Bubba235's Mystery Dungeon Fan Fic!
To add a pokemon please fill out this form. I need two to start please:
Owned by a trainer or not:
Chapter One: Alone...
"GGGRRooouuouoooowwwwwwlllllll! Growlithe!"
I was lying down in a damp box, growling into the night. Everything was surrounding me, closing in on me. I was an orphan pokemon. Lonely. Alone. Nobody, not one person would take me. I had no place to go, but in the box.
I heard a sound go by...
I heard it again...
Big lights. Coming closer.
Just a car...
I looked out from my hiding spot in the box.
The sound of thunder all around me...
I whimper, and, with my tail beneath my feet, I jump out of the box. I was curious of the world outside my box. I haven't seen much of it. I walked across the pavement beneath my feet, shaking from the coldness of the rain, patting on my fur...
I was accostumed to the sound of thunder. I heard it almost every summer night. I was still walking, panting in the rain. I walked for what it seemed an hour when I heard a noise, a different niose, from the bushes, lining the road...
Chapter Two: The First Friend
As I flinched and held my ground for the unexpected thing to pop out at me, I noticed a white fin, protrud from the bushes.
"Uhuhh...uhh...u...u.." I heard.
Then, right before my eyes, a tiny Buizel, helplessly unconcious, fell out of the bushes.
The Buizel closed it's eyes, and fainted.
2nd Chapter to be continued...once I think of something...