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Standard Budget Bees


Blast From The Past
This is the Vespiquen list I use on TCGO, it works extremely well for me despite the fact that I only own one Shaymin and one Lele (hence the title "Budget Bees" lol). It's been able to handle pretty much everything I've gone up against, it's been able to survive both Oricorio and Karen, and I've never taken less then three prize cards a game with it (excluding donks). It wins 4 out of 5 games, and usually hits 90+ damage first attack. I pretty much just wanted to share the list, but if there's anything you guys think I'm missing, please let me know. There are a few things I'm a little shaky on, like only one Float for example. Anyways, here it is:

Pokemon (28):

4x Vespiquen
4x Combee
2x Zoroark
2x Zorua
1x Tauros-GX
2x Oranguru
1x Shaymin-EX
1x Tapu-Lele-GX
3x Klefki
4x Unown
1x Vaporeon
1x Flareon
2x Eevee

Trainers (28):

4x Sycamore
2x N
1x Teammates
1x Lysandre
4x Acro Bike
3x VS Seeker
4x Ultra Ball
1x Revitalizer
2x Special Charge
1x Rescue Stretcher
2x Choice Band
1x Float Stone
2x Forest of Giant Plants

Energy (4):

4x DCE

Let me know what you guys think of the list :)
For a budget Vespiquen, I see nothing wrong with this list, other than the lack of a second Lysandre. Good job buddo
For a budget Vespiquen, I see nothing wrong with this list, other than the lack of a second Lysandre. Good job buddo
Yeah, I've been thinking of taking out Teammates for a second Lysandre, I'm just not quite sure about it because of how clutch Teammates can be. Thanks for the compliment on the list :)
Well if you take out the orangurus and put I'm another shaymin and lele you have the list I used to win a leauge cup. I didn't like having only one float stone as well so maybe take out a klefki or oranguru. Teamates won me all my matches that day btw so I would keep it
Well if you take out the orangurus and put I'm another shaymin and lele you have the list I used to win a leauge cup. I didn't like having only one float stone as well so maybe take out a klefki or oranguru. Teamates won me all my matches that day btw so I would keep it
Yeah, Teammates has been super clutch, especially yesterday when this happened:

Me: GG, I wont be able to find Choice Band and DCE. *topdecks VS Seeker for Teammates* Oh. Lol!

Anyways, as to the second Float Stone, maybe losing Tauros would be fine? I'm not too sure about going below twenty eight Pokemom, but looking at all the winning Vespi lists they all run 27, so maybe it's just me. I'll try this edit and get back to you guys :)
If you can't have 2 leles you want a tauros there your clutch attackers if your against glaceon or if you get karened and need to keep up the preasure
If you can't have 2 leles you want a tauros there your clutch attackers if your against glaceon or if you get karened and need to keep up the preasure
I agree, in real life I have two Leles but in TCGO I only have one, so in TCGO I'll run 1 Lele/1 Tauros but in real life I'll just run 2 Leles. I think I'll keep Float Stone at one, it's gone fine for me.