Building my Deck


Aspiring Trainer

Hello everyone i'm working on a new KLINKKLANG-COBALION deck, and i was wondering if anyone had suggestions or objections.

I am currently playing with DARKRAI-HYDREIGON-HYPNOTOXIC, that worked out well but with the plasma metagame i wanna step up my game.

THX,also help yourselves to decks, lists, and ideas.

mahboi.michael said:

Hello everyone i'm working on a new KLINKKLANG-COBALION deck, and i was wondering if anyone had suggestions or objections.

I am currently playing with DARKRAI-HYDREIGON-HYPNOTOXIC, that worked out well but with the plasma metagame i wanna step up my game.

THX,also help yourselves to decks, lists, and ideas.

pokemon 13
klinkklang plasma 2
klinkklang shift gears 2
klang 1 dark explorers
klink 4 dark explorers
cobalion EX 3
registeel EX 1

steel 10

trainers/ supps/stadiums... 37

Pokémon catchers 4
rare candy 4
heavy ball 4
hypnotoxic laser 4
eviolite 3
max potion 2
switch 4
Dowsing Machine ...1

junipers 3
skyla 2
colress 2
N 2
bianca 2

please let me know if i got anything messed up.