XY8 – BREAKthrough (162 cards in main set)
#1 - Paras
#2 - Parasect
#3 - Pinsir
#4 - Cacnea
#5 - Pansage
#6 - Simisage
#7 - Chespin
#8 - Chespin
#9 - Chespin (148/XY-P)
#10 - Quilladin
#11 - Chesnaught
#12 - Chesnaught BREAK
#13 - Scatterbug
#14 - Spewpa
#15 - Vivillon
#16 - Skiddo
#17 - Gogoat
#18 - Cyndaquil
#19 - Quilava
#20 - Typhlosion
#21 - Houndoom-EX
#22 - M Houndoom-EX
#23 - Pansear
#24 - Simisear
#25 - Fennekin (Leg Col)
#26 - Braixen (Leg Col)
#27 - Goldeen
#28 - Seaking
#29 - Staryu
#30 - Starmie
#31 - Remoraid
#32 - Remoraid
#33 - Octillery
#34 - Glalie-EX
#35 - M Glalie-EX
#36 - Piplup
#37 - Prinplup
#38 - Empoleon
#39 - Snover
#40 - Abomasnow
#41 - Panpour
#42 - Simipour
#43 - Vanillite
#44 - Vanillish
#45 - Vanilluxe
#46 - Froakie (Leg Col)
#47 - Frogadier (Leg Col)
#48 - Pikachu (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#49 - Raichu (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#50 - Raichu BREAK (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#51 - Magnemite
#52 - Magnemite
#53 - Magneton
#54 - Magnezone
#55 - Raikou
#56 - Stunfisk (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#57 - Dedenne (Leg Col)
#58 - Gastly
#59 - Haunter
#60 - Gengar
#61 - Mewtwo-EX
#62 - Mewtwo-EX
#63 - M Mewtwo-EX
#64 - M Mewtwo-EX
#65 - Misdreavus
#66 - Mismagius
#67 - Wobbuffet (Leg Col)
#68 - Ralts
#69 - Kirlia
#70 - Cresselia
#71 - Woobat
#72 - Swoobat
#73 - Elgyem
#74 - Beheeyem
#75 - Sandshrew
#76 - Sandslash
#77 - Cubone
#78 - Marowak
#79 - Marowak BREAK
#80 - Swinub
#81 - Piloswine
#82 - Mamoswine
#83 - Hippopotas (Leg Col)
#84 - Gallade
#85 - Meloetta
#86 - Pancham
#87 - Hawlucha
#88 - Cacturne
#89 - Zorua
#90 - Zorua
#91 - Zoroark
#92 - Zoroark BREAK
#93 - Inkay
#94 - Yveltal
#95 - Bronzor
#96 - Bronzong
#97 - Mr. Mime
#98 - Snubbull
#99 - Granbull
#100 - Ralts
#101 - Flabebe
#102 - Floette
#103 - Florges
#104 - Florges BREAK
#105 - Spritzee
#106 - Aromatisse
#107 - Xerneas
#108 - Axew
#109 - Axew
#110 - Fraxure
#111 - Haxorus
#112 - Noivern (Noivern BREAK half-deck)
#113 - Noivern BREAK (Noivern BREAK half-deck)
#114 - Meowth (Leg Col)
#115 - Doduo
#116 - Doduo
#117 - Dodrio
#118 - Snorlax (149/XY-P)
#119 - Hoothoot
#120 - Noctowl
#121 - Teddiursa
#122 - Ursaring
#123 - Smeargle
#124 - Swablu (XY-P)
#125 - Starly
#126 - Staravia
#127 - Staraptor
#128 - Chatot
#129 - Rufflet (Leg Col)
#130 - Braviary (Leg Col)
#131 - Noibat
#132 - Noibat (Leg Col)
#133 - Assault Vest
#134 - Bridgette
#135 - Buddy-Buddy Rescue (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#136 - Fisherman (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#137 - Float Stone
#138 - Giovanni’s Scheme
#139 - Glalie Spirit Link
#140 - Heavy Ball
#141 - Heavy Boots
#142 - Houndoom Spirit Link
#143 - Judge (Noivern BREAK half-deck)
#144 - Mewtwo Spirit Link
#145 - Parallel City
#146 - Professor’s Letter (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#147 - Reserve Ticket (Noivern BREAK half-deck)
#148 - Skyla (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#149 - Super Rod (Noivern BREAK half-deck)
#150 - Town Map (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#151 - Burning Energy
#152 - Rainbow Energy
#153 - Houndoom-EX (FA)
#154 - M Houndoom-EX (FA)
#155 - Glalie-EX (FA)
#156 - M Glalie-EX (FA)
#157 - Mewtwo-EX (FA)
#158 - Mewtwo-EX (FA)
#159 - M Mewtwo-EX (FA)
#160 - M Mewtwo-EX (FA)
#161 - Bridgette (FA)
#162 - Giovanni’s Plans (FA)
#163 - Mewtwo-EX + Zoroark/Haxorus/Meloetta (FA)
#164 - Mewtwo-EX + Chesnaught/Magnezone/Cresselia (FA)
I will continue to update this as we see more cards to try to narrow down exactly what can fit in the set based on Pokemon ordering and room. Tell me what you guys think could be included or if you see any problems with some of the numbering choices I made.
