Ruling Can I use Old Cards Repeated In new Sets?

Ka$h Money

Aspiring Trainer
I was just wondering if Roseannes research SW is still playable after rotation as a Pop8 one exist and has the same effect, the same applies for Bebe and rare candy

Im sorry if this is a nooby question :p
This isn't a nooby question at all. This is just making sure about something.

And BTW Yes yo can. Roseannes and candy are in POP8 and Bebe's will be in Rising Rivals.
This also includes The old elctabuzz, hitmonchan, Pikachu(RR), Flying pikachu(RR), and Surfing pikachu(RR as well).

Oh, and the original charizard set too.
Same with any generic trainer that's been printed like potion, energy search, etc.
Bob Franklin said:
This isn't a nooby question at all. This is just making sure about something.

And BTW Yes yo can. Roseannes and candy are in POP8 and Bebe's will be in Rising Rivals.

Thanks for being so nice, its just I was kinda upset that I tried so hard to get my 4x Roseannes just to find out they were gona be rotated but thanks for everyones responces
darkrai master777 said:
This also includes The old elctabuzz, hitmonchan, Pikachu(RR), Flying pikachu(RR), and Surfing pikachu(RR as well).

Oh, and the original charizard set too.

no you can't. charizard changed from pokepower to pokebody
The original Charizard is legal, you just need a newer one for reference or a printout of the Card-Dex for it.
Kronar said:
The original Charizard is legal, you just need a newer one for reference or a printout of the Card-Dex for it.

Are you sure? Energy is different.