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Bushfire (Charizard Ex / Entei Ex / Pyroar)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar

Pokémon (12):
  • 3 Charizard Ex (beatdown)
  • 3 Entei Ex (beatdown)
  • 3 Pyroar (beatdown)
  • 3 Litleo (evolution)

Trainer (36):
  • 4 Professor Juniper (draw)
  • 4 Shauna (draw)
  • 4 Blacksmith (beatdown)
  • 2 Surprise Megaphone (discard)
  • 1 Scramble Switch (transfer)
  • 3 Muscle Band (beatdown)
  • 2 Professor Letter (search)
  • 4 Flametorch (draw)
  • 4 Ultra Ball (search)
  • 3 Switch (enable)
  • 2 Pal Pad (reuse)
  • 3 Bicycle (draw)

Energy (12):
  • 3 Double Colorless Energy
  • 9 Fire Energy


In essence this is a Fire Rush deck. Start with either Charizard Ex or Entei Ex. Use Ultra Ball and Flametorch to draw and search out Pokémon and discard basic Fire. Blacksmith is used to accelerate from this discard while item draw ensures the deck can obtain needed resources in time. The main idea is to have Charizard Ex out turn two and another one on the bench. He is the focus of the deck since he can ohko most Pokémon Ex in the format. Use switch cards to alternate between Charizards to ensure a stable beatdown.

Pyroar and Entei Ex have been chosen as second attackers. While the former stalls out Basic Pokémon the latter can be used to accelerate from the discard. Both should be able to knock out the defender in two turns. Would have liked to include two or three Random Receivers in this deck but did not know what to take out form them. The card would combo well with the item-based draw and Pal Pad which returns supporter cards from the discard into the deck.


Charizard Ex
Basic Fire Pokémon
HP 180
[C][C][C] Wing Attack: 60
[R][R][C][C] Flame Explosion: 150
During your next turn, this Pokemon can’t use Flame Explosion.
When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Stage 1 Fire Pokémon - evloves from Litleo
HP 110
Ability: Intimidating Mane
This Pokemon takes no damage from the attacks of your opponent’s Basic Pokemon.
[R][C][C] Heat Fang: 60+
You may discard an [R] energy attached to this Pokemon. If you do. this attack does 30 more damage.
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Basic Fire Pokémon
HP: 70
[R][R][C] Combustion: 60
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Trainer - Supporter
Choose 2 [R] Energy from your discard pile and attach them to 1 of your [R] Pokemon.

Trainer - Item
Discard 1 Fire Energy from your hand, then draw 2 cards from your deck.

Pal Pad
Trainer - Item
Shuffle 2 Supporter cards from your discard pile back into your deck.

Surprise Megaphone
Trainer - Item
Discard all Pokemon Tools attached to your opponent’s Pokemon.
Idk how i feel about pal pad. It isn't that great imo. If you are going to shuffle supporters back in it might as well just be more supporters instead of having to shuffle them back in and then draw them again. There are a few more supporters you could use instead to get better results. N is a pretty standard supporter for disruption and pokemon fan club is pretty good for getting basics out. Which is pretty much all your main attackers. Lysander is basically a catcher.

Random Receiver is sort of in a similar category. Its only really good with Junk Hunt of some sort. It also works when you are playing a deck with just straight draw supporters. Something like 4 N 4 Juniper with RR to search them out. If you have stuff that have specific uses like Black smith, there are times you will want a Juniper or Shauna cause you just need cards. So you RR but instead you get a Black Smith and end up wasting a turn because of it. It could cost you games.
Seeing as this is Future... In my opinion, you could always take out some cards in exchange for at least two Victini EX with Turbo Energize for energy acceleration and a single Mega Charizard for as you say "beatdown", personally I like the one who does damage to itself as it is mono colored and has no downside if you also put in a Protect Cube and are able to attach it... Honestly, you've already put in here the perfect Wall for when you mega evolve Charizard, as Pyroar cannot be caused damage by Basics which people tend to run a lot of these days... I'd also add more energy and a couple of Skyla as they are extremely useful due to that they can search out any Trainer card, this will allow you to search for your single Protect Cube or any other Trainer card you might need at the moment, works especially well with Item cards as they can be played in the same turn... Due to Victini EX, some cards that helped you search energy won't be needed thus leaving you with more card space... Victini EX would be your ideal starter... Ohh and let's not forget Lysandre, which being a Pokemon Catcher/Gust of Wind type of card it can take your opponent completely by surprise for a OHKO with pokemon like the Charizard EX which you've already included...

To summarize:
-1 Pyroar
-1 Entei
-1 Charizard Ex
-3 Bycicle
-1 Professor Juniper
-1 Shauna
-1 Blacksmith
-2 Flametorch
- 2 Other Trainers

+2 Victini
+1 Mega Charizard
+1 Protect Cube
+2 Skyla
+4 Fire Energy
+2 Lysandre

Among other cards you could consider: Pokemon Fan Club in addition to Ultra Ball...

