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Chandelure Deck (nest destinies)


Aspiring Trainer
It uses the fire one from ND that can do 30 plus 30 to 2 bench for just 1 fire energy (for a total of 90). It always seemed like one of those hidden potential cards. It just happened to be hindered by the fact it was a stage 2 with lowish HP. So I attempted a deck with it.

Current deck list.

Pokemon (19)
-4/2/4 Chandelure line
-4 emolga (good starter, gets litwicks out faster)
-2 Reshiram (cleaner)
-2 Bouffalant (EX cleaner)
-1 Regigigas EX (probably don't need it, but it's the only EX I have that fits here)

Trainers (27)
-4 Cheren (sometimes raw draw is the best way to go)
-3 Skyla
-2 N
-1 Juniper
-4 Pokemon Communication
-1 Computer Search
-3 switch
-3 rare candy (duh)
-3 experience share (only energy acceleration this deck has)
-1 eviolite
-1 tool scrapper (in case of eviolite on the opposing side)
-1 superod

Energy (14)
-12 fire
-2 DCE (bouffalant, regigigas and even Reshiram can take advantage of this)

Now that strategy is to spam the opponent with chandelures attacks. Since it only costs one energy, it can be quickly powered up, giving me plenty of time to set up my cleaners (reshiram/bouffalant/regigigas/ or even chandulers second attack) to finish the job. Unfortunately, what looks good on paper isn't always good in practice. Getting Chandelure out on the second or third turn is easier said then done. And then there's the issue of energy acceleration. Reshiram will drain energy pretty quickly. And other big hitters take quite a bit of energy so lack the speed that this deck aims to take advantage of.

I thought of a solution. Dusknoir from boundaries crossed can move that damage around to where ever I want. With both pokemon out, I can do 90 to anything every turn, for just one energy. I don't even have to worry about eviolite because I can just attack around them. And with less energy requirements, I have more room for trainers like those catchers I so desperately need. Sounds like a good idea, but I know 2 stage 2s is kinda risky. But I think it would be worth it once I get it out.

It's just a matter of knowing which cards I need to trade for (except for catcher, which is ridiculously hard to get on TCGO).
You almost don't need Emolga is you're using the Promo Litwick. Also, 120 is a very easy number to hit these days; I think Giant Cape would be the better tool choice since Chandelure doesn't need energy acceleration, being able to attack for just one energy (and you'll probably be using the first attack more often anyways). I do think this deck can abuse Max Potion quite efficiently. You use the second attack to discard all the energies attached to Chandelure, and then just Max Potion a Night Spear or an X-Ball off. It certainly would be a surprise for your opponent especially since Chandelure NXD is particularly rare this format. I also think your Supporter line is a little crazy. Along with the above changes, I would add:

-2 Bouffalant; It's not energy efficient like Chandelure.
-2 Emolga; Litwick has Call for Family.
-2 Pokemon Communication; Since i'm taking out some of your Pokemon :O
-1 Regigigas; Same reason as Bouffalant.
-1 Eviolite; You can only attack it to Reshiram, and even then, you'd probably want Exp Share on it because his attack requires three energies. This way, you can use Blue Flare if it only has one energy attached to it.
-1 Exp Share; Making room for Giant Cape.
-1 Skyla; Skyla's good, but three is overkill when you're lacking in actual draw/hand-refreshers.
-1 Switch; Since I removed a lot of the heavy retreaters.

+3 Giant Cape; Survive OHKO's.
+2 Max Potion; Synergy with attack.
+2 N; N is a boss. (Literally, he's one of the "bosses" in the games.)
+2 Ultra Ball; Replacing the Communications that were removed.
+1 Juniper; Amazing draw (which you lack). With Super Rod, the recoil is a non-issue, especially if you have two.
+1 Super Rod; With several attacks that discard energies, I think this deck warrants two Super Rods.
I like your suggestions mora. I'm currently trying to get the promo litwicks to swap out. The reason I picked the bouffalants and regigigas was because I wanted something that wasn't weak to water. But now that I think about it, keldeo would one shot everything regardless. I might consider virizion for that, but with all the draw support I'll be adding, that might be over kill.

BTW, thanks for not telling me to add a bunch of EXs. I can actually manage these revisions with a few trades.
Infinity said:
Why use Chandy when you can play Registeel?

Besides the burn, because we're being original :p

pokedan24 said:
I like your suggestions mora. I'm currently trying to get the promo litwicks to swap out. The reason I picked the bouffalants and regigigas was because I wanted something that wasn't weak to water. But now that I think about it, keldeo would one shot everything regardless. I might consider virizion for that, but with all the draw support I'll be adding, that might be over kill.

BTW, thanks for not telling me to add a bunch of EXs. I can actually manage these revisions with a few trades.

No problem. I actually like having Virizion as a starter. Stage 2 decks kind of need some kind of starter to get set up with and Emolga always felt redundant. It does search out more Basics than Litwick, but I often found I would be looking for Rare Candy for a T2 Chandelure rather than more Basics.

Yeah I want to do something different. Plus I already had two chandelures from the theme deck so getting the others wasn't much of a problem. Getting registeel, on the other hand, would have been a problem. Besides, registeel can't attack for just one energy.

I ended up going for the dusknoir strategy. Since I have no catcher at the moment, dusknoir can help me spread faster, and doesn't use up energy like Reshiram. Hopefully it works.
Here's my new deck with dusknoir

Pokemon (21)
-1 virizion (draw support and a nice attacker)
-4-2-4 Chandelure line (next destinies litwick promo one is hard to find)
-4 emolga (gets out everything I need)
-3-1-2 dusknoir

Trainers (29)
-1 Comp search
-3 pokemon communication (I find myself with pokemon in my hand quite a bit)
-2 potion (to protect against darkrai and landy)
-4 rare candy (to evolve)
-2 super rod (recovers cards that had to be thrown out)
-2 switch (in case dusknoir gets catchered out)
-2 tool scrapper (takes care of eviolite and garbador)
-2 cheren
-4 N (deck is slow so this card is a god send)
-3 juniper
-2 skyla
-2 skyarrow bridge (many of the basics have just one retreat. So if I get stuck with one I can easily switch out)

Energy (10)
-6 fire
-4 blend (allows virizion to attack and for duskull to confuse if needed).

Not the best deck. In fact, it's pretty bad since it needs just the right cards in hand to work. Usually I only get one attack from chandelure and catcher is just evil. But it's fun to play and best of all, doesn't need a whole lot of energy.