Ruling Bronzongs (SW)Poke Body


Quick quesiton with bronzongs (SW) Pokebody cursed alloy it does hit LVXs between turns that inherit pokepowers like Electivire LV X from the prevoius its Electivire (SW) Right????
Well I can't seem to find a Bronzong in SW (Do you mean MD?) but Lv Xs do 'inherit' everything from their lower level. So Cursed Alloy would hit Electivire Lv X. (If it was levled up from Electivire SW)
The Psychic Legend said:
Well I can't seem to find a Bronzong in SW (Do you mean MD?) but Lv Xs do 'inherit' everything from their lower level. So Cursed Alloy would hit Electivire Lv X. (If it was levled up from Electivire SW)

Thanks !!o snap my bad i did mean MD o snap my bad