Hope this Helped :D...
Hi Ivy_Profen,

Thanks for the review. Have to disagree on Pal Pad. In combination with Random Receiver this card is in fact awesome. It allows you to essentially play more versions of a view selected supporters than you would normally be able to use. in this deck you want to recycle Blacksmith with Pal Pad and to obtain access them them faster with Random Receivers. As long as you have a benched Pokémon and Basic fire in the discard Blacksmith is never a dead card as long as you also have a sufficient amount of Bicycles to refresh the hand a little.

N is less stable than Shauna if you want to use him as a draw supporter. In Dark Rush 4-3-3 Juniper, Shauna and N work well with 2-2-2 Bicycles, Pal pad and Random Receivers. It makes Dark Rush decks much faster than before and the deck can also be used more reckless since discarding supporters will be less of an issue. In Fire Rush decks you need to make room for Blacksmith and thus need to decide between N and Shauna. since this is a speed beatdown deck Shauna seems better to me because she is a reliable draw card.

Lysandre is indeed a nice tech in offensive decks but I could not fit it into the deck. I think 1-2 of them should be more than sufficient in any deck.

Hi ale.543,

Thanks for the review. Mega Charizard Ex defeats the theme of the deck which is fast beatdown. the deck does not want to waste a turn even if Pyroar would wall for one turn. In addition Mega Charizard Ex is easy to ohko for most Darkness decks and any deck that runs Keldeo Ex with Prism and Rainbow or basic Water Energy and he does not do anything that charizard Ex cannot achieve on his own. Charizard Ex already ohkoes most Pokémon in the current format. thus there is no need to waste resources for Mega Charizard Ex since all he does is slow the deck down. at the rate at which this deck tends to burn itself the lost turn and slowing by including Charizard Ex is detrimental.
Have you considered running Keldeo + Float Stone so you can continuously enable the Flame Explosion without having to keep snagging Switches and set up an entirely different Charizard on the bench? I feel as though that would be a much superior card to run if you wanted to attack continuously.

I also agree on the notion that you should add in Fan Club. It's very, very good in general. It basically removes the necessity to run four Ultra Balls. They aren't as good in high numbers, however, in a deck where you pride yourself with Blacksmith, so I might throw in one in replace of an Ultra Ball just to see how that turns out. Two works for me, though I have a stage two support Pokemon and you don't.
Hi Kecleon-X,

Thanks for the review. Keldeo with Float Stone is under consideration. Still not sure on it because most decks over here run at least two tool discard cards and it is also unsure whether Charizard Ex will survive a counter attack from water baiscs and/or Yveltal. Since he remains active with four energies is is much more vulnerable than Xerneas Ex. Have a version that assumes he does not survive and a teched version where Switch is removed for two Float Stones and one tech Keldeo.
I would also consider running a M-Charizard Y in here, because of your Pyroar. Especially since normal Charizard EX gives 150 every other turn, which comes out to a paltry 75 a turn, which you could just as easily get from Reshiram.
Hi ale.543,

Thanks for the review. Mega Charizard Ex defeats the theme of the deck which is fast beatdown. the deck does not want to waste a turn even if Pyroar would wall for one turn. In addition Mega Charizard Ex is easy to ohko for most Darkness decks and any deck that runs Keldeo Ex with Prism and Rainbow or basic Water Energy and he does not do anything that charizard Ex cannot achieve on his own. Charizard Ex already ohkoes most Pokémon in the current format. thus there is no need to waste resources for Mega Charizard Ex since all he does is slow the deck down. at the rate at which this deck tends to burn itself the lost turn and slowing by including Charizard Ex is detrimental.

(From my perspective)
Mega's aren't put in decks to be played always, they have their use, but are mistaken by some people for this (they are extra power, not for main attacker)... You analize the field and take into consideration wether it will be worth that lost turn, a mega early in the game will definitely put a dent in your oponents defense if not destroy it while he's still setting up... Why play Mega instead of only EX Charizard, they cannot do the same thing, for starters Mega is able to undeniably OHKO even other Mega's, like Mega Blastoise, who posses the biggest threat to your deck as his attack does 120 to active and 30 to two benched pokemon, in your case x2 water weakness on both... Mega's aren't always easy to Knock Out and hey, you still loose the same two prizes as you would for a normal EX and force your oponent to bring out a strongly set up Pokemon to Knock it Out which means that if you've set your bench there will be something right out there for you to KO afterwards... Ohh and let's not forget, Mega Blastoise is an evolved Pokemon for which Pyroar's ability won't protect it, plus you'll already be using Charizard EX... I run a Water Deck that features only one of each M-Blastoise-> Blastoise EX (I can usually search quite a lot) and even I don't believe how often I get to play it usefully, and how unusualy it gets trapped in the prizes... I've also avoided playing it in match-ups in which it wouldn't be of much help and it hasn't affected my game being I play only one of each... But then again, it's your deck, so it's up to you and how you wish to play the game...
Just wanted to clear that out :)...