C.M.C - Round 2 Winner: SG2F Designz AND Neon Pokemon Shop

Who do you think won Round 2?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Again, sorry for the really late post guys. Got real busy..

Main C.M.C Thread
(Go Here for any questions/concerns/discussion/etc.)

HELLO! Welcome to Round 2 of the Celadon Mart Competition! Below will be the second challenge for us to complete. Remember, each shop will have 1 week to finish the challenge. Anything after that will not be accepted. After that week, voting will happen for the week after that. Let's get to it.

The Competitors:

[Username(s)] George2FRESH & Sonic Gal
[Shop Name] SG2F Designz

By: Sonic Gal

[Username(s)] Flygon999
[Shop Name] Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2

[Username(s)] Light Venusaur
[Shop Name] Konoha's Workshop

Username] PIPLUP & Charizard88
[Shop Name] PIPLUPS Puffy Shop

[Username] Master of the Shadow
[Shop Name] Neon Pokemon Shop 2

[Username] Juliacoolo
[Shop Name] Coolart

[Username Jamtok
[Shop Name] [SoulArt]


The Challenge:

This is the 2nd Challenge of the Competition. This Challenge will be a little more complicated than the 1st one.

Thanks to Flygon the Jedi Master for the request!
[What you want] Banner
[Background] Smoky, greenish, reddish, dark, misty...and color will do really.
[Pictures] Flygon holding a blue lightsaber, fighting a Blazekin holding a red lightsaber. It could be any Pokémon, as long as they hold lightsabers, and they could use Force Lightning in the banner. Or Force Push, or Force Choke, or Repulse, or Maelstrom. It could be any number of Pokémon too.
[Text] Use The Force
[Stlye/Scheme/Theme] Dark and misty.
[Comments/Details] I like this request because it will take skill to make the Pokémon use the force and wield lightsabers, as well as fight each other. You coul put them in robes and stuff to make them look more like jedi, or make their eyes glow.

All Entries will be submitted HERE. This Thread will be a Poll thread when Voting Week Has started. Also, NO REDO's. What ever you turn in is your final piece.
Since there won't be any judges and voting will be in a poll, us contestants won't be able to know how we're doing or what we're doing wrong. BUT, for you PokeBeach Members, if you would like to fill out a rubric to give us advice/opinions/etc. on what we can do to improve, please feel free to do so. Here's the rubric:

[Style] -/10
[Originality] -/10
[Creativity] -/10
[Relation to the Challenge] -10
[Effort] -/10
[Total] -/50

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, Round 2 has officially ended! And the winner is.. *drumroll*

It's a TIE!

Between Neon Pokemon Shop and SG2F Designz! With a total of 4 votes each! (Subtracting Employee votes from SG2F Designz)

This means that both shops will get a point for winning this round. Congratulations to both! Round 3 to start soon. Check back at main thread!
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

Dude that request was AWESOME! It really takes skill to make something like that!

EDIT: Errr...my shop link leads to the pokebeach front page and sais "lala" lol.
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

[Username(s)] George2FRESH & Sonic Gal
[Shop Name] SG2F Designz


RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

This request is gonna be a pain because I don't know anything about star wars and its gonna be a weird banner but whatever.. =P I'll try to get it in soon.
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

Just drop me out of the contest for good. My new computer doesn't have Paint and I cannot get it, so I cannot do art. Just remove my name, please.
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

Master of the Shadow said:
This request is gonna be a pain because I don't know anything about star wars and its gonna be a weird banner but whatever.. =P I'll try to get it in soon.
Starwars is easy! It's awesome...and kind of weird.

I can't wait to see how these turn out! My request shall be a challenge however...

@Muddy68---->Just get Gimp, lot's of people use it!
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

Flygon Jedi Master said:
Master of the Shadow said:
This request is gonna be a pain because I don't know anything about star wars and its gonna be a weird banner but whatever.. =P I'll try to get it in soon.
Starwars is easy! It's awesome...and kind of weird.

I can't wait to see how these turn out! My request shall be a challenge however...

@Muddy68---->Just get Gimp, lot's of people use it!

No offense to anyone I don't hate Star Wars but don't plan on watching it =P, but nonetheless I'll try to turn in a banner
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!


Ya, I couldn't find a good font...

I just noticed something. Sonic gal: you forgot the text, and can't change it. That should be points off.
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

Juliacoolo said:

Ya, I couldn't find a good font...

I just noticed something. Sonic gal: you forgot the text, and can't change it. That should be points off.

Lol, yes what Pandamore stated. I wrote it in handwriting in the bottom right. :p
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

Ya. I think my risk with the pathway did bad. It looks choppy and pixilate. Blaziken has a gash in his chest. HOORAY! VIOLENCE!
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

Muddy68 said:
Can I get it without cost?

Indeed, as Omnigross_98 stated. Here are the links:

http://www.gimp.org/ - GIMP's main site.

http://www.download.com/GIMP/3000-2192_4-10073935.html?tag=mncol - Download GIMP 2.6.5

Don't worry. Download.com is a safe site; no viruses are in the files there.
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

Ryuu: No she got it from DeviantART, I searched it and found an exact flygon picture.

Ok done! The quality is pretty bad though, but I like it :D

RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

NIce job flygon. Can you teach me how to animate Via n00bArt
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

Flygon999 said:
Ryuu: No she got it from DeviantART, I searched it and found an exact flygon picture.

On the contrary, I did not. That image has been redistributed on many sites (the source is DA nonetheless). In addition it has been made in a Yugioh card on another website.

This has only been used for PERSONAL USE (in a signature). All rights reserved to the owner. I do not claim the content I use or benefit from it commercially.

Unless the I used the image for commercial profit would I be infringing the copyright.
RE: C.M.C - Round 2 starts now!

Sonic girl is 100% Right. Unless you are a beast like xous, you don't make your own art for banners. People are aloud to use other art, unless used commercially.