MAJOR EDIT: So with Red Flash/Blue Impact right around the corner, I decided to take what we know and apply it to the master set list for BREAKthrough (160+ cards wow!). There are only 2 currently revealed English cards to go off of, which are bolded.
So with this set list, and the cards that we have yet to see from Blue Impact/Red Flash, all cards are accounted for if we include the non-full art cards from the Legendary Collection (the full arts and EX's are in blisters coming out later this year).
There is one little problem, Level Ball is included in the Raichu BREAK half-deck, and if included in this set along with the other 9 cards, Level Ball would be in 2 consecutive sets. I'm not sure if there is precedent for this happening or if we should expect Level Ball to not be included, in which case there is 1 card in the massive 162 card set list not accounted for.
What do you guys think? Do you agree with the inclusion of Legendary Collection?
EDIT2: We now know almost every card in the set!
#1 - Paras
#2 - Parasect
#3 - Pinsir
#4 - Cacnea
#5 - Pansage
#6 - Simisage
#7 - Chespin
#8 - Chespin
#9 - Chespin (148/XY-P)
#10 - Quilladin
#11 - Chesnaught
#12 - Chesnaught BREAK
#13 - Scatterbug
#14 - Spewpa
#15 - Vivillon
#16 - Skiddo
#17 - Gogoat
#18 - Cyndaquil
#19 - Quilava
#20 - Typhlosion
#21 - Houndoom-EX
#22 - M Houndoom-EX
#23 - Pansear
#24 - Simisear
#25 - Fennekin (Leg Col)
#26 - Braixen (Leg Col)
#27 - Goldeen
#28 - Seaking
#29 - Staryu
#30 - Starmie
#31 - Remoraid
#32 - Remoraid
#33 - Octillery
#34 - Glalie-EX
#35 - M Glalie-EX
#36 - Piplup
#37 - Prinplup
#38 - Empoleon
#39 - Snover
#40 - Abomasnow
#41 - Panpour
#42 - Simipour
#43 - Vanillite
#44 - Vanillish
#45 - Vanilluxe
#46 - Froakie (Leg Col)
#47 - Frogadier (Leg Col)
#48 - Pikachu (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#49 - Raichu (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#50 - Raichu BREAK (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#51 - Magnemite
#52 - Magnemite
#53 - Magneton
#54 - Magnezone
#55 - Raikou
#56 - Stunfisk (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#57 - Dedenne (Leg Col)
#58 - Gastly
#59 - Haunter
#60 - Gengar
#61 - Mewtwo-EX
#62 - Mewtwo-EX
#63 - M Mewtwo-EX
#64 - M Mewtwo-EX
#65 - Misdreavus
#66 - Mismagius
#67 - Wobbuffet (Leg Col)
#68 - Ralts
#69 - Kirlia
#70 - Cresselia
#71 - Woobat
#72 - Swoobat
#73 - Elgyem
#74 - Beheeyem
#75 - Sandshrew
#76 - Sandslash
#77 - Cubone
#78 - Marowak
#79 - Marowak BREAK
#80 - Swinub
#81 - Piloswine
#82 - Mamoswine
#83 - Hippopotas (Leg Col)
#84 - Gallade
#85 - Meloetta
#86 - Pancham
#87 - Hawlucha
#88 - Cacturne
#89 - Zorua
#90 - Zorua
#91 - Zoroark
#92 - Zoroark BREAK
#93 - Inkay
#94 - Yveltal
#95 - Bronzor
#96 - Bronzong
#97 - Mr. Mime
#98 - Snubbull
#99 - Granbull
#100 - Ralts
#101 - Flabebe
#102 - Floette
#103 - Florges
#104 - Florges BREAK
#105 - Spritzee
#106 - Aromatisse
