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Standard Burn Baby Burn (Entei GX/Infernape)


Aspiring Trainer
Simple strategy here. Abuse Infernapes abilty to increase burn damage and hit good damage numbers.

Pokemon: 16
3x Entei GX 10/73
3x Infernape 23/156
1x Monferno 22/156
3x Chimchar 21/156
2x Salazzle 16/145
2x Salandit 15/145
2x Tapu Lele GX 60/145

Trainers: 31
4x Ultra Ball
4x Rare Candy
3x Professor Sycamore
3x Choice Band
3x N
3x Cynthia
2x Switch
2x Guzma
2x Field Blower
1x Lillie
1x Brigette
1x Skyla
1x Rescue Stretcher
1x Enhanced Hammer

Energy: 13
13x Fire Energy
The weakness of this deck is the fact that Entei is slow and its 180 hit points which make it easy to one shot.
You need to add +4 max elixir to help Entei setup, to do this I would drop the 2 Salazzle lines. The reason I would drop the Salazzle lines is because you are already using a stage 2 which will consume your resources.
I'm not sure Brigette is a good opening for this deck, in a good scenario you'll have Entei as active, lele in bench and you would get 2 chimchar and an Entei. Perhaps other options like using lillie would be better. There is also the fact that you just need 1 Infernape on the field perhaps playing a 2-1-2 line would work better.
I would play the following list:
11 pokemon
4x Entei GX 10/73
2x Infernape 23/156
1x Monferno 22/156
2x Chimchar 21/156
2x Tapu Lele GX 60/145

37 trainer
4x Ultra Ball
4x Rare Candy
4x Max Elixir
3x Professor Sycamore
3x Choice Band
3x N
3x Cynthia
1x Float stone
1x wishful baton
2x Guzma
2x Field Blower
2x Lillie
1x Skyla
1x Rescue Stretcher
1x Enhanced Hammer
2x Escape Rope

12 energy
12x Fire Energy

Overall Entei is a ok card, its GX attack allows for bench sniping but it only deals 150 damage which isn't enough to one shot GX pokemon (Except marshadow), use escape rope to switch a weakened active and finish it.
Take our salazzle line for max elixer
Lillie and brig for kiawe
Stretcher for super rod
Rare candy and monferno for nest balls
And the switches and 1 field blower for 3 scorched earth
That should up your consistency
I've been wanting to play this as well (granted that I know its going to be bad). I agree with AuraJackle that you need to run Max Elixir in this deck for consistency. I would also recommend getting rid of the monferno and a rare candy since you will not be utilizing all 4 candies. You want to get Infernape out as soon as possible so you won't want to have a monferno out. I've been thinking of playing this deck with Volcanion (both baby and EX) so that you can speed up your energy count and then drop additional damage with Entei GX using steam up.
I've only fooled around with Entei GX/Infernape a bit, but really enjoy it with Zoroark and Kiawe to increase your chances of getting the turn 2 attack.