Pokémon (14):
Go second and start with Volcanion. Use Scorched Earth and Arco Bike to draw and discard Fire Energy. Bench two Litleo and accelerate to them with Volcanion. Evolve them into Pyroar BREAK with Wally and attach Bursting Balloon as soon as Pyroar BREAK becomes active. Hit them with Kaiser Tackle and build another Pyroar BREAK on the bench to take over once the first one is defeated. Bursting Balloon ensures that Pyroar BREAK can either ohko the defender or has another turn to live. Retrieve lost Bursting Balloon with Eco Arm while Super Rod returns lost Pyroar to the deck.
Pokémon (14):
- 3 Pyroar BREAK (beatdown)
- 3 Pyroar XY11 (beatdown)
- 3 Litleo XY11 (evolution)
- 3 Volcanion (beatdown)
- 2 Shaymin Ex (draw)
- 4 Professor Sycamore (draw)
- 1 Giovanni’s Scheme (draw)
- 1 Lysandre (control)
- 2 Wally (evolution)
- 2 N (draw)
- 4 Bursting Balloon (beatdown)
- 3 Trainer's Mail (search)
- 1 Super Rod (retrieve)
- 4 Vs Seeker (retrieve)
- 4 Ultra Ball (search)
- 1 Eco Arm (retrieve)
- 3 Acro Bike (draw)
- 4 Scorched Earth (draw)
- 12 Fire Energy
Go second and start with Volcanion. Use Scorched Earth and Arco Bike to draw and discard Fire Energy. Bench two Litleo and accelerate to them with Volcanion. Evolve them into Pyroar BREAK with Wally and attach Bursting Balloon as soon as Pyroar BREAK becomes active. Hit them with Kaiser Tackle and build another Pyroar BREAK on the bench to take over once the first one is defeated. Bursting Balloon ensures that Pyroar BREAK can either ohko the defender or has another turn to live. Retrieve lost Bursting Balloon with Eco Arm while Super Rod returns lost Pyroar to the deck.