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Bunny's Wanna Trade Thread.

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Aspiring Trainer
1)I ship to only to USA since I'm new to this, probably willing to go with Canada too.
2)No ripping.
3)I consider all trades.
4)I will pm you to further discuss a trade if it seems we are posting a lot in the thread
5)I would appreciate it if you send your card(s) in sleeve, any sleeve that would protect the cards doesn't have to be top loader. If you want my cards in sleeves please tell me, otherwise they won't be in sleeves.
6)If a card is damage, tell me first hand and provide a picture if you can. I usually don't mind damage card, just like to know beforehand.
7)Only real english cards.
8)If you have to back out of a trade please just explain it to me, I am fairly understandable person.
9)My wants are everything. If you have something you want from me, but nothing I want from you that I have under want, still post to trade, I probably will still do it.
10)All the cards I post are Halo/Reverse Halo/Rare. If you want trainer/Commons ask me for them and I"ll see what I have.
11)All other Pokebeach rules

What I have:
Skorupi Lv.9 - 99/130
Dusknoir Lv.42 - 2/130
Bonsly Lv.6 - 71/130
Staraptor Lv.54 - 16/130 x2
Beautifly Lv.29 - 19/130
Double Full Heal - 105/130
Professor Rowan - 112/130 x2

Mysterious Treasure:
Alakazam Lv.47 - 2/123 x2
Croagunk Lv.17 - 78/123
Nioqueen Lv.50 - 31/123
Nidoran Female Lv.12 - 91/123
Walrein Lv.51 - 39/123 x2
Ursaring Lv.38 - 38/123 x3
Ambipom Lv.36 - 3/123
Blissey Lv.44 - 5/123

Secret Wonder:
Muk Lv.43 - 56/132
Unown K - 68/132 x2
Jynx Lv.36 - 30/132
Weavile Lv.300 - 40/132 x2
Psyduck .v.15 - 100/132
Golduck Lv.39 - 28/132
Gastrodon east Sea Lv. 43 - 8/132
Arcanine Lv.48 - 22/132
Phanpy Lv.14 - 98/132
Golem Lv.52 - 29/132
Lickitung Lv.27 - 91/132
Pidgey Lv.8 - 99/132

Great Encounters:
Relicanth Lv.31 - 51/106
Lunatone Lv.31 - 76/106
Claydol Lv.45 - 15/106 x2
Porygon-Z Lv.54 - 6/106 x2

Majestic Dawns:
Espeon Lv.44 - 18/100
Chimchar Lv.7 - 57/100
Hippopotas Lv.25 - 66/100

Legends Awakened:
Uxie Lv.55 - 43/146
Unown Y Lv.15 - 81/146
Spiritomb Lv.44 - 16/146
Poliwhirl Lv.28 - 115/146
Heatran Lv.47 - 6/146
Torkoal Lv.32 - 41/146
Castform Sunny form Lv.35 - 51/146
Gliscor Lv.42 - 5/146
Tyrogue Lv.10 - 126/146

Bronzong Lv.46 - 13/100
Dusknoir Lv. 47 - 17/100 x2
Staraptor Lv.64 - 27/100 x2

Muk Lv.49 - 57/127 x 2
Mismagius - 55/127
Piplup Lv. 12 - 85/127
Luvdisc Lv. 33 - 35/127
Golduck Lv.47 - 29/127 x2
Ninetails Lv.43 - 36/127 x3
Vulpix Lv.12 - 102/127
Torchic Lv.12 - 99/127
Rampardos Lv.54 - 13/127 x2
Diglett lv.13 - 72/127
Dugtrio Lv.50 - 24/127
Slaking Lv.62 - 16/127
Blissey Lv.40 - 22/127 x2
Delcatty Lv.53 - 4/127 x2

Rising Rivals:
Mr.Mime SP Lv.53 - 28/111 x2
Koffing Lv.22 - 68/111
Alakazam SP Lv.56 - 38/111
Espeon SP Lv.55 - 18/111
Bronzong Sp Lv.54 - 16/111
Staryu Lv.18 - 83/111
Infernape GL Lv.55 - 43/111 x2
Growlith Lv.26 - 63/111
Arcanine Lv.53 - 1/111
Wishcash GL Lv.50 - 54/111
Machamp GL Lv.64 - 46/111
Rampardos GL Lv.62 - 11/111 x2
Snorlax Lv.37 - 33/111 x5

Supreme Victors:
Medicham Lv.48 - 34/147
Drifloon Lv.10 - 103/147
Claydol Lv.51 - 22/147
Chimecho Lv.30 - 21-147 x2
Drifblim Lv.33 57/147
Lunatone Lv.38 - 32/147
Milotic C Lv. 58 - 35/147 x5
Wailmer Lv.10 - 87/147 x2
Floatzel Lv.27 - 58/147
Arcanine G lv.60 - 15/147 x4
Arcanine lv.32 - 50/147
Sandslash Lv.32 - 42/147
Spinda Lv.27 - 46/147
Staraptor FB Lv.50 - 11/147
Lickilicky C. Lv 57 - 30/147

Gastly Lv.16 - 36/99
Gulpin Lv.21 - 40/99
Pelipper Lv.50 - 24/99 x2
Glalie Lv.46 - 18/99
Rapidash Lv.45 - 47/99
Golem Lv.56 - 19/99
Hariyama Lv.42 - 20/99
Graveler Lv.37 - 37/99
Toxicroak Lv.44 - 11/99
Porygon-Z G Lv.56 - 26/99 x3
Lopunny Lv.40 - 21/99

Weezing - 34/123 x3
Wobbuffet - 13/123
Smoochum - 30/123
SlowKing - 12/123
Unown - 55/123
Delibird - 39/123
Quagsire - 9/123
Slowbro - 52-123
Farfetch'd - 19/123
Noctowl - 8/123

Crobat - 14/95 x5
Golbat - 30/95 x3
Xatu - 11/95 x2
Misdreavus - 54/95
Beldum - 44/95
Zubat - 70/95
Metagross - 4/95 x2
Mismaguis - 5/95 x2
Politoed - 7/95 x2
Octillery - 6/95 x2
Poliwag - 58/95
Poliwrath - 21/95 x2
Kingdra - 12/95
Ninetales - 20/95
Torkoal - 25/95
Lucario - 19/95
Primeape - 22/95
Ursaring - 27/95 x3

Manaphy Lv.25 - 2/17 Promo 9 x2
Chimchar Lv.8 - 14/17 Promo 7
Probopass G Lv.53 - DP/43 Promo

Be sure to re-read the rules if you already haven't.​
Hello, could you please CML for Uxie Legends Awakened and any trainer/supporters on my list. Thanks.
I apologize to those who have posted but I asked one of the tribal council to close this, I posted it too soon on accident.
But a new one has already been sent in so I hope to see those who have posted in this one post in that one.
Again apologize for the inconvenience :(

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