• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Bunny's Wanna Trade Thread.


Aspiring Trainer

@Mods: I accidentally pressed post when I wasn't done, sorry for double posting this :(.

1)I ship to only to USA since I'm new to this, probably willing to go with Canada too.
2)No ripping.
3)I consider all trades.
4)I will pm you to further discuss a trade if it seems we are posting a lot in the thread
5)Send the cards in a sleeve and Toploader. I will do the same.
6)If a card is damage, tell me first hand and provide a picture if you can. I usually don't mind damage card, just like to know beforehand.
7)Only real english cards.
8)If you have to back out of a trade please just explain it to me, I am fairly understandable person.
9)My wants are everything. If you have something you want from me, but nothing I want from you that I have under want, still post to trade, I probably will still do it.
10)All the cards I post are Halo/Reverse Halo/Rare. If you want trainer/Commons ask me for them and I"ll see what I have.
11)All other Pokebeach rules
120I usually do trades by prices

What I have:
Skorupi Lv.9 - 99/130
Dusknoir Lv.42 - 2/130
Bonsly Lv.6 - 71/130
Staraptor Lv.54 - 16/130 x2
Beautifly Lv.29 - 19/130
Double Full Heal - 105/130
Professor Rowan - 112/130 x2
Pachirisu Lv.23 - 35/130

Mysterious Treasure:
Alakazam Lv.47 - 2/123 x2
Croagunk Lv.17 - 78/123
Nioqueen Lv.50 - 31/123
Nidoran Female Lv.12 - 91/123
Walrein Lv.51 - 39/123 x2
Ursaring Lv.38 - 38/123 x3
Ambipom Lv.36 - 3/123
Blissey Lv.44 - 5/123
Happiny Lv.8 - 52/123
Manectric Lv.38 - 28/123 x3
Raichu Lv.40 - 15/123
Ariados Lv.32 - 20/123 x4
Masquerain Lv.32 - 55/123
Kricketot Lv.9 - 86/123
Exeggutor Lv.46 - 24/123
Honchkrow Lv.42 - 10/123
Crobat Lv.45 - 23/123

Secret Wonder:
Muk Lv.43 - 56/132
Unown K - 68/132 x2
Jynx Lv.36 - 30/132
Weavile Lv.300 - 40/132 x2
Psyduck .v.15 - 100/132
Golduck Lv.39 - 28/132
Gastrodon east Sea Lv. 43 - 8/132
Arcanine Lv.48 - 22/132
Phanpy Lv.14 - 98/132
Golem Lv.52 - 29/132
Lickitung Lv.27 - 91/132
Pidgey Lv.8 - 99/132
Plusle Lv.30 - 36/132 x2
Electivire Lv.50 - 25/132
Ampharos Lv.52 - 1/132 x2
Venonat Lv.25 - 116/132
Minun Lv.30 - 32/132 x2
Mothim Lv.39 - 33/132 x1
Venomoth Lv.42 - 72/132 x2
Shuckle Lv.25 - 109/132
Jumpluff Lv.42 - 11/132 x2 (One reverse, one halo)
Wormadam Plant Cloak Lv.36 - 41/132
Sunkern Lv.10 - 114/132
Sableye Lv.26 - 63/132

Great Encounters:
Relicanth Lv.31 - 51/106
Lunatone Lv.31 - 76/106
Claydol Lv.45 - 15/106 x2
Porygon-Z Lv.54 - 6/106 x2
Rotom Lv.38 - 7/106 x2

Majestic Dawns:
Espeon Lv.44 - 18/100
Chimchar Lv.7 - 57/100
Hippopotas Lv.25 - 66/100
Minun Lv.24 - 25/100
Plusle Lv.27 - 28/100
Zapdos Lv.45 - 14/100
Jolteon Lv.39 - 23/100
Scyther Lv.15 - 16/100
Leafeon Lv.40 - 24/100
Mothim Lv.41 - 42/100
Moltres Lv.47 - 10/100

