Boundaries crossed vs dragons exalted.


Aspiring Trainer
Title explains the general idea. For Christmas I am getting my brothers and I a few decks so we can all play (me, mostly with the younger siblings.) The 2 pack of boundaries crossed, and a 2 pack of dragons exalted. My older brother will be getting a booster box for a "kids" kind of gift and will split up the packs. My question is; which contains better cards? Collectible & playable - both aspects, which both don't have to sway to one side. From what I have gathered from general internet research, is that B.C has more collective value due to aspec cards/more cards and that D.E has better playable cards. Can anyone confirm or contribute to this?

The decks that will be picked up will be the B.C water/elec/dragon & fire/water/dragon. D.E will be psych/dark/dragon & water/fighting/dragon. So there will be no grass/metal types that we will be able to play right away. - take into consideration when stating things like holo pulls etc. This question has to deal with determining which booster box to get, boundaries crossed, or dragons exalted. I am aware of the rares/cards that are contained in each so no need to go into full depth of why, but general conclusions will help (as in 'such print' of "insert name here" is better than this print of "same card' in this version.)

Thanks guys!

Btw. If this is the wrong section for this topic feel free to move it.
Boundaries crossed has more lone set playable while Dragons has more cross set playable cards. BC has more collectable but the collectables in DRX are very cool.
I would actually buy the gift tins. You can do just about anything with Mewtwo EX and Darkrai is very popular as well. I would say for playing go with Boundaries Crossed. Rayquaza is the only EX in BC that sees a ton of play and BC has trainer cards that are much more useful IMO. They may not be the best but it gives you a general basis of trainers and pokemon to make a decent deck to play with.
From what I have gathered from general internet research, is that B.C has more collective value due to aspec cards/more cards and that D.E has better playable cards. Can anyone confirm or contribute to this?
Yup, that's basically it. Boundaries Crossed does have some good cards in it, but they are relatively few in number; however, I've heard the pull rates compensate for that (however, outside of Skyla, Town Map, and Switch, don't hope to get any good cards outside of catch cards). Dragons Exalted has better T/S/S in the set (as well as Blend Energy), and because the set is smaller, the chances of pulling something good or useful is substantially higher (plus there's a bit more of them than in BC, with things like Garbodor and Hydreigon).

Were I you I'd probably go with Dragons Exalted just because there are more good cards available and the set is smaller so it's easier to get the good cards. I don't know what the pull rates are for Boundaries Crossed, but it hasn't been very kind to me (then again, I might just have bad luck).
Yeah. A 9 pack of tins cost about the same as a booster box. all the promos are playable and you get a chance at catcher in EP packs. and maybe even be close to building a darkrai deck if you pull some hydreigons in the drx packs.
D.N.A- (or anyone) can you explain what T/S/S is? Can someone also define what "lone set" and "cross set" would mean in terms?

Given not any of us have any current cards. And only my older brother has decade old decks from when pokemon was in its beginnings (a psychic sibrina deck with a few mews, misty/brock/rocket decks.) But out side of playing at home I know none of these cards can be mixed, so basically looking to start fresh from the newer black and white versions.

Along with the decks I was moving towards getting each person a "tin" orientated towards their deck of play for which promo/ex cards are given. 2 or 3 dragon vault packs will also be got and divided up among the stockings for stuffers since the 4 decks already use some dragon pokemon.

Ty for the input thus far!
If you were only using cards in the set, Boundaries crosses is better(lone)
If you already have cards from other sets, Dragons Exalted would be betters since the cards in there work better with cards in other sets(cross set)
Ah ok.

So given what I have mentioned; that 4 theme decks of different energy types will be bought. Along with a few dragon cards, and a tin for each based on each deck style. Would B.C be the better buy here?

Note- Collective is always nice. But since all of us will be starting fresh, most of all the cards are going to be looking at play time (sleeved of course!) So not too concerned with looking for cards to get and put away to accumulate value. Just 'best play-ability. and usefulness to each deck theme. Hopefully getting a tin for each will partially compensate for this, but then there will still be the "they got more special cards than me! debacle." :p For this I hope each of them will trade similar rare cards for others that each of them can use, but who knows. :D
D.N.A- (or anyone) can you explain what T/S/S is?
T/S/S is an acronym that stands for Trainer/Supporter/Stadium (although technically the T should now be an I, for Item) - in short, Trainer cards. Dragons Exalted has Tool Scrapper, Giant Cape, Rescue Scarf, and the two types of Blend Energy, both of which are quite playable. Boundaries Crossed has Hugh, Skyla, and Town Map for uncommon trainers, the ACE SPECs for rare ones, and a bunch of other trainers thrown in that really aren't all that useful (except for the perennial Switch).

The main reason I recommended Dragons Exalted is because, although both DE and BC have about the same numbers of good cards (give or take), Boundaries Crossed is watered down with a lot more bad ones than Dragons Exalted is, thus reducing your odds of pulling them. I have heard the ACE SPECs have fairly respectable pull rates, however, as they replace the reverse holo in a pack.

However, if you are basically starting fresh into the new format, with very little (if any) BW cards to your name, then Boundaries Crossed may be a better choice, since a greater variety of cards may get you into the swing of the game. Still, there are plenty of common and uncommon usable cards in Dragons Exalted (Emolga, Gabite, and Stunfisk are the notable ones, and most of the others are pretty usable to some extent), so that's why I recommended it.

(Also, DNA and D.N.A are two different people; I'm the one that doesn't have the full stops in the name.)
My apologies on the name confusion :D

To answer your speculation on the cards, neither of us have any black and white editions, and out side of my brother (I gave all my old cards to a friend) none of us have cards. With your consideration in mind; so far, the best proposition I can think of is to get the B.C box since me and my brother will be taking the D.E decks, and to just grab a D.E box for us later to get the other "wanted" cards out of that set.

Other questions I have are, does either of the sets contain any cards which can only be evolved using other sets?

And off the top of anyone's head, between the two sets does either contain better prints of one card? Like I noticed there is a houndoom print in each. With this in mind which pint(s) of these cards are more popular/playable.

Thanks again! :ninja