I've actually been wanting a thread like this for a while now.
Life Scout, Troop Head QM & DC, Currently Fill-in ASPL, Librarian & Bugler also, OA Candidate (ordeal in Aug.), Attendee of NYLT-TA186 - Staffing NYLT-TA191 of Spring 2014, plus lots of other stuff.
Got all White Ringers for Eagle minus the exercise tracking req. of P. Fitness (it's summer, I'm lazy), getting Comm. & Family Life signed off, and a couple of req's for Cit. Comm. Got a couple of ideas for project. Otherwise, I completed another 25 or so Green Ringers, probably another 20 partials that I should finish when I don't have to do something with the trailer, Cub Scouts/Webelos, advancing the 1st years, or a number of other things.
Advice: Go to the High Adventure Bases, Sea Base is great (Keys Adventure is best and most diverse of them, Out Island is good too), N. Tier sounds strenuous but a lot of fun, Philmont seems great but also overhyped (at least in my troop), and I can't say anything about Summit yet. Also, if your Council/District does A Cub Scout Day Camp or Resident Camp, try to staff it, I did a Day Camp earlier this summer and I had a blast in addition to meeting other great Scouts of other nearby troops.