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Standard Buzzwole GX/Garbodor


Aspiring Trainer
I posted a Buzzwole GX deck a few days back, but figured I'd post an updated list. I haven't been able to test it yet because I'm looking for one more Buzzwole GX online, but I feel like the list looks solid on paper. I decided to include the GRI Garbodor after realizing my initial list didn't have a solid back-up attacker. It did force me to make some big changes, however. I swapped out the Fighting Fury Belts for Choice Bands and replaced four Fighting Energy with Rainbow Energy. Because of the increased count of Special Energy I added in a Special Charge. I'm undecided on the Oranguru, as I'm running Garbotoxin, but I feel like this deck needs some kind of option for late-game draw support. A problem that I see is that between 4 Trubbish, 3 Tapu Lele GX, an Espeon, and an Oranguru, I'm going to have issues starting with Buzzwole GX. It might not be a problem, but who knows. Anyways, I'd like some feedback! If you've been testing Buzzwole out, let me know how it's been going for you.

EDIT 1: So I completely forgot about Po Town. I think it would be a great inclusion in this deck, I'm just not sure what I'd remove from my current list to make room. At the moment, I'm considering doing the following:

-1 Oranguru, -1 Guzma, -1 Fighting Energy
+3 Po Town

EDIT 2: I decided to test the deck online even though I only had two Buzzwole GX at the time (I just got my third so now I can really test the deck out). I figured some play-testing was better than none. What I learned was that Fighting Fury Belt is a must. Not only does it give your Buzzwole GX some extra bulk, it allows Jet Punch to hit for 60 damage with a Strong Energy, which is important for getting quick KOs on Ralts, Beldum, Froakie, and anything else that's relevant. I also found that Po Town should be in the deck as well, as it really punishes those evolution heavy decks and helps Espeon EX. I updated the list with the changes I made.

Pokémon - 16

3 Buzzwole-GX
4 Trubbish BKP
2 Garbodor GRI
2 Garbodor BKP
1 Espeon-EX
3 Tapu Lele-GX

Trainer Cards - 32

4 Professor Sycamore
4 N
3 Guzma
3 Acerola
1 Brigette
4 Ultra Ball
2 Field Blower
1 Special Charge
1 Rescue Stretcher
4 Fighting Fury Belt
4 Float Stone
3 Po Town

Energy - 12

4 Strong Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
3 Fighting Energy

Total Cards - 60
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