Discussion Burning Shadows Add-ins for Metagross-GX


Aspiring Trainer
I've been playing Metagross-GX for a while now and really enjoy it but have been thinking that with Burning Shadows, there might be a surge of fire type Pokémon played. Obviously hitting Metagross-GX for weakness really hurts.

Was thinking of a 1-of putting Necrozma-GX in since you can retrieve psychic energy from the discard but you'd obviously be running more psychic energy than normal. I've been running a 9 steel / 2 psychic energy already, with the 2 for Dhelmise if needed. My worry is not getting enough steel energy in normal matches in the discard or not getting enough psychic energy available when needed to one shot with Necrozma-GX.

Of course though since I'm already using Alolan Vulpix, I could use the new Alolan Ninetales and be safe from EX and GX pokemon and then would hit fire types for weakness as well. However then I'm forced to run water energy in the deck which can't be pulled from the discard.

I don't know if I can help you there. You can't really add other pokemon unless you run 2 Alolan Vulpix instead of 1. Like I have said in the past, Metagross is very popular deck, but unless you don't have Altar of the Sunne in play, you're toast. Metagross has an awesome attack-charging ability, but man. The freakin' Volcanion deck.
I don't know if I can help you there. You can't really add other pokemon unless you run 2 Alolan Vulpix instead of 1. Like I have said in the past, Metagross is very popular deck, but unless you don't have Altar of the Sunne in play, you're toast. Metagross has an awesome attack-charging ability, but man. The freakin' Volcanion deck.
Yea, Volcanion is what scares me. I haven't ran the obvious Altar of the Sunne yet because of Field Blower. Since the Volcanion player can simply remove the stadium and steam up and attack, you'll never feel safe. Just don't know.
Yea, Volcanion is what scares me. I haven't ran the obvious Altar of the Sunne yet because of Field Blower. Since the Volcanion player can simply remove the stadium and steam up and attack, you'll never feel safe. Just don't know.

So you're just not running a stadium simply because of field blower? That's not really smart. Play at least 2 Sunnes in Metagross...
So you're just not running a stadium simply because of field blower? That's not really smart. Play at least 2 Sunnes in Metagross...
I completely get the logic but the only time I would need the stadium is for Volcanion, which now-a-days runs like 4 Brooklet Hill and 2, maybe 3 field blowers. Just didn't seem worth it if there is such a high chance it won't stick on the next turn. I could try it though.
I completely get the logic but the only time I would need the stadium is for Volcanion, which now-a-days runs like 4 Brooklet Hill and 2, maybe 3 field blowers. Just didn't seem worth it if there is such a high chance it won't stick on the next turn. I could try it though.

Yeah, in my Volcanion list (76-14 online) I run 4 Brooklet hills to win the stadium war. However, I only run a single copy of Field Blower.
I completely get the logic but the only time I would need the stadium is for Volcanion, which now-a-days runs like 4 Brooklet Hill and 2, maybe 3 field blowers. Just didn't seem worth it if there is such a high chance it won't stick on the next turn. I could try it though.
Trust me. You're gonna want to run Altar of the Sunne (3 or 4 copies) if you want *any* chance of winning. You won't regret it. The most field blower I've seen in a deck is 2 anyways.
It's not just field blower that's threatening your altars but also counter stadiums and delinquents. Brooklet, scorched earth, altar of the moone, ect are all stadiums that do something for you on your turn and aren't really comparable to stadiums like altar of the sunne and APCA which only do something if your opponent can't counter stadium on the turn they go for the KO.

You wouldn't just want altar for Volc but also against Flareon in Espeon/Garb and Vespiquen. Vespiquen has better, lower investment tech responses, Espeon/Garb tends to run a thicker field blower line plus 2-3 stadiums, and Volcanion almost always runs 4 stadiums.

I run Metagross without them, because honestly I don't feel that against a good player they're going to increase your chances that much in a weakness matchup. imo it's better to use those cards to increase consistency so your good matchups flow better than teching for what is more or less unwinnable from the outset.
It's not just field blower that's threatening your altars but also counter stadiums and delinquents. Brooklet, scorched earth, altar of the moone, ect are all stadiums that do something for you on your turn and aren't really comparable to stadiums like altar of the sunne and APCA which only do something if your opponent can't counter stadium on the turn they go for the KO.

You wouldn't just want altar for Volc but also against Flareon in Espeon/Garb and Vespiquen. Vespiquen has better, lower investment tech responses, Espeon/Garb tends to run a thicker field blower line plus 2-3 stadiums, and Volcanion almost always runs 4 stadiums.

I run Metagross without them, because honestly I don't feel that against a good player they're going to increase your chances that much in a weakness matchup. imo it's better to use those cards to increase consistency so your good matchups flow better than teching for what is more or less unwinnable from the outset.

Great advice, as usual Kietharr~

In the PokemonTCG, some decks just counter others.
Some times, this is due to the Weakness mechanic, other times it's due to an exploitation of a deck's strategy.
ex. Mega Audino beating out Night March, utilizing it's bench damage.

What makes a deck "viable," is it's place in the meta.
If literally everyone starts playing Fire Types, it's safe to say Metagross' viability will drop.
This will cause the decks that Metagross beat to rise, and also decks that beat the popular Fire Types.

You should always tech for the popular decks.
If your deck can't compete, or the tech is not reliable, then it's probably not a viable choice.

I don't think Altar of Sunne is a great answer to Fire Types... but... I don't know if there will be a significant growth in them either.
Maybe at the start, as people test new variants, but it could die down, and Metagross will rise again.

Similar thing happened with M Mewtwo~
It saw a lot of play, then M Garde was printed.
M Garde countered M Mewtwo... and there wasn't really a way to tech for the match-up.
Thus, M Mewtwo's playrate dropped.
But, once M Garde saw less play, M Mewtwo came back.