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BW-on: ZekEels


X-Ball motherf***er
3 zekrom
4-3 eelektrik
2 mewtwo ex
3 thundurus
2 raikou ex

T/S/S: 31
4 prof. juniper
4 N
2 cheren
2 bianca
2 tool scrapper
3 ultra ball
2 level ball
2 eviolite
4 pokemon catcher
1 switch
2 random receiver
1 super rod
2 skyarrow bridge

9 lightning
3 dce

the strategy is to start with thundurus and charge at turn 1 and start doing 80 damage at turn 2, raikou ex to snipe bench sitters, zekrom and mewtwo ex for late game with their high damage output.
any help or suggestions? thanks in advance
This list looks solid enough, but I have to say 1 Switch with one DCE in the deck is pretty risky, especially in a format without Junk Arm to get back Switches and many people using Pokemon Catcher on things with high retreat. For that reason, here's the changes that I would make.

-1 Lightning Energy
-2 Thundurus
+1 Double Colorless Energy
+2 Switch (explained above)

DCE is one of the most vital cards in this deck. It can really be used for every attacker as well as serve as paying for the Retreat Cost for Eelektrik. It is arguably more useful then Lightning Energy and can be a very precious resource over the course of a game. I'm also cutting the Thundurus for the aforementioned Switch because, quite simply, you have a lot of attackers in this deck. 10 attackers is way too much for this deck (especially because you have Super Rod on top of that!). I'm finding 8/9 to be the right balance of them. With more Switch in the deck, the chances of the T1 Charge increases as you can Ultra Ball for Thundurus and then play Switch. While it is a great starter and with more of them in the deck, the chances of starting with it increases, the other attackers will be taking more priority because they are simply better in the late game. Hope I helped. :)

dmaster out.