add Silver Bangle. Before I do what should I add to Pokemon (only have 5) I have 4 Slots open
-4 Deoxys EX
-4 Team Plasma Badge
+4 Silver Bangle