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Camerupt-EX / Magnezone


Aspiring Trainer
We would like to show you a new concept of Camerupt-EX deck. We compaired this perfect pokemon with Magnezone, which has really cool Dual Brain ability. This ability gives you a chance to play 2 supporters per game. I fell that Magnezone is a little bit in a shade of other cards and almost nobody tried to use that. Enjoy this video!


  • 3 Camerupt-EX
    1 Reshiram
    1 Keldeo-EX
    3-1-3 Magnezone (Dual Brain)
    1 Jirachi-EX

  • 1 Computer Search
    1 Escape Rope
    1 Letter
    3 Rare Candy
    4 Ultra Ball
    4 VS
    3 Blacksmith
    2 Lysandre
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    4 N
    4 Professor Juniper
    2 Skyla
    3 Scorched Earth
    2 Float Stone

  • 12 Fire Energy

Everything is in the deck list. Please watch our strategy deck video. Please watch and if you don´t agree with anything just write us, we can talk about it.

That's way to many Magnezones, if your going to run Magnezone then I would suggest going with a 1/1 Magnemite Magnezone combo but with a different set of stage 2s that way you can take advantage of the rare cadies more effectively. Though if you disagree with me then that's cool, this is only my opinion any ways.
I'm gonna build this deck and play with it. It seems fun. I will post results, i'm just trying to trade for two more magnezones online atm.
Played with this deck a bit today, it seems a little shaky in the first two or three turns but I did win 5 loose 2 playing ranked online today so it's not a bad deck. I dropped a vs seeker for a startling megaphone as it's so useful against those pesky M-ex decks that rely on spirit links (and of course garbodor not that you see them all that much anymore). I managed to megaphone three kyogre spirit links on turn three in one game lol. Oh and I don't have Jirachi-EX so I am using a second Reshiram which has won me two games just by spamming outrage and blue flare off two reshirams.

Also I am finding a lot I end up with useless magnezones late in game. I might try a 2-2 line at some point.
I've been playing this deck for a few days now, it's a fun deck but has a couple of major problems. It basically dies to any water deck that it comes near and it needs to find a way to deal with pyroar I think. I just had a game where I was winning 1-6 on prizes then lost it because she got a pyroar out and there is nothing in the deck that can touch it (she had nothing on the bench to lysandre into). Could weakness policy be fitted in do you think?
First off, let me say that I love magnezone dual brains. I've been running in with dragonite ex for ages, but why not, if you're going to get up a stage 2 pokemon, go for embroar, and make black kyurem except with damage control available, and only one type of energy?
I do think emboar is the better way to play cam erupt ex but one, it's rotating out in may and two you might as well just play a deluge deck if that's what you want.
Well when it rotates out wont teams magmas Camerupt rotate in? and when it does rotate in, it will make Camerupt EX's attack have no need for Emboar at all. Also if you added a few electric energies then you could use Magnezone to hit Pyroar... just a thought.
Yeah TM Camerupt + Battle compressors could potentially be used to attach an extra fire energy per turn I guess if you are attacking with it which I guess you could, but i'm having trouble working out wether TM Camerupt is actually useable or not, as it's not got great HP, and you can basically get one extra fire (or fighting) energy per turn attached to your bench pokemon but only if it's attacking. And it's fire and two colourless so you can't really bank on getting it set up really quickly. I dunno. I really want to like it.
I think you misread Camerupt EX's attack... because it can discard fire energies from all your Pokémon not only it's self, so you don't actually need to accelerate the energies onto your active Camerupt EX. This makes team magmas Camerupt that much more useful. For if you use blacksmith and DCE on turn 1-2 and have all 4 team magmas Camerupt on your bench by using combinations of ultra ball, fiery torch/max revive and scorched earth then that's 200+ damage by a possible turn 2.
Holy Shitake Mushrooms Batman. I had totally misread that attack. That's actually a pretty brutal little deck list. And might be faster with Battle compressors than the inferno fandango version... Schweet.
I can vouch for Magma Camerupt. Tested a deck out yesterday, I'm still trying to get it consistent but, as said, you can do a potential 200 damage turn 2. Once Magmarupt grabs the momentum, it takes a lot to make the deck lose it because you've got about 3 Magma Camerupts accelerating energy every turn, then Blacksmith grabbing energy back and VS Seekers grabbing Blacksmiths.

It's not that hard to get enough Fire energy into the discard either. Incredibly fun and effective deck, I don't know how it does against most of the meta (I beat a Steel deck and M-Gardevoir but Seismitoad and Landobats might give it problems) but I'm calling it a potential Tier 2 deck at the moment.
Sure thing. Please bear in mind that I'm still testing- I'm thinking about adding a 4th Acro Bike, a Mr Mime for bench protection, Weakness Policies, etc. I just feel like playing this deck turbo-style is the way to do it, as getting set up in the first few turns means you can stop using your supporters for drawing and instead use VS Seekers for Blacksmiths and get the KOs.

