As far as attaching 4 tools to 1 Pokemon for something that needs tools as ammo, we already have BRS Honchkrow V for a long while.
As far as attaching 4 tools to 1 pokemon as a tank strategy, gonna have to wait if or until there's a point where nothing can turn off Revaroom's ability common to decks. Path kinda ruins the idea of beefing up a Pokemon like that and leaves it with a very lopsided matchup spread. Not really worthwhile.
MMC is also a pretty bad energy cost right now, and we probably would have seen Copperajah do something before this if there was a worthwhile way to pile it up. Lost Box would certainly run Goodra or Copperajah before this, and Copperajah is pretty rare to begin with.
When it debuts in western, its best tools to use are Rocky Helmet, Rugged Helmet, and Spirit Mask. Extra Tight Band would then follow in Pokemon Card 151. 4 tight bands on Revaroom would mean it would take 400 damage to OHKO, or 260 damage a hit to 2HKO. Stuff that bypassed effects on pokemon would be around, but that would at least be less common that decks that run Path.
I wouldn't be surprised if people tried to just use this as a stall deck if Path rotated with no replacement, but I still would not trust it at that point with how much you need to set up for it to be really powerful defensively. Cheryl also rotates the same block Path would, too.