Legends Awakened:
Uxie Lv.55 - 43/146 x a lot lol (Most of these are the promo ones from league. Please specify if you want one from the pack.)
Unown Y Lv.15 - 81/146
Spiritomb Lv.44 - 16/146
Poliwhirl Lv.28 - 115/146
Heatran Lv.47 - 6/146
Torkoal Lv.32 - 41/146
Castform Sunny form Lv.35 - 51/146
Gliscor Lv.42 - 5/146
Tyrogue Lv.10 - 126/146
Luxio Lv.23 - 62/146
Chinchou Lv.13 - 88/146
Yanmega Lv.47 - 17/146
Shedinja Lv.34 - 40/146
Bellsprout Lv.5 - 85/146
Yanma Lv.13 - 128/146

Bronzong Lv.46 - 13/100
Dusknoir Lv. 47 - 17/100 x2
Staraptor Lv.64 - 27/100 x2
Miltank Lv.27 - 44/100
Magnezone Lv.46 - 6/100
Pichu Lv.8 - 45/100
Scizor Lv.47 - 25/100 x2
Skorupi Lv.11 - 73/100
Sceptile Lv.56 - 10/100
Tyranitar Lv.51 - 30/100 x3
Stunky Lv.18 - 76/100
Skuntank Lv.40 - 26/100
Magnezone Lv.44 - 5/100
Drapion Lv.44 - 15/100 x2

Muk Lv.49 - 57/127 x 2
Mismagius - 55/127
Piplup Lv. 12 - 85/127
Luvdisc Lv. 33 - 35/127
Golduck Lv.47 - 29/127 x2
Ninetails Lv.43 - 36/127 x3
Vulpix Lv.12 - 102/127
Torchic Lv.12 - 99/127
Rampardos Lv.54 - 13/127 x2
Diglett lv.13 - 72/127
Dialga G lvl X - 122/127 (Has a slight pen mark by the name, can provide picture.)
Dugtrio Lv.50 - 24/127
Slaking Lv.62 - 16/127
Blissey Lv.40 - 22/127 x2
Delcatty Lv.53 - 4/127 x2
Vigoroth Lv.28 - 64/127
electrike Lv.10 - 74/127
Beautifly Lv. 37- 21/127
Kricketot Lv.6 - 78/127
Kricketurne Lv.46 - 32/127 x3
Combee Lv.19 - 71/127
Ludicolo Lv.52 - 34/127 x3
Cacturne Lv.44 - 42/127
Drapion Lv. X - 123/127 x2
Dialga G Lv.79 - 7/127 x2

Rising Rivals:
Mr.Mime SP Lv.53 - 28/111 x2
Koffing Lv.22 - 68/111
Alakazam SP Lv.56 - 38/111
Espeon SP Lv.55 - 18/111
Bronzong Sp Lv.54 - 16/111
Staryu Lv.18 - 83/111
Infernape GL Lv.55 - 43/111 x2
Growlith Lv.26 - 63/111
Arcanine Lv.53 - 1/111
Wishcash GL Lv.50 - 54/111
Machamp GL Lv.64 - 46/111
Rampardos GL Lv.62 - 11/111 x2
Snorlax Lv.37 - 33/111 x5
Drapion GL Lv.53 - 17/111

Supreme Victors:
Medicham Lv.48 - 34/147
Drifloon Lv.10 - 103/147
Claydol Lv.51 - 22/147
Chimecho Lv.30 - 21-147 x2
Drifblim Lv.33 57/147
Lunatone Lv.38 - 32/147
Milotic C Lv. 58 - 35/147 x5
Wailmer Lv.10 - 87/147 x2
Floatzel Lv.27 - 58/147
Arcanine G lv.60 - 15/147 x4
Arcanine lv.32 - 50/147
Sandslash Lv.32 - 42/147
Spinda Lv.27 - 46/147
Staraptor FB Lv.50 - 11/147
Lickilicky C. Lv 57 - 30/147 x2
Gible Lv.12 - 106/147
Raichu Lv.35 - 77/147
Magnemite Lv.7 - 11/147
Butterfree FB Lv.50 - 17/147 x2
Carnivine Lv.39 - 68/147
Venusaur Lv.55 - 13/147
Ivysaur Lv.26 - 62/147
Parasect Lv.33 - 38/147
Honchkrow Lv.46 - 29/147 x4
Rotom Lv.40 - 82/147
Raichu FL Lv.46 - 31/147 x2
Turtwig Lv.8 - 131/147
Metang Lv.28 - 69/147
Mawile Lv.41 - 33/147
Magmortar Lv.54 - 6/147 x2
Garchomp C x2

