Ruling Call For Family


Firered&Leafgreen is the BEST^.^
It I use an attack says search for up to 3 basic pokemon and put them onto your bench, but my bench already have 3 basic pokemon. Should I search for 2 basic pokemon and put them onto my bench instead of 3?
You mean I can put 2 basic pokemon onto my bench by that attack when I have 3 pokemon on my bench?
yes. but I don't think there is a CFF that can get you 3 pokemon I only can thing of CFF getting 1-2 pokemon
the only exception would be Luvdisc, Even game but that isn't CFF
When a attack or trainer state there search up to 3 pokemon, that means you can either search for 1 or 2 or 3 pokemon. So if you already have 3 pokemon in the bench, that means you can only search for 2 pokemon...
Er yeah what he said =) but remember, if it says that you can put em into your hand, you don't have to take the bench limit you got atm into account, since you theoretically can have 59 pokemon in your hand if you got all your prizes(and one in play, otherwise you lost xD)