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Charizard EX / Blaziken


Aspiring Trainer
hey guys. I'm trying to make a new somewhat competitive fire deck because steel is going to be a big thing in the future so. here is what i have so far:

Pokemon: 13

  • 2 Charizard EX (Flash Fire 11/106)
    2 M charizard EX (fire type, Flash Fire 13/106)
    1 Reshiram (Legendary Treasures RC22/RC25)
    3 Torchic (Furious Fists 12/111)
    1 Combusken (Furious Fists 13/111)
    3 Blaziken (Furious Fists 14/111)
    1 Victiny (Legendary Treasures 23/113)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37

  • 1 Computer Search
    1 Pall Pad
    3 Rare Candy
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Switch
    1 Tool Retriever
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 VS Seeker
    2 Blacksmith
    2 Colress
    2 Lysandre
    4 N
    4 Professor Sycamore
    2 Training Center
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Protection Cube
    1 Jamming Net
Energy: 11

  • 7 Fire Energy
    3 Double Colourless Energy


Mainly I try to use Charizard's stoke attack to get it loaded with energy's+ 1 Double Colourless energy to use the mega evolved crimson dive to do massive damage (with protection cube attached) If charizard is not available you can use blazikens Burning Shot to 1) KO a benched pokemon or 2) damage the active pokemon. Also blacksmith is used to get back the energy's discarded by Blaziken.

I want to know what you guys think of this deck and what can be changed to make it even better
I don't like Charizard EX FLF 11/106. It's stoke relies on a coin flip and that's just too risky, even with Victini. Plus, nothing is stopping the opponent from knocking it out afterward. A lot of EXs can hit for 180. I say go for Charizard EX FLF 12/106 instead. You can always charge it up with Blacksmith and a DCE. There's a time and place for Stokezard, but it's not in a fire deck.

If you're running a fire deck, I feel like you should max out your Blacksmiths to 4. You may not use all of them, but more increases the probability that you'll draw them consistently, which is something fire decks struggle with.

I'm not a fan of M-Charizard EX, but if you're going to run it, run Pyroar FLF or Robo Substitute to soak up a hit when your turn ends evolving it. I'd recommend Pyroar FLF it's a great partner with Charizard EXs of any kind and is a general annoyance overall.

I know that 150 on Blaziken is tempting, but with it being a stage 2, it's going to be extremely hard to set up with Seismitoad EX locking items and all these big EX's in the format KO'ing it in one shot. For the same damage you could run even more Charizard EX FLF 12/106 for the same damage and energy cost. It's a good card, but it's a bad time period to use it. I say get rid of the Blaziken Line completely. You could always Lysandre or use the new Pyroar from PHF to catcher things out of you're concerned with your opponent's bench, plus it puts fire energies in the discard which helps with Blacksmith.

My suggestions:
-3 Torchic
-1 Combusken
-3 Blaziken
-3 Rare Candy
- 2 Charizard EX FLF 11/106

+2 Litleo FLF (70 HP)
+2 Pyroar FLF
+2 Charizard EX FLF 12/106
+2 Blacksmith

You have four empty spaces with this. You could add more Charizard EX's, Pyroars, Muscle Bands, or a 1-1-1 Blaziken line and a Rare Candy if you really want it. Me personally, I'd add 1 more VS Seeker, 2 Battle Compressor (to get fire energies and Blacksmith in the discard for VS Seeker) and 1 more fire energy or DCE for good measure. It's your deck though, you don't have to follow my advice word for word. I hope I helped.

Also note, Reshiram EX is a cheaper replacement for Charizard EX 12/106 if you opt to forego M Charizard EX. It also makes use of protection cube and victini with coin flips and self damage, so it'd technically fit right in.

Also, Enhanced Hammer is back in the format, I run 4 lol. It helps discard Strong Energies from fighting decks, DCEs from Seismitoad EX and Yveltal EX, Rainbows from fairies and Plasma from Virgen.
Hi CHAcolate!

Thanks for the advice I will surely check out your ideas and see what I can make. I'm not a too great deck builder so that's why I need advice at some times. I appreciate it and I hope this deck will work better with the changes