3x Celesteela (30+ 30 for each * in your opponents retreat)
3x Alolan Diglett
3x Alolan Dugtrio (Defending Pokemons Retreat is 1 more)
2x Carvanha
2x Sharpedo (1 dark and 2 colorless= 60+ 20 for each star in opponents retreat)
1x Lele GX (we all know)
1x Zorua
1x Zoroark GX
=16 Pokemon
3x Guzma
2x Sycamore
2x N
3x Team Flare Grunt
3x Crushing Hammer
3x Enhanced Hammer
3x Mount Lanakila
2x Heavy Ball
3x Field Blower
2x Choice Band
2x Switch
1x Bodybuilding Dumbbells
1x Brigette
2x Ultra Ball
= 32 Trainers
4x DCE
4x Dark Energy
4x Steel Energy
=12 Energies
Deck Breakdown:Mount Lanakila needs to be out all game. Alolan Dugtrio needs to stay benched so Tangling Hair can safely be used. Two main attackers are Celesteela GX and Sharpedo. I could use Counter Energy. I also could play two of the Special Metal Energy to prevent some damage or even Fighting Fury Belt to increase HP and Damage. Not too sure on what to replace them with though. I have all of the Hammer's and the Grunts in here for Energy control. Field Blowers to get rid of Float Stones as well. Any questions or helpful advice is greatly appreciated!
3x Alolan Diglett
3x Alolan Dugtrio (Defending Pokemons Retreat is 1 more)
2x Carvanha
2x Sharpedo (1 dark and 2 colorless= 60+ 20 for each star in opponents retreat)
1x Lele GX (we all know)
1x Zorua
1x Zoroark GX
=16 Pokemon
3x Guzma
2x Sycamore
2x N
3x Team Flare Grunt
3x Crushing Hammer
3x Enhanced Hammer
3x Mount Lanakila
2x Heavy Ball
3x Field Blower
2x Choice Band
2x Switch
1x Bodybuilding Dumbbells
1x Brigette
2x Ultra Ball
= 32 Trainers
4x DCE
4x Dark Energy
4x Steel Energy
=12 Energies
Deck Breakdown:Mount Lanakila needs to be out all game. Alolan Dugtrio needs to stay benched so Tangling Hair can safely be used. Two main attackers are Celesteela GX and Sharpedo. I could use Counter Energy. I also could play two of the Special Metal Energy to prevent some damage or even Fighting Fury Belt to increase HP and Damage. Not too sure on what to replace them with though. I have all of the Hammer's and the Grunts in here for Energy control. Field Blowers to get rid of Float Stones as well. Any questions or helpful advice is greatly appreciated!