Pokemon: 24
The strategy is simple. Use Battle Compressor to get energies into the discard pile and use Bronzong to accelerate them and move them around with Klinklang BW. Then use Klinklang PLS to stop EX's in their tracks. Then use Dialga, Aegislash, and Cobalion to take huge knock outs.
4 Kling
2 Klang
2 Klinklang PLS
2 Klinklang BLW
4 Bronzor
4 Bronzong
2 Cobalion EX
1 Aegislash EX
3 Dialga EX
2 Battle Compressor
2 Colress
2 Lysandre
3 N
3 Professor Juniper
4 Max Potion
2 Ultra Ball
2 Virbank City Gym
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
10 Metal Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy
The strategy is simple. Use Battle Compressor to get energies into the discard pile and use Bronzong to accelerate them and move them around with Klinklang BW. Then use Klinklang PLS to stop EX's in their tracks. Then use Dialga, Aegislash, and Cobalion to take huge knock outs.