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Miss the game
Pokemon (25):
4-4-4 Chandelure
2-2 Dodrio
3-1-2 Vileplume
1 Jirachi
1 Pichu
1 Cleffa

Energy (11):
7 Psychic
4 Rescue

Trainers (24):
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Twins
4 N
3 Sage's Training
3 Rare Candy
2 Tropical Beach

Regular Chandelure strategy, try to get easy ko's and keep the Chandelure alive.
alexmf2 said:
Pokemon (25):
4-4-4 Chandelure
2-2 Dodrio
3-1-2 Vileplume
1 Jirachi
1 Pichu
1 Cleffa

Energy (11):
8 Psychic
3 Rescue

Trainers (24):
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Sage's Training
4 Twins
3 N
3 Rare Candy
2 Tropical Beach

Regular Chandelure strategy, try to get easy ko's and keep the Chandelure alive.

I think mabey a 3-1-2 Reuniclus line (or littler) and definetly max out with the Rescue Energies. For the Litwick use the promo one from the triple blister pack thing:D
4 seems like a weighted risk if you don't trigger it. Trying to swing back from that sort of disadvantage even with the card draw power is going to be difficult.

Some hard draw would perhaps work, Professor Juniper/Junk arm combo or straight up Bianca/Professor Oak perhaps? Otherwise, looks solid.
Gengar, 3 Stage 2 lines? No thank you. I used to run 4 Rescue and 7 Psychic, but I found myself in the need of Psychic when I had a Recue in hand so I switched a Rescue for a Psychic.

Rybekk, 4 of what? Rescue?
GengarTCG said:
I think mabey a 3-1-2 Reuniclus line (or littler) and definetly max out with the Rescue Energies. For the Litwick use the promo one from the triple blister pack thing:D

this would not be the best idea espicalliy when running vplume its just to hard to get thm all set up. the best way of using reuniclus in this deck is if you get rid of vileplume and swap it with a damiigrius line. trust me when switching to damiigriuis you use reuniclus to put all the damage on the feild to your chandulure and use damiigruis to dish it all on to your active! If you can get it up quick engough it works wonders. just a suggestion for a reuniclus line.

if you'd like to see this version in play i suggest watching this youtube vid ------http://www.youtube.com/user/FLUNKIFIED?feature=g-all-u :)
My current Vileplume list is as follows Alex.

4/4/4 Chandy
3/2/2 PLume
2/2 Dodrio
1 Jirachi
1 Pichu
1 Cleffa

4 Collector
4 Twins
4 N
3 Sage
3 Candy
3 Comm
2 Beach

4 Rescue
7 Psy


Same list by 3 cards, but the deck takes a massive amount of skill. I think the decks superb, but I seem to misplay with it, so I'm not the biggest fan of it. I feel as if the trainer version is better when Mewtwo hits the format they can only hit for 40 or so. You can also play a Fire Chandy to snipe even harder vs the non Mewtwo decks. I'm aware that with this you can ohko a Mewtwo with an Eerie Glow, but then you get one shotted right back. I know that someone will say that then you'd be ahead in the prize exchange, but you most certainly wouldn't be. The time it takes for you to set up a Plume(so they can't catcher and ko you) and 2 Chandelure(one to soak damage and weaken a mewtwo and another to attack with) you'll be down by 3-4 prizes, which leads me to believe that the deck isn't as strong. If the format isn't broken in two by mewtwo then this deck will be nuts. I'm a large fan of the FireChandelure, but with 120 HP I'm not sure, but teching it into the trainer version is super strong. That most likely will be what I'm playing.

Here's how I would play the Trainer Version next set.

4/3/4 Chandy (Promo-LuringLight-Shiny-1 Fire)
3/3 Dodrio
1 Cleffa

4 Collector
4 Switch
4 Candy
4 Comm
4 N
4 Junk Arm
4 Twins
2 Max Potion
2 Beach
1 Super Rod
1 Energy Search

3 Fire
2 Rescue

Hope I helped. :)
Thanks so much nugget!!! That's some awesome help, I'll use all of those changes, except maybe switch the 2nd Gloom for a Communication. Next set, wouldn't there be to many high hp EX's for Chandelure to work well?
I think with the fire one you can still win out vs the other EXes. You play against a Zek or a Resh EX and take out their Eel and win because of it vs Zekrom, and vs Reshi they take damage which would help you but they're taking a prize every turn so if you waste a turn on their Emboar your behind the prize exchange. I think a Vileplume variant may be better with FireChandy, according Reshi/Zek EX don't hit the scene as hard as Mewtwo. Here's a quick list off the top of my head that I would play if Reshiram EX or Zekrom EX aren't nearly as strong as they seem on paper.

4/4/4 Chandy(Promo-LuringLight-Fire)
3/2/2 VilePlume
2/2 Ninetales
1 Jirachi
1 Cleffa
1 Pichu

4 Collector
4 Comm
4 Candy
4 N
4 Sage
3 Twins
2 Beach
1 Fisherman

6 Fire
2 Psy

I think this list might be the better version of Chandy assuming the other variants don't work out with the EXes is format. Spreading 90 a turn for an Energy is strong, especially with Plume on the board. Vs Reshi EX you could drag up an Emboar with a LuringLight after an N to 3 or so and start sniping their Reshi's at a distance, clean up with Jirachi. My only issue is how to get Psychics in the discard, maybe FireChandy's second attack? I enjoy the Ninetales Engine maybe that would be better if we cut the Beaches and make the deck more affordable? Add in more energy sounds like a play. But then they ko your Vulpix you out of draw, I'm not sure about this but over the break I'm 100% testing this, I'll let you know.
The only problem is that Fire Chandy has only 120 hp, which makes them easy to ko every turn. I think that the regular Chandy would probably be better than the Fire one at least in the trainer lock version, because the regular one spreads for only 30 less a turn (and on top of that it has a really good attack) but it can't be ko'd easily. Of course, if Reshi or Zekrom EX get big neither would be a very good deck choice.
I ran a chandelure deck in a cities yesterday and placed 2nd with it, but mine was the rush list. I ran a 4-2-4 chandelure with a 2-2 dodrio and 2-2 yanmega and the only thing i lost to was durant because with a chandelure deck its a auto lost to durant because it takes a while to set up. If you want to run rush, then take out the vilplume and the jirachi, cleffa, and pichu for a 2-2 line of yanmega. Put in 4 junk arms. Take out the pyshcic energies for 4 switch, 4 rocky helmets, and 2 judges.
I already have a very good list for rush. I am trying to get a good list for the trainer lock version.
Me: Hey Derek Distler wanna hear a joke?
Distler: Sure.
Me: James Depamphelis.
James Depamphelis: Hey Distler do you wanna hear a joke?
Distler: I guess.
James Depamphelis: ChandyBeach.
Me: </3