Capturing Pokemon
The meat and potatoes
Now that you have your parameters found, it’s time for some action. Open up RNGReporter’s 5th Gen Time Finder (click Time Finder in the top left part of the main window).
Orange rectangle: Make sure your Min / Max Frame values are set to 1. If you’re going for shinies or six very specific IVs, you might have to change this, but otherwise, 1 will be all you ever need. Make sure the Method is set to IVs (Standard Seed). Set the Encounter Type to what you’re going for, be that Wild Pokemon, Stationary Pokemon, or something else.
Black rectangle: Set your desired IVs. Here, I’ve set all to be 31, save Special Attack (I’m looking to get a physical attacker, so that one isn’t necessary). If you don’t want to leave one blank, I’d recommend setting some of them to >=30. If you try to get all 31s, or any other really specific number, it’s going to take a bit of work.
Red rectangle: Ignore it. It’s not going to harm anything if you don’t do anything, but it’s not going to do anything either. This is for other types of abuse.
Once this is done, click the DS Parameters Tab.
Under Keypresses, I’d recommend deselecting None, and selecting One, Two, and Three. Timer0 seems to gravitate toward One, Two, and Three or None, so picking both might muck up your results with Timer0’s that probably won’t work. Set your Timer0 min / max to the value you found to correspond to keypresses more often. In my case, I found 123C to gravitate toward None, and 123D to go towards the others, so I put that.
Go back to the Capture tab, and click Generate. This is RNGReporter’s most demanding feature power-wise, so be ready for a bit of slowdown. You can click Cancel after like 5 results show up, as that’s a decent sample size. They won’t disappear when you do this, so don’t worry.
I’m going with my next-to-last result, as it’s using only two buttons. I could use the simpler last one, but that seconds value is very small. I’d give yourself a bit of leeway with a result of at least 20 seconds, but if you have to go for a really small number, set your DS time to one minute before what you’ll actually hit, and set EonTimer to 60 seconds plus whatever’s shown. Whatever you go with, right click it, and click Copy Seed to Clipboard.
What you have just found is the seed you’re going to hit to get those IVs. If you hit this seed, you should always get a Pokemon with those IVs. But, what if you want to control Nature, or Gender, or the Pokemon you encounter, or... anything else? This is what we use the main window for.
Green rectangle: Set the dropdown menu to Gen 5 PIDRNG, the encounter type to what you want.
Black rectangle: Paste in the seed you copied from Time Finder into Seed (Hex). Starting Frame is important, but it won’t read anything yet.
Orange rectangle: Ignore.
Red rectangle: Set your desired nature and gender. Click Calculate Initial PIDRNG Frame. This will fill the Starting Frame field from Black rectangle. If you have a desired ability, click Pokedex-IV checker, above Green rectangle, use the dropdown menu to find your Pokemon, and see what Ability 0 and 1 correspond to.
You probably want to find what Pokemon you’re looking for, and not something else. This is what Encounter Slot is for. Click 5th Gen Tools at the top, and select Black or White Encounter Table. This will open a webpage. Find your location, and reference what Encounter Slots correspond to your Pokemon. In my case, I’m going after a Durant in that cave we were in with Cheren, so I found Victory Road (5F-7F), and found that Durant corresponds to Encounter Slots 0, 2, 6, 8, and 10. So, I selected those.
With that, click Generate. Pick an entry that’s right for you; the first result should suffice. Take the frame number, and subtract your Starting Frame from it. This will tell you how many frame advances you need to make. In my case, 77 - 46 = 31 frame advances.
We’re just about ready, but let me try to explain what frames are. Think of a gear. Your Starting Frame is a notch; in my case, 46. Your target frame is a notch however many notches away; 77 for me. So I turn this gear 31 notches from 46 to 77. This concept generally applies to what we’re doing, but instead of notches, we have frames, and instead of turning notch-by-notch, we advance frame-by-frame.
Anyway, now, go to the location you want to go with Chatot and your Sweet Scenter, save, bring back Time Finder, and hit your seed. Set your DS date and time to what’s shown, set EonTimer to the seconds needed, start both at the same time, and boot your game when the countdown ends. If you have keypresses, hold them down right after booting, and wait until the Game Freak logo. Start the game without starting the C-Gear, and pause.
Go to Chatot’s summary screen. If it’s the Chatter you recorded, you have just advanced your frame by 1. Do this however many times you need, and then use Sweet Scent.
With that, you should be done. But alas, we do have issues that can arise...
If you check the IVs of what you caught and they aren’t nearly correct, repeat the process a few times. If you keep getting the same IVs, well, you’re obviously hitting the same seed. With that seed, find your parameters, and see the Timer0. If you are having problems, you’ll often see that it’s different from what you predicted. If it is, try a different seed from Time Finder. This trial and error is the main hiccup in the whole process, but it’s not that bad.
If you’re in an area with wandering NPCs, you can either wing it (NPCs increase your starting frame by about 1-5, even with immediate pausing), or you can take an approach similar to the one you’d take in breeding: Have two Chatot with near identical Chatters, clear the main RNGReporter screen of Nature, Ability, Encounter Slot, and Gender (noting the frame you want, obviously), and hit Generate. This will get you a list of all frames including and after your starting frame. So when you’ve hit your seed, view Chatot’s summary, and listen closely to the pitch. Keep doing this (taking the advances into account for later), and see if they match up to the Chatot Pitch column of your results. With a decent ear, you should be able to find where you are, and how much the NPCs advanced your frame. Carry on like normal.
If you’re in an area with weather, you can’t use Sweet Scent. But it turns out you can stop the weather in an area, oddly enough. I don’t know if it’s an actual feature, glitch, or oversight, but I found it
here. Basically, save in the area you want to be in, advance your month by one, and capture a Pokemon. Boom. No more weather! Save, and hit your seed like normal.
Roamers: nope nope nope nope nope. They’re in areas with wandering NPCs, and I don’t think the weather can be stopped. Just too above my head.
You can be creative with your Sweet Scenter; a popular choice is Parasect, as you can get on Sweet Scent, False Swipe, and Spore.
If you didn’t figure it out already, capturing a stationary Pokemon is as simple as talking to it at the time you would normally Sweet Scent.
If you really have trouble finding seeds, you’re going to need to expand your horizons. Start by selecting all the months in Time Finder. It’ll take a while, but it’ll search the whole year for what you’re looking for. This is how I got my flawless Ditto. If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to increase the Max frame in Time Finder. When you hit a seed, you start at frame 1. To advance that by x, you need to walk 128 steps with x Pokemon in your party. So if you had to go to frame 6, you’d walk 128 steps with 5 Pokemon in your party. Take into account the whole capturing to stop weather thing there, too. If
that doesn’t work... Change the year.
Whew. I think that’s about it. Next,
here’s Red Striker with breeding.