

Pokemon Rose Scripter
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If you need to know the strategy, PM or inform me here.
the deck's okay, but i dont think it will ever win anything because it gets murdered by almost all of the archetypes, except ms.
i give the thing a 7/10

Arcanine out.
Anything else or anyone else who wants to discuss????

True, I thought no one would say about Archeypes eliminating this deck.
It's Slow By the way.
yes very slow, too bad cause i have 3 camerupts ex. it's still a fun deck, but if you use it with HL jirachi and mentor you can be set up by T3 usually, but that's rare that you get EVERYTHING you need. too bad, it's a cool deck.

Arcanine out.
I saw one person playing 4 Plusles and 4 Jirachis to get Camrupt AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.

But, you could use a 1-1 or a 2-2 Camerupt EX tech into your T2 Arcy EX deck.
nah because that'd take ot the T2 status. it's just arcy and lunarock so i can get IT out T2. i don't even really like camerupt in their because i have a small amount of energies and don't want them to go to waste unless i'm doing 100. thanx anywya.

Arcanine out.