Ruling Can you search Unit Energy LPM with Volkner?


Aspiring Trainer

I was wondering if I could search out a Unit Energy LPM from my deck using Volkner.
Volkner says: “Search your deck for an Item card and an :)-Energy card, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.”
Then there is Unit Energy LPM which is originally called: Unit Energy :):rolleyes::cool:
For me it would make sense that Volkner could search it out since there is :) present on both cards and Volkner does not say “Basic energy card“ as most cards do.
I would like to discuss this since it would Volkner a lot more versatile for Meal and Psychic decks.

Have a nice day

PS: :) = Lightning, :rolleyes: = Psychic, :cool: = Metal;
Unit Energy isn't an Lightning Energy card and doesn't provide Lighting Energy until it is attached to a pokemon. Volkner can not search it
Volkner can only search for a lighting energy card. So blend energys and special energy doesnt count. Due to they are not lighting energys until they attached to a pokemon.