Welcome to BT's player thread!
My Friend Code (Japanese Diamond): 3823 4918 4081
My Friend Code (English Pearl): It's not out yet
AIM: BurninateTorchic
Contact Time: Whenever I'm on AIM
POKEMON FOR TRADE====================
Note: Currently, this is just the Pokemon on my Diamond itself - it will vastly expand when I get English Pearl and can transfer from my GBA games.
Note2: Basically, all of these are lowest form because I'll be hatching them out of eggs for you. So yes, they'll all be level one.
- Chimchar
- Abra
- Shinx
- Starly
- Magikarp
- Kecleon
- Bidoof
- Machop
- Buizel
- Kricketot
- Pachirisu
- Geodude
- Psyduck
- Wurmple
- Ponyta
- Meditite
- Gastly
- Wooper
- Onix
- Tentacool
- Clefairy/Cleffa (do you need incense for cleffa?)
- Mime Jr./Mr. Mime
- Happiny/Chansey
- Budew/Roselia
- Stunky
- Bronzor
- Snover
- Shellos (East and West)
- Sneasel
- Zubat
- Wingull
- Hoothoot
- Chatot
- Lapras
- Rhyhorn
- Phanpy
- Skarmory
- Spinda
- Corsola
- Plusle
- Minun
- Scyther
- Carnivine
- Zigzagoon
- Makuhita
- Marill (Not Azurill, I don't have the incense)
- Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/Leafeon/Glaceon
- Nosepass
- Ralts
- Snorunt
- Cubone
- Lickitung
- Spoink
- Porygon
- Dunsparce
- Murkrow
- Skitty
- Absol
- Doduo
- Natu
- Meowth
- Surskit
- Yanma
- Skorupi
- Numel
- Seel
- Drifloon
- Girafarig
- Pikachu
- Togepi
- Buneary
- Burmy
- Hippopotas
- Gible
- Sandshrew
- Magnemite
- Aipom
- Omanyte
- Anorith
- Aerodactyl
- Kabuto
- Lileep
- Cranidos
- This list will expand when I transfer stuff from GBA games to Pearl
POKEMON I WANT=======================
- Mew
- Deoxys
- Ho-oh
- Lugia
- This list will expand when I transfer stuff from GBA games to pearl
ITEMS FOR TRADE======================
- Fire Stone
- Lightning Stone
- Sun Stone
- Iron Ball
- Damp Rock
- Icy Rock
- Hot Rock
- Everstone
- Hard Stone
- Thick Club
- Red Shard
- Yellow Shard
- Blue Shard
- Green Shard
ITEMS I WANT=========================
TEAM (Diamond):
Infernape Lv.63
Luxray Lv.64
Gyarados Lv.63
Staraptor Lv.63
Roserade Lv.65
Dialga Lv.62
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