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Aspiring Trainer
--- 25 Pokemon ---

3-2-2 Vileplume
4-3-3 Chandelure
2-2 Dodrio
1 Cleffa
2 Mewtwo EX

--- 28 TSS ---

3 Tropical beach
4 Twins
4 N
4 Collector
4 Sage
1 Flower shop lady
4 Communication
4 rare candy

--- 7 Energy ---

3 Rescue

Get vileplume as fast as possible and then a combination of chandelure and mewtwo ex, chandelure for spread and mewtwo ex to hit heavy HP basics like new EX´s. Have tested only against Cake its really easy to win with this.

thanks for checking give suggestions =)
RE: Chandelure/Vileplume

3 tropical beach might be too much since 2 is usually the standard in chandelure decks. 1-1 Blissey might help but is not too needed. I'd cut 1 lampent since there are already rare candies. I'd add 1-2 PONT if it were me.
Heres my current list. Testings gone really well.

4/4/3/1 Chandy(promo-luring light-Shiny-Fire)
3/0/2 Vileplume
2/2 Dodrio
2 mewtwo
1 aipom
1 pichu
1 cleffa

4 psychic
2 fire
2 dce

4 collector
4 beach
4 sage
4 twins
4 candy
3 comm
3 n


Deck runs SMOOTH.
I think only running 7 energy is going to hurt you bad in the end.
your opponent Lost Removes or Crushing Hammers you Twice and you're bent over at that point, not to mention if they're running Kurem ex or Durant...
You should really consider more energy!!!
^ FSL helps out with that problem some. Its the ability that it would be most used for if it can't attack.