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Standard Budgetfree


Aspiring Trainer
3 Caterpie GEN
3 Metapod GEN
3 Butterfree SM
2 Fromantis
2 Lurantis
2 Alolan Vulpix
2 Alolan Ninetales
3 Victini
3 Oranguru

4 Revitalizer
4 Ultra Ball
3 Choice Band
2 Timer Ball
4 Sycamore
3 Guzma
3 N
2 Brigette

4 Water Energy
4 Warp Energy

What I have so far.
I do not understand how alolan ninetales comes into budgetfree budgetfree is good as its own deck it does not need ninetales in it.
All of Butterfree's attacks use colorless energy so I could really play any backup attacker I wanted here with no issue. Alolan Ninetales blocks any GX or EX and Vulpix can get the deck going if you REALLY need to.
It is meant to be a fun budget deck built around an interesting ability from Caterpie and Metapod being able to evolve really turn 1.