Call Energies


Aspiring Trainer
Why are so many people after these? I am a noob to the game but have been collecting for so long.

EDIT: Here's another question. What are staples?
so call energys are good because theyre practically the only card that if you go first can prevent a donk. They also help you get set up. Staples are cards that should be in every deck, such as Roseannes Research, Bebe's Search etc.
Call Energies are just good, search your deck for 2 basics is a good start to a game. Staples are cards that work well and are good in every deck. If decks don't have staples in them they don't run as well. Some general ones are Roseanne's Research, Bebe's Search, Uxies, Claydols, Cyrus's Conspiracy ETC...