Gastly Lv.16 - 36/99
Gulpin Lv.21 - 40/99
Pelipper Lv.50 - 24/99 x2
Glalie Lv.46 - 18/99
Rapidash Lv.45 - 47/99
Golem Lv.56 - 19/99
Hariyama Lv.42 - 20/99
Graveler Lv.37 - 37/99
Toxicroak Lv.44 - 11/99
Porygon-Z G Lv.56 - 26/99 x3
Lopunny Lv.40 - 21/99 x3
Electrike Lv.22 - 62/99
Manectric Lv.46 - 22/99 x2
Zapdos F Lv.60 - 12/99
Pichu Lv.9 - 25/99
Wormadam Plant Cloak Lv.46 - 49/99
Treecko Lv.13 - 79/99
Wormadam Metal Cloak Lv.44 - 51/99
Charizard Lv.60 - 1/99 x4

Weezing - 34/123 x3
Wobbuffet - 13/123
Smoochum - 30/123
SlowKing - 12/123
Unown - 55/123
Delibird - 39/123
Quagsire - 9/123
Slowbro - 52-123
Farfetch'd - 19/123
Noctowl - 8/123 x2
Raichu - 10/123 x4
Typholosion Prime -110/123 x2
Ninetails - 7/123 x2

Crobat - 14/95 x5
Golbat - 30/95 x3
Xatu - 11/95 x2
Misdreavus - 54/95
Beldum - 44/95
Zubat - 70/95
Metagross - 4/95 x2
Mismaguis - 5/95 x2
Politoed - 7/95 x2
Octillery - 6/95 x2
Poliwag - 58/95
Poliwrath - 21/95 x2
Kingdra - 12/95
Ninetales - 20/95
Torkoal - 25/95
Lucario - 19/95
Primeape - 22/95
Ursaring - 27/95 x3
Lanturn - 18/95
Plusle - 36/95
Crobat Prime - not sure

Manaphy Lv.25 - 2/17 Promo 9 x2
Chimchar Lv.8 - 14/17 Promo 7
Probopass G Lv.53 - DP43 Promo
Porygon-Z Lv.56 - DP35 Promo
Luxray Lv.45 - Promo 8 3/17
Rotom Lv.46 - Promo 9 5/17 x2
Raichu Lv.39 - Promo 9 - 3/17 x2
Pachirisu Lv.23 - 4/17 Promo 6

I might have more copies then what I said of a card.

Also I have many commons/supporters please ask and i will check.

What I want is always changing, so if you have a list of what you have that would be great to see if you saw something of mine you wanted.

These are just what I mainly want but leave a link to your list i will check it

Scizor Prime x3
Snorlax Lv X x2
Raichu Prime x4
Smergal 8/90 From Undaunted x4
Broken Time Space xxx
Crobat Prime x3
Muk 31/90 From Undaunted x2
Yanmega 14/147 From Supreme Victor x3
Gliscor 4/90 From Undaunted x3
Garchomp C Lv. X DP46
Hell leave me a link to your list and just let me check it, I'm always looking for random cards.
Approved. You can only have one thread open at a time. Next time, you will be warned.

Please CML for:
Alakazam MT
Uxie LA (as many as you have:p)
Raichu HGSS x4
Anything else on my wants list
I would like the AS MANY UXIES YOU HAVE!!, Dialga G X and 2 Garchomp C, CML for them?

