BW/BW2 Breeding in gen V


Aspiring Trainer
So i'm pretty much in breeding now. This thread is for everyone who has question about breeding in gen V. First of all i have question: with what can i breed daikenki to get oshwallot egg? No ditos please. My daikenki is male. Thanks for your support.
You're inbreeding? That's sick!
The only thing you can breed with a male Daikenki to get a "oshwallot"(lol) egg is a ditto.
Hmmm... Why's that sick? And i failed spelling oshawott name xD oh i thought that would be my only opinion
Ever heard of google search? Daikenki is a Ground Egg Group. Here are the mon that you can breed with Dainenki: ... Try doing research before asking stupid questions on a forum. Bulbapedia is a GREAT resource... USE IT.
Um... ok? I did not know that that changed anything. You can get an egg from a male or female Daikenki. The percentage is less, but it should not change anything... unless females have found a way to breed with eachother exclusively...
The last time I checked, a female doesn't need a male of the same species to breed and a male needs a Ditto to breed an egg of the same species, if a female of another species is used then that other species is born/hatched. Of course you can breed two Daikenkis of opposite genders together, but he wouldn't have asked if he had a female.
Lol... Like Shadow Arceus said, if you only have a male Daikenki and you want an Oshawott egg, you can only breed it with a Ditto or a female Oshawott's line member. Otherwise, there's no egg.