This deck most likely dies to Pyroar, but I dunno. Would probably rather take the loss and keep the deck running as fast as it does, rather than wreck consistency to appease one deck. Although Safeguarders are also a problem (but maybe won't be after rotation)

Pokemon (12)

Camerupt-EX x4
Team Magma's Numel x4
Team Magma's Camerupt x4

Trainers (36)

Professor Sycamore x4
N x4
Blacksmith x4
Lysandre x1

VS Seeker x4
Acro Bike x3
Ultra Ball x3
Repeat Ball x3
Professor's Letter x3
Switch x2
Escape Rope x1
Battle Compressor x1
Scorched Earth x3

Energy (12)

Fire x9
DCE x3

I did try 2 DCE but found that I really needed one on my Camerupt-EX turn 2 or 3. Against Aegislash-EX you can just burn the DCE off by retreating, then Blacksmith the energies back onto a Camerupt-EX and still keep a bit of momentum. Acro Bike is good for getting to your pieces, Scorched Earth helps fill in for the lack of a supporter if you use Blacksmith, and the rest is fairly standard.

Oh yeah and one thing I found myself doing with my Battle Compressor was tossing 2 Fire and one Blacksmith into the discard, just for pickup later. I've also found that throwing all of your Fire energy into the discard early on might be a little too enthusiastic, as I kept trying to Professor's Letter for one when my Camerupt had 3 attached, only to find that there were none in the deck.

Sorry if I'm rambling...love this deck to bits and really want it to do well competitively. Hopefully this helps.

EDIT: Though I do think Camerupt/Dual Brains is a clever way to run the deck, not trying to put down the TC! Double Blacksmith is pretty enticing too, and would also be a good way to ensure your 200 damage per turn. I just think Magmarupt is the most consistent way of accelerating and getting damage going.
How about primal clash blazekin? His first move is a Spreading Flames it takes one Fire energy and you can attach 3 fire energy from your discard pile! 5 energy in one turn with blacksmith and possibly 7 with magnezone? I run a blacksmith, fiery torch camerupt ex deck and Its going great! But it also gets 1 shot from water decks but im thinking of running 3 weakness policy lol
This is what I am play testing atm.


4 Camerupt EX
4-4 Team Magma's Camerupt

4 Battle Compressors
1 Enhanced Hammer
2 Evo Soda
1 Professor's Letter
3 Repeat Balls
1 Scramble Switch
3 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seekers
4 Blacksmith
1 Lysander
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
1 Startling Megaphone
4 Professor Sycamore
1 Team Magma Admin
1 Scorched Earth
2 Silent Lab
1 Weakness policy

4 Double Colourless
9 Fire Energy

So for my deck list I decided to go more with battle compressors to force out either supporters for VS seeker to pick up, or Pokemon for Team Magma Admins to pick up or Fire Energy for Camerupt and Blacksmith to pick up. I would like to try and fit a Jirachi EX in maybe.
Hanshino said:
How about primal clash blazekin? His first move is a Spreading Flames it takes one Fire energy and you can attach 3 fire energy from your discard pile! 5 energy in one turn with blacksmith and possibly 7 with magnezone? I run a blacksmith, fiery torch camerupt ex deck and Its going great! But it also gets 1 shot from water decks but im thinking of running 3 weakness policy lol

I love primal clash blazekin (he's pretty awesome). But the thing is with him, it takes to many resources to get him up there and would take up much needed item space. I mean if you can figure out a way to add him into the dual Camerupt deck without it getting in the way of card acceleration... but sadly I doubt it can happen.

Draaka said:
This is what I am play testing atm.


4 Camerupt EX
4-4 Team Magma's Camerupt

4 Battle Compressors
1 Enhanced Hammer
2 Evo Soda
1 Professor's Letter
3 Repeat Balls
1 Scramble Switch
3 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seekers
4 Blacksmith
1 Lysander
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
1 Startling Megaphone
4 Professor Sycamore
1 Team Magma Admin
1 Scorched Earth
2 Silent Lab
1 Weakness policy

4 Double Colourless
9 Fire Energy

So for my deck list I decided to go more with battle compressors to force out either supporters for VS seeker to pick up, or Pokemon for Team Magma Admins to pick up or Fire Energy for Camerupt and Blacksmith to pick up. I would like to try and fit a Jirachi EX in maybe.

I think you should try using fiery torch instead of a couple battle compressors, and I would also use more scorched earth for further card acceleration. The repeat balls don't seem that necessary. I would maybe add some hard charms instead of them. For with hard charms on your Camerupts basically have 200 hp and that's enough to get out of the 180 damage range that most people aim for. Since your energy acceleration tools have the potential to get all you energies back in 1 turn, I would add some some max potions. I would say revive will be much more useful than team magmas admin but that's just me, so I didn't put it on the list.

-1 Camerupt EX
-2 battle compressor
-3 repeat ball
-1 enhanced hammer
-2 Blacksmith
-1 Team magma admin
-1 VS seeker
-1 scramble switch
-1 weakness policy
-1 Fire energy
-2 silent lab
-1 evo-soda? (maybe)
+2 Reshiram
+1 computer search
+1 ultra ball
+1 professors letter
+4 fiery torch
+2 scorched earth
+2 hard charm
+1 escape rope
+2 max potion
+2 N
+1 Colress (I would have liked at least 2 of these but idk where to get the room)

Though this is what I came up with, I'm not sure about taking the magma admin out it seems like it could be potentially useful... not sure... I also have my misgivings about weakness policy, it's only centered around countering water decks... and I don't much care for a tool that's type specific.