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BW-on Strange deck, will it work?


Aspiring Trainer

Torndaus EX
Mewtwo EX
Zekrom EX
Kyurem EX
Regigigas EX
Reshiram EX
2 sableye dex


4 juniper
3 cheren
4 potion
3 pluspower
2 switch
3 Pokémon catcher
3 ultra ball
3 random reciever
3 dual ball
2 N
3 evoliolite


4 prism
4 rainbow
2 blend energy WLMF
2 blend energy GRPD

do as much massive damage as soon as possible so ur opponents basics die quickly
Well this is certainly interesting looks like a six corners on crack. I would just erase everything start with 3 verizion a few terrakion some other big basics, staple tss and go from there
it wont work cuz rainbow energy and dual ball isnt bw on but u can do all blend energy and heavy ball. it might work but i thinks its slow but it can cause annoyance if u have the right ex for the match out. if ur opponent sets up fast with electrikk dark patch or emboar i this deck will have a tough coming back. iknow u kinda want it like 6 corners but maybe focus on two certain types so u can use exp share and regular energies