Ruling can banette knock itself out with ghost head?

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Aspiring Trainer
i have seen it said on these forums that no it cannot, it can only damage itself down to 10 hp remaining, but our very experienced gym leader last week ruled that it could. i'd like to see a sourced, definitive answer because there is a world of difference between 70 and 80 damage (esp against krickitune).
Yes Banette can KO himself with Ghost Hand. The unofficial spoilers indicated that he could not ... but the actual real translation of the card indicates that he can. This has also been ruled on by the compendium folks indicating that he *can* KO himself.
I was the one who said you couldn't KO yourself. I misread the card. I apologize for the wrong information.

Anyway, this question has been answered correctly, so let's all go play somewhere else. :)

Way to not pay attention anyone who saw this guy's answer and did nothing (including the guy who posted the answer)! :D
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