Buzzwhole GX Deck Help


Semi-Ace Trainer
Hey there, people of Pokebeach!

I just started getting into the Pokemon TCG (I play online only) and needed help with the meta. I'm a complete noob but I heard Buzzwhole GX is a really good card to have in a deck. If so, how many should I have and what trainer cards should I be using?

You're going to want to look at some example decks that are already out there, either at (which has different deck lists actually used in regionals/etc.), or just look at other posts here. That's the best way to start - copy someone else's deck exactly, play with it some, then modify it.

Buzzwole GX decks, though, will be fairly expensive, as Buzz is pretty expensive itself, and it needs to be paired with either Lycanroc or Zygarde or similar, both of which are fairly expensive also. If you don't have a lot of resources, either do a Baby Buzzwole [i.e., not GX Buzzwole, just regular one, the 130HP card] variant (like Buzzwole/Garbodor or Buzzwole/Weavile or all three) I'd say - in particular as that doesn't require Tapu Lele.
Moved thread from the Deck Garage to the Competitive Play Forum, because the OP is asking for a list, not posting a list and asking for advice~
As someone who got into this game because of Fighting pokemon, Buzz is def not a bad one to start with. I would however do what the poster above mentioned and try for the non-GX buzzwole from the Forbidden Light set. Besides being inexpensive, it's also a low-risk card as you only lose one prize card while you have a high potential to take 2 by using it. There's lots of fighting support in the expanded format, with Strong Energy to boost damage, Korrina for instant card advantage and more. In standard, the card is still good even though you don't have those options, because Zoroark-GX is a popular choice and it's weak to it.