Ruling Can Leftovers save you?


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Since Leftovers kicks in at the end of your turn, and you don't get Knocked Out until between turns is over, if you get KOed with exact damage, will Leftovers put you back to 10? Or do you get KOed if at ANY time your HP are reduced to zero?
When a KO by damage from the opponents pokemon happens, the pokemon the damage is done to is IMMEDIATELY knocked out. There is no wait time. And a new active pokemon must be placed before the between turns phase.
The KO is part of the attack resolution (damage, then additional effects, then KO check). Your turn doesn't end until the attack is fully resolved. Leftovers doesn't get a chance to trigger.
Well, the most easiest way to explain is; When a Knock-Out happens, it happens immediately. Leftovers triggers only between turns. That will mean that Leftovers will not get to save you. Also, let's just say you have an active Pokemon with Leftovers attached to it that is poisoned and with 10 HP left. The Pokemon will not die between turns because both effects take place at the same time (In between turns).
Ka'Mewie:- said:
Well, the most easiest way to explain is; When a Knock-Out happens, it happens immediately. Leftovers triggers only between turns. That will mean that Leftovers will not get to save you. Also, let's just say you have an active Pokemon with Leftovers attached to it that is poisoned and with 10 HP left. The Pokemon will not die between turns because both effects take place at the same time (In between turns).

Leftovers triggers ONLY at the end of your turn...
Being KOed is the result of an attack. Your turn ends after you resolve all effects of the attack (if you attacked). So you must finish being koed before you turn ends.
elekid957 said:
read the card it's the end of your turn



Since the KO is handled before your turn ends, Leftovers is of no use.
All right, that's what I thought, thanks all.
ok so let's say ur poison which one happeneds first the Leftover or the Poison. And will u still be saved or will u be knock out.
So does that mean, then, that Leftovers doesn't heal during the opponent's turn? Since the opponent's attacks happen during the opponent's turn, Leftovers wouldn't get a chance to heal anyway, would it, since the next time it gets to heal is at the end of your turn immediately following the attack?
Blastoise_Trainer said:
ok so let's say ur poison which one happeneds first the Leftover or the Poison. And will u still be saved or will u be knock out.

Leftovers triggers at the end of your turn.

Poison damage happens between turns.

Leftovers heals you first.

Ophie said:
So does that mean, then, that Leftovers doesn't heal during the opponent's turn? Since the opponent's attacks happen during the opponent's turn, Leftovers wouldn't get a chance to heal anyway, would it, since the next time it gets to heal is at the end of your turn immediately following the attack?

It does not trigger at all during your opponent's turn.
It works the same way as in the Pokemon games. If you get KO'd your out.:)