This is a tale of action, adventure and tragety...
"Dragonite is unable to fight, carnivines the winner!"
The judge announced as steven returned his carnivine and lance called back his dragonite."Congratiolations Steven you our the new champion" Lance muttered under his breath. "thank you Lance!" Replied Steven as lance showed him to the hall of fame."I will now step back as champion and let you come forward..."Lance then showed Steven a computer. " This shows your trainer card along with all other previous champions" Lance announced. "Just put your trainer card in that slot" Lance then pointed at a litle slot in the computer.Steven put his trainer card into the slot then, immediately the computer flickered to life and this is What it showed:
"Cool" Remarked Steven.Suddenly a middle aged women came rushing into the room."You'll never believe it Steven, Lance, now everyone that used to be a champion counts as a champion!"At this Lance looked very pleased but Steven looked horrorstruck."WHAT IM NOT THE ONLY 1 ANYMORE???"
Chapter 1: Journey to champions island!
Dan woke up at 5:00AM that day, the day when he would catch the first boat to champions island. He had been reading a leaflet about it the week before and it still lay on Dans bedside table:
If you've beaten the pokemon league then come to champions island!!! The luxury paradise for every Champion out there!Including a training centre, a thear...
The rest of the leaflet was covered up by a book.
Dan lept out of his bed and sprinted downstairs, he had got dressed and packed his things the previous night, so he simply grabbed his luggage and jumped onto his bike.
Once he got to the harbour he just did all the the stuff you have to do and set off on the boat.On the boat he saw a very expensive plant that looked very odd but he ignored it and set of into his cabin.
On the way he heard a boy saying; "Whats the matter chicken wuss? wet yourself?" Dan looked round the corner, the boy was taunting and pushing 1 boy and 1 girl.Dan quickly ran down the corridoor and said: "Stop it!" "You lookin at me chicken wuss? 'Cause no-one messes with lewis"Lewis replied."Looks like somones messin with yer now! Go Crawdaunt!" "If thats the way your gonna go about it then fine. GO GARCHOMP!!!" Countered Lewis.
"Alright then, crawdaunt use crabhammer!" Crawdaunt launched a claw at garchomp and wacked it round the face! "Garchomp, use dragon pulse!!!" "Quick crawdaunt, dive of the boat to dodge it!" Crawdaunt dived into the water dodging the dragon pulse by millimetres.
"Now crawdaunt jump up and use crabhammer!"With a splash, crawdaunt lept up to the boat and used crabhammer on garchomp.
Garchomp fell to the ground and lewis recalled it and ran away.
"thanks!" the boy said."Im Jack and this is Dawn,"
"maybe we should let our trainer cards do the talking." Suggested Dawn and they all exchanged trainer cards.
"OH look theres land!" Said Dan.
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"Dragonite is unable to fight, carnivines the winner!"
The judge announced as steven returned his carnivine and lance called back his dragonite."Congratiolations Steven you our the new champion" Lance muttered under his breath. "thank you Lance!" Replied Steven as lance showed him to the hall of fame."I will now step back as champion and let you come forward..."Lance then showed Steven a computer. " This shows your trainer card along with all other previous champions" Lance announced. "Just put your trainer card in that slot" Lance then pointed at a litle slot in the computer.Steven put his trainer card into the slot then, immediately the computer flickered to life and this is What it showed:
"Cool" Remarked Steven.Suddenly a middle aged women came rushing into the room."You'll never believe it Steven, Lance, now everyone that used to be a champion counts as a champion!"At this Lance looked very pleased but Steven looked horrorstruck."WHAT IM NOT THE ONLY 1 ANYMORE???"
Chapter 1: Journey to champions island!
Dan woke up at 5:00AM that day, the day when he would catch the first boat to champions island. He had been reading a leaflet about it the week before and it still lay on Dans bedside table:
If you've beaten the pokemon league then come to champions island!!! The luxury paradise for every Champion out there!Including a training centre, a thear...
The rest of the leaflet was covered up by a book.
Dan lept out of his bed and sprinted downstairs, he had got dressed and packed his things the previous night, so he simply grabbed his luggage and jumped onto his bike.
Once he got to the harbour he just did all the the stuff you have to do and set off on the boat.On the boat he saw a very expensive plant that looked very odd but he ignored it and set of into his cabin.
On the way he heard a boy saying; "Whats the matter chicken wuss? wet yourself?" Dan looked round the corner, the boy was taunting and pushing 1 boy and 1 girl.Dan quickly ran down the corridoor and said: "Stop it!" "You lookin at me chicken wuss? 'Cause no-one messes with lewis"Lewis replied."Looks like somones messin with yer now! Go Crawdaunt!" "If thats the way your gonna go about it then fine. GO GARCHOMP!!!" Countered Lewis.
"Alright then, crawdaunt use crabhammer!" Crawdaunt launched a claw at garchomp and wacked it round the face! "Garchomp, use dragon pulse!!!" "Quick crawdaunt, dive of the boat to dodge it!" Crawdaunt dived into the water dodging the dragon pulse by millimetres.
"Now crawdaunt jump up and use crabhammer!"With a splash, crawdaunt lept up to the boat and used crabhammer on garchomp.
Garchomp fell to the ground and lewis recalled it and ran away.
"thanks!" the boy said."Im Jack and this is Dawn,"
"maybe we should let our trainer cards do the talking." Suggested Dawn and they all exchanged trainer cards.
"OH look theres land!" Said Dan.
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