Ruling Bulbasaur and Kakuna (Can People Answer These Questions???)


Never Satisfied
I have some questions on how these cards are printed
Sorry if the cards are too big but I want to show you what I mean, if you think that I need any retakes of the photos just say, and which ones.
Here is the first one...
Notice how it has "Length, Length"
This one also has the same thing...
Here I compare it with the same card just doesn't have the same "Length, Length" They also appear to be darker than the original
"Questioned Cards on Left"...
Here I show how the comparison of the HP is different...
Questioned Card on Bottom...

As you can see the HP is darker red and more spaced out and thinner, it is also further away from the "Type"

Ok thank you for looking at these but my main question is "Are they fake???"

"Are they misprints???"

"What is up with this???"

RE: Bulbasaur and Kakuna (Questions)

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooow those pictures were huge. I threw out your image tags and shrunk your unnecessarily large text.

Anyway, those are shadowless cards, something like from the first runs of Base Set. The one you mentioned are error cards. They're pretty common, and not worth anything in particular. There are lots of cards like that. They are real, so don't fret.
RE: Bulbasaur and Kakuna (Questions)

Ok, thanks, umm, sorry they were big, so are they misprints, because of the "Length, Length"??