From your wants I have:

Vespiquen SF
Yanmega SV (Holo)
3 Team Rocket's Trickery
I have from your wants:
1x Gliscor 4/90 From Undaunted
2x Muk 31/90 From Undaunted
3x Mawile 56/90 From Undaunted (1x RH)
1x Team Rocket Trickery From Undaunted
1x Wobuffet 13/123 From HG/SS
1x Slowking 12/123 From HG/SS
1x Probopass 2/99 From Arceus
1x Yanmega GL 37/111 From Rising Rival

You can also CML if you want, for your:
x1 Pachirisu POP6
x2 Ninetales HGSS
x4 Charizard AR
xX Expert Belts
xX Uxie LA (nonLeaguePromo or LeaguePromo, doesn't matter)
xX Azelf LA
xX DCE (HGSS or Base Set)
xX HGSS Energy
xX Rare Candy
xX Pokemon Collector
xX Pokemon Communication
Anything else you have from my Wants List, basically.

Hello, From your wants I have...
Gliscor 4/90 From Undaunted
Smergal 8/90 From Undaunted
Muk 31/90 From Undaunted
Mawile 56/90 From Undaunted
And you can also CML

From your list I am interested in x2 Uxie (Legends Awakened - Pack or Promo IDC which XD). Also if you have any of the following LMK.
Pokemon Collector
Pokemon Communication
Cyrus's Conspiracy
Call Energy
Power Spray

80baby said:
CML for the

Uxie (LA)

I saw Scizor Prime. Would you do Uxie LA (from the pack not the promo) for it?

XanderPitz1010 said:
Please CML for:
Alakazam MT
Uxie LA (as many as you have:p)
Raichu HGSS x4
Anything else on my wants list

Sorry nothing I saw.

To everyone else please specify what Uxie you want if it matters and also i'll get to everyone else in due time.

pokefan1234 said:
I would like the AS MANY UXIES YOU HAVE!!, Dialga G X and 2 Garchomp C, CML for them?

From your wants I have:

Vespiquen SF
Yanmega SV (Holo)
3 Team Rocket's Trickery

2 Garchomp C

3 Team Rocket Thievery


Cimurph said:
Hello, From your wants I have...
Gliscor 4/90 From Undaunted
Smergal 8/90 From Undaunted
Muk 31/90 From Undaunted
Mawile 56/90 From Undaunted
And you can also CML

From your list I am interested in x2 Uxie (Legends Awakened - Pack or Promo IDC which XD). Also if you have any of the following LMK.
Pokemon Collector
Pokemon Communication
Cyrus's Conspiracy
Call Energy
Power Spray


Sorry nothing.
Aphotic said:
Please cml for Uxie Lv.55 - 43/146 x? Thanks!

Are you asking for Uxie lvl X? cause i dont have that but if your asking for regular uxie I only saw Crobat Prime.

I'm probably going to be real picky right now as I am getting 2 boxes of Undaunted In a bit.
Bunnylover said:
I saw Scizor Prime. Would you do Uxie LA (from the pack not the promo) for it?

XanderPitz1010 said:
Please CML for:
Alakazam MT
Uxie LA (as many as you have:p)
Raichu HGSS x4
Anything else on my wants list
Sorry nothing I saw.

To everyone else please specify what Uxie you want if it matters and also i'll get to everyone else in due time.

pokefan1234 said:
I would like the AS MANY UXIES YOU HAVE!!, Dialga G X and 2 Garchomp C, CML for them?

From your wants I have:

Vespiquen SF
Yanmega SV (Holo)
3 Team Rocket's Trickery

2 Garchomp C

3 Team Rocket Thievery


Sorry nothing.
Aphotic said:
Please cml for Uxie Lv.55 - 43/146 x? Thanks!
Are you asking for Uxie lvl X? cause i don't have that but if your asking for regular uxie I only saw Crobat Prime.

I'm probably going to be real picky right now as I am getting 2 boxes of Undaunted In a bit.

