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BW-on: Eelektrik variants

ok, but i chose thundurus as my starter so i can give damage as early as turn 2, maybe i will try emolga sometime
HellYeah said:
ok, but i chose thundurus as my starter so i can give damage as early as turn 2, maybe i will try emolga sometime

but you should be t2 damage with raikou or anybody else in an eel deck.
Ultra Ball is so good in this deck. It's really part of the whole engine and decks that have Eelektrik, Dark Patch, and even Ho-Oh always love it just for that discarding use. Thundurus may not be the best starter in the world, but it can still apply good early game pressure. I definitely wouldn't recommend taking out the Ultras.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
Ultra Ball is so good in this deck. It's really part of the whole engine and decks that have Eelektrik, Dark Patch, and even Ho-Oh always love it just for that discarding use. Thundurus may not be the best starter in the world, but it can still apply good early game pressure. I definitely wouldn't recommend taking out the Ultras.

dmaster out.

i will not remove ultra balls
i will just try emolgas
I don't recommend using Emolga as a starter either tbh. Thundurus and Mewtwo are more than capable early game attackers and with multiples of Level Balls and Ultra Balls, you really don't have too many issues getting out baby eels and Eelektriks.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
I don't recommend using Emolga as a starter either tbh. Thundurus and Mewtwo are more than capable early game attackers and with multiples of Level Balls and Ultra Balls, you really don't have too many issues getting out baby eels and Eelektriks.

dmaster out.

ok. i will not make any change for now
Add a Zekrom EX and Catcher KO a Hydreigon. But make sure you can use it twice in a row.
zekrom ex discards energy and so do most of your attackers so how will you consistently attach enough energy to attack each turn? I'd say cut the Raikou, zekrom ex, the thundurus, add a zekrom, take out 2 dces and add 3 prisms and 2 terrakion and a rayquaza ex which can do a ton of damage.
Cake101 said:
zekrom ex discards energy and so do most of your attackers so how will you consistently attach enough energy to attack each turn? I'd say cut the Raikou, zekrom ex, the thundurus, add a zekrom, take out 2 dces and add 3 prisms and 2 terrakion and a rayquaza ex which can do a ton of damage.

I think you are missing the fact that Eelektrik's ability let's you attach 1 Lightning Energy from your discard pile so I'm pretty sure it would be not very hard to attack with those pokémon you mentioned, I guess. Also, what you suggested would probably make the deck a lot more inconsistent and IMO those are unnecessary changes.
Sheodon said:
-3 Tool Scrapper

+1 Pokémon Catcher (It's not as situational as tool scrapper, and give you a bigger advantage. It's a Gust of Wind a'la BW, so try to max it out if it's possible)
+1 Emolga (DEX) (searching out Tynamos, or other basics if it's needed. Also a good starter.)
+1 Bianca (+draw card and also adds another option to choose from when you need cards)

Really nice ZekEels, good job with it. I hope someone who's more experienced than me will comment and rate your Deck. :)

I think he'll need the tool scrapper for the garbodor match up. wouldn't want your eels to get ability-locked now would you? :) and honestly I'd do:

-1 eviolite
+1 ultra ball

just an idea. though I like the idea of maxing catcher. but with the whole raikou ex sniping everything on sight...

EDIT: Snipe everything EXCEPT Sigilyph :p
r0naLd222 said:
I think he'll need the tool scrapper for the garbodor match up. wouldn't want your eels to get ability-locked now would you? :) and honestly I'd do:

-1 eviolite
+1 ultra ball

just an idea. though I like the idea of maxing catcher. but with the whole raikou ex sniping everything on sight...

can you snipe sigilyph on the bench, with raikou ex?
Nope. Sigilyph prevents all attacks so Darkrai's Night Spear to the Bench and Raikou's Volt Bolt to the Bench won't do any damage to it.

In the OP, you do have Thundurus and regular Zekrom (which particularly does a number) and they can more than deal with Sigilyph.

dmaster out.