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Chandelure Dodrio


This is the ultimate showdown.
This is my Chandelure deck, I doubt I can get tropical beach so dont ask.

4-4-4 Chandelure
3-3 Dodrio

4-junk arm
2-rocky helmet

4- Rescue
^WOW. Ok, anyway, you can cut down on the Lampets. you should need 3 at most, I'd prefer 2. Rare candy is used more than Lampet most of the time.
No, thats not what happens against Trainer Lock decks. Speed Chandy just loses when it runs into Trainer Lock :(

Anyway, discounting the autoloss to Trainer Lock, which is something that can't really do much to salvage without changing gears and running Trainer Lock yourself, you're best bet is to maximise the speed of your deck. That way you can get out Chandelure's as fast as possible and start spreading straight away.

I don't like Elm's here at all, nor Copycat. The High Energy Count is mostly redundant, since Speed Chandy doesn't really care if it is attacking or not. DCE does nothing for you, so you can cut pretty much the whole Energy Lineup. You only need 2 Lampents, as EonEye said, but 3 is doable. I'm also not sure if I like 4 PONTs here, since Speed Chandy is based on quickly spamming Chandy's out to keep droping damage every turn. Collector is also not necessarily that great here, since you have such a small complement of basics. Dual Ball would be my choice, I think.

So, anyway, my suggestion would be to try this on for size

-1 Lampent

-4 Copycat
-4 Proffessor Elm's Training Method
-2 Proffessor Oakn's New Theory
-2 Pokemon Collector

-2 DCE
-8 Psychic Energy

+1 Doduo
+1 Dodrio
+2 Jirachi UL
+1 Shaymin UL

+4 Junk Arm
+2 Super Rod
+4 Sage's Training/Cheren (your preference)
+2 Pokegear 3.0
+2 Rocky Helmet

+4 Rescue Energy

Jirachi should be a staple in Chandelure decks, I think. Depending on how well you flip, you can shut down any Stage 2s you come into contact with by devolving them twice and KO the Basics with Chandelure. This will also give you a better out to Trainer Lock decks than simply running a thick line of Lampent (which isn't really a bad thing; I quite like 3 Lampents in Chandy). It also can occasionally set up a Chandelure to attack with by using Shaymin, which is always nice. Rocky Helmet is also amazing in Chandelure, in the same way that it is amazing in absolutely everything that doesn't play Vilelplume (Rocky Helmet for President!).

Anyway, hope this helps.