#107 - Xerneas
#108 - Axew
#109 - Axew
#110 - Fraxure
#111 - Haxorus
#112 - Noivern (Noivern BREAK half-deck)
#113 - Noivern BREAK (Noivern BREAK half-deck)
#114 - Meowth (Leg Col)
#115 - Doduo
#116 - Doduo
#117 - Dodrio
#118 - Snorlax (149/XY-P)
#119 - Hoothoot
#120 - Noctowl
#121 - Teddiursa
#122 - Ursaring
#123 - Smeargle
#124 - Swablu (XY-P)
#125 - Starly
#126 - Staravia
#127 - Staraptor
#128 - Chatot
#129 - Rufflet (Leg Col)
#130 - Braviary (Leg Col)
#131 - Noibat
#132 - Noibat (Leg Col)
#133 - Assault Vest
#134 - Bridgette
#135 - Buddy-Buddy Rescue (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#136 - Fisherman (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#137 - Float Stone
#138 - Giovanni’s Scheme
#139 - Glalie Spirit Link
#140 - Heavy Ball
#141 - Heavy Boots
#142 - Houndoom Spirit Link
#143 - Judge (Noivern BREAK half-deck)
#144 - Mewtwo Spirit Link
#145 - Parallel City
#146 - Professor’s Letter (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#147 - Reserve Ticket (Noivern BREAK half-deck)
#148 - Skyla (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#149 - Super Rod (Noivern BREAK half-deck)
#150 - Town Map (Raichu BREAK half-deck)
#151 - Burning Energy
#152 - Rainbow Energy
#153 - Houndoom-EX (FA)
#154 - M Houndoom-EX (FA)
#155 - Glalie-EX (FA)
#156 - M Glalie-EX (FA)
#157 - Mewtwo-EX (FA)
#158 - Mewtwo-EX (FA)
#159 - M Mewtwo-EX (FA)
#160 - M Mewtwo-EX (FA)
#161 - Bridgette (FA)
#162 - Giovanni’s Plans (FA)
#163 - Mewtwo-EX + Zoroark/Haxorus/Meloetta (FA)
#164 - Mewtwo-EX + Chesnaught/Magnezone/Cresselia (FA)
I will continue to update this as we see more cards to try to narrow down exactly what can fit in the set based on Pokemon ordering and room. Tell me what you guys think could be included or if you see any problems with some of the numbering choices I made.
MAJOR EDIT: So with Red Flash/Blue Impact right around the corner, I decided to take what we know and apply it to the master set list for BREAKthrough (160+ cards wow!). There are only 2 currently revealed English cards to go off of, which are bolded.
So with this set list, and the cards that we have yet to see from Blue Impact/Red Flash, all cards are accounted for if we include the non-full art cards from the Legendary Collection (the full arts and EX's are in blisters coming out later this year).
There is one little problem, Level Ball is included in the Raichu BREAK half-deck, and if included in this set along with the other 9 cards, Level Ball would be in 2 consecutive sets. I'm not sure if there is precedent for this happening or if we should expect Level Ball to not be included, in which case there is 1 card in the massive 162 card set list not accounted for.
What do you guys think? Do you agree with the inclusion of Legendary Collection?
EDIT2: We now know almost every card in the set!
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