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Chandelure, Probably for States


Aspiring Trainer
I really love chandelure, and have been working on a list for the new set. (Plus its pretty much the only deck I have built.)

4-4-3-1 Chandelure (Promo,luring light,shiny,fire chandy)
3-1-2 Vileplume
2-2 dodrio
1 Mewtwo (This is all I have, and I wont be able to buy another.)
1 Aipom
1 Jirachi (Bye bye tynamo's)
1 Cleffa
1 Pichu
Pokemon: 27

4 Rare Candy
4 Twins
4 P-Com
4 Sage's Training
3 N
3 Dual Ball
2 Collector
T/S/S: 23

5 Psychic
2 Fire
Energy: 9


Aipom: I got this idea from zangoose. Though I havent done much testing, It really stalls the ex's, being able to move DCE etc, all around, and then when they smarten up, go back to using Chandelure.

Fire Chandelure: This is a great card in here, provides awesome spread if your versing eels, as normal chandys ability, followed up with this, and a next turn jirachi kills two eels.

3 dual ball and 2 collector:
This seems a little weird to some people but has been working okay for me. The dual ball can be much more helpful if you're behind in prizes you can use twins, so it's just been working out better for me personaly.

Those pretty much seem like the only odd things in the list to me personally.

Strategy: Well it's chandelure. It does pretty well against the two major decks (MTC and ZekEels) MTC by killing celebii, mewtwo are a peice of cake for this deck, tornadus a pretty easily dealt with, and free retreat for the deck doesn't trip you up.
Against Zekeels, Aipom is a pretty big help, as denying them use of their zekrom EX if you play right can be hurtful to them. Also, chandelure makes decently fast work of eels and tynamos, and a simple mewtwo with a DCE can take care of almost anything that get's out with full energy. (Not to hard to take out those pesky zekroms and zekrom EX's with chandy plus mewtwo.)

Out of my small amount of playtesting I've been doing at home, and my friends who play the same list, we've done pretty well.
Please Give any ideas, or anything you think will improve the deck.

PS.: It is hard to run it this way, But NO TROPICAL BEACH. They run for at least from what i've seen like 50 a peice and I have no where near that kind of money to buy two.
No MEWTWO EX. One is okay for the deck and I can't get another due to money issues.
I don't know much about Chandelure but I thought I'd comment about Tropical Beach, in my opinion it's not a good play in your deck anyway for two reasons. First off you attack with your deck so beach would only be good when you weren't or couldn't attack for some reason. Next with new stadiums that are actually useful in play such as Skyarrow bridge your beach would probably get throw out anyway so it's good not to rely on it. Anyway hopefully you can get some help on your list and good luck at states, I will probably be dropping back in here after I read up on Chandelure to see if I can offer any insight.
You need more hand refreshers:
-1 dual ball
+1 juniper
Dual ball?
-2 dual ball
+2 collector
You're only using 1 mewtwo
-1 DCE
+1 {P}
Hope I helped
Alright, so I'm in the process of making a gigantic post covering three major ChandePlume decks and their techs, so I'll post here on my opinions.

The metagame deck guide covering ChandePlume can be found here!

Mewtwo EX is not needed for the sole reason that Chandelure can take care of other Mewtwo EX. Chandelure's weakness is Darkness, not Psychic, but he still hits Mewtwo EX for his own weakness, meaning you can do 160dmg plus burn and confusion in one turn if you have a powered up Chandelure. The only issue is if they open with Mewtwo EX and you have awful draw, which is likely with how little draw you run in that deck.

I personally run 0 gloom, but I can see why you'd run at least one. My reasoning is that since there won't be any trainer lock up without Vileplume, there's no reason that Rare Candy won't be used. You want Lampents to be up and charged for Luring Light, so you won't use all four candies on your four Chandelures, but you need 4 candies for consistency and to avoid being prized out of them. The downside to having no gloom is if you run against a Gothitelle deck that item locks you without locking themselves (though, Chandelure can 1shot it without the help of a second Chandelure), or Zebstrika ND with Disconnect, but that deck is rough in the first place. Removing the gloom frees up room for a card elsewhere.

Tropical beach is sort of dead now, due to all the EXs running about. You just don't have the time to sit around and draw, draw, and draw more while they destroy the field. It's still a great deck and card, but I don't think that ChandePlume can compete with Mewtwo EX decks without running an attacking version to confuse them and keep them at bay.

Dual ball is not consistent or reliable at all. Pichu, Collector, and Call for Family (promo Litwick) is enough to grab any basics needed. Dual ball is also a dead draw late game when Vileplume is up, communication serves its purpose as getting those basics, babies, and jirachi swapped into Plumes and Chandys for candying, but Dual Ball does nothing.

I very, very much dislike Sages Training in this deck. While it's amazing for draw power, the deck has no way to get cards from the discard back into the deck, and trainer lock means you won't be running any sort of tools to dig through the graveyard either. This is a very situational card, and CAN win you games if you get lucky enough, as putting dead cards you don't need (discarding oddishes and candies after Vileplume is up) into the graveyard so you don't draw into them with N and PONT, but I've never felt the trade-off of risk vs reward was great enough.