Sorry I cant do the scizor prime for no uxie do u see anything else, since u dont have a wants list.
80baby said:
Sorry nothing I saw.

To everyone else please specify what Uxie you want if it matters and also i'll get to everyone else in due time.

pokefan1234 said:
I would like the AS MANY UXIES YOU HAVE!!, Dialga G X and 2 Garchomp C, CML for them?

From your wants I have:

Vespiquen SF
Yanmega SV (Holo)
3 Team Rocket's Trickery

2 Garchomp C

3 Team Rocket Thievery


Sorry nothing.
Aphotic said:
Please cml for Uxie Lv.55 - 43/146 x? Thanks!
Are you asking for Uxie lvl X? cause i don't have that but if your asking for regular uxie I only saw Crobat Prime.

I'm probably going to be real picky right now as I am getting 2 boxes of Undaunted In a bit.

Sorry I cant do the scizor prime for no uxie do u see anything else, since u don't have a wants list.
I did see Crobat Prime.
Also do you care for which Uxie you get (LA/Promo)
Bunnylover said:
2 Garchomp C

3 Team Rocket Thievery


Sorry nothing.
Aphotic said:
Please cml for Uxie Lv.55 - 43/146 x? Thanks!
Are you asking for Uxie lvl X? cause i don't have that but if your asking for regular uxie I only saw Crobat Prime.

I'm probably going to be real picky right now as I am getting 2 boxes of Undaunted In a bit.

Sorry I cant do the scizor prime for no uxie do u see anything else, since u don't have a wants list.
I did see Crobat Prime.
Also do you care for which Uxie you get (LA/Promo)

Not really but I would perferr pack why how many do u have? because I need ALOT!!!! OF THEM
Hikikomori-san said:
Sorry about that. Since I'm brand new at this I want to get a few trades done in the USA then outbranch towards Canada.
I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience. :(

80baby said:
Are you asking for Uxie lvl X? cause i don't have that but if your asking for regular uxie I only saw Crobat Prime.

I'm probably going to be real picky right now as I am getting 2 boxes of Undaunted In a bit.

Sorry I cant do the scizor prime for no uxie do u see anything else, since u don't have a wants list.
I did see Crobat Prime.
Also do you care for which Uxie you get (LA/Promo)

Not really but I would perferr pack why how many do u have? because I need ALOT!!!! OF THEM
lol well how many do you want for your crobat prime, since other then that the only other card I need would be Scizzor Prime.

Javier8100 said:
CML for
Uxie la (doesnt matter if set or not)
Dialga G X
Scizor Prime, Raichu Prime, smergal.
3 cards I saw, my brother really want 3 Scizor Prime, how many do you have?
Bunnylover said:
Sorry about that. Since I'm brand new at this I want to get a few trades done in the USA then outbranch towards Canada.
I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience. :(

Oh okay, no problem!
i said i do not have any raichu prime sadly. i have a couple of smeargles that i can trade for uxies. and ill see how many scizors i can get at league tommorow cause i only have like 1 spare.
Bunnylover said:
Sorry about that. Since I'm brand new at this I want to get a few trades done in the USA then outbranch towards Canada.
I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience. :(

80baby said:
Are you asking for Uxie lvl X? cause i don't have that but if your asking for regular uxie I only saw Crobat Prime.

I'm probably going to be real picky right now as I am getting 2 boxes of Undaunted In a bit.

Sorry I cant do the scizor prime for no uxie do u see anything else, since u don't have a wants list.
I did see Crobat Prime.
Also do you care for which Uxie you get (LA/Promo)

Not really but I would perferr pack why how many do u have? because I need ALOT!!!! OF THEM
lol well how many do you want for your crobat prime, since other then that the only other card I need would be Scizzor Prime.

Javier8100 said:
CML for
Uxie la (doesnt matter if set or not)
Dialga G X
Scizor Prime, Raichu Prime, smergal.
3 cards I saw, my brother really want 3 Scizor Prime, how many do you have?

Would u do 3-4 uxie for the crobat prime