Three lampents should suffice, but this is again, a purely optional thing. If there's a lot of MCT/EXTC, Six Corners, or other basic-heavy decks in your area, the luring light would obviously be more beneficial. I'd love to hear other opinions on this though, as it's a card swap I've been on the fence with lately myself.

Cleffa/Pichu are fine as-is, since no Tbeach means having Cleffa gives more draw power. The downside is that you need all the bench room you can get, with 2-3 Chandelures, Vileplume, Dodrio, and then a spot for Jirachi if you need to devolve, so they are very cluttering. On the flip side, getting 1-2 Eeeeeks and then stalling before having Cleffa get knocked out can change the game in your favor. Being able to then abuse twins, plus cycling your hand a few times to get out as many Chandelures as possible, makes a Cleffa sacrifice worth it. The downside is that she takes up a card slot, but it's not a bad tech at all.

Fire Chandelure. This is probably the most controversial addition to the deck. It's by no means awful, but just... risky. I've ran Fire Chandelure myself, and it does amazing things against Eel decks, and with them being -THE- deck in the format, it's a wise choice to run one. There are two weak points to Fire Chandelure, however. Number one is requiring fire energy for an attack, and then discarding it if you wish to use Inferno (usually to 1HKO a Cobalion). Only running two fire energies may feel risky, which is why running 3 of them, or 2+Rainbow may be advised. His other rough area is health, being only at 120hp rather than 130 like his Psychic twin. This makes a huge difference in the playstyle, as Zekrom normal is still popular, and 120 damage is pretty easy for most cards. If only we could run a 3-2 line of Psychic/Fire Chandelures, right? Essentially you're going to decide between consistency with all psychic Chandeloops, and the possibility of a surprise nuke to kill two tynamos/babies in a turn. Even typing this now makes me want to run him in my deck again. I suggested rainbow energy here to lead into my next suggestion, Terrakion.

Terrakion tech is amazing for ZekEels and Magnezone decks. With Dodrio up, his retreat cost is 2, which is also the cost of his attack. Discarding a rainbow to meet the fighting energy requirements is a tough call to make, but killing the Zekrom, Zekrom EX, Magnezone, or Regigigas EX (a rough card for ChandePlume) in just one strike makes it worth it, especially since you'll usually get two prizes or disrupt a major source of their draw power in return. Again, he's a tech, and is purely optional :D

And finally, you're missing Rescue Energy. This is THE premier energy you want in the deck, not only because it provides a cheap colorless energy for Call for Family and Luring Light, but it prevents all your Litwicks from being put in the graveyard early game, since ChandePlume takes a few turns to get fully set up and rolling. This also helps you get behind in prizes intentionally just to abuse Twins, while effectively losing nothing. Since you'll most likely have a Lampent on the bench sitting there for Luring light, if a Chandelure is knocked out, you can just evolve instantly to the new Chandelure and have a new Lampent on the next turn, providing no downtime between Cursed Shadow cycles.

To summarize;
-1 Gloom (Optional)
-1 Mewtwo EX
-2 Dual Ball
-2 Communication
-2 Sages

+2 Collector
+1 N
+4 Rescue (Go with 3 if you keep Gloom)
+1 Fire OR Psychic Energy

Something like this would really improve the deck, however, that's up to you to decide for yourself.

Good luck, and let us know how it turns out from testing so we can all learn from it.
Wow thanks viole! Actually one of the reasons of me running dual ball is because I don't have any more collector, but I'll try to get my hands on two more.
I like mewtwo ex in here pretty much fo the fact tht he's a staller that can still hit decently hard against some thing with only one DCE, regigigas is a better staller but I feel is unsafe because In this deck I'd really like to be doing damage, and regi needs four energy for his main attack (2 dce ) and, lots of decks tech terrakion.

I like the reasoning behind your suggestions viole and I'll try them, but I feel just a tiny bit iffy on them.

Once I test them I'll decide on what to do with the list on the OP.
Sage's is important to get out the stage 2s I think. I'd get rid of pichu and aipom since pichu also helps the opponent and aipom because I don't think that it works that well in this deck. Also I'd get rid of about 1-2 rare candy.
Yeah currently I'mplaying a deck list the is half of violes suggestions and half my own list and it's pretty solid. As for your suggestions, pichu is ok in this deck, as there are only a couple decks you don't want to use it on. Aipom I feel fits the deck very well. Sometimes it feels weird, but in the matchups when it works it's magic it can be amazing.
What? It is very good vs MTC and ZekEels? Really? Have you tested it? First, MTC just screws your set-up with Mewtwo EX or Tornadus and ZekEels will take many easy prizes with Mewtwo and Zekrom EX OHKO's your Chandelure. Aipom won't help.
Well my testing has gone well against those decks. Delaying with aipom and using luring light via lampent can be sometimes effective. Using jirachi kills eels with the proper setup, and MTC isn't the hardest thing to beat if you play right. It can mess up your setup, but you kill Tornadus in one turn, mewtwo is a piece of cake for chandelure, and celebii just takes two abilities.

Really you just need to play right, but if you have a good opponent, and they are using a good list, it can be really tough.