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Charizard EX in Phantom Forces! (Charizard EX / Leafeon)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 8

  • 4x Charizard EX (Combustion Blast)
    2-2 Leafeon (PLF)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 40

  • 4x Juniper
    4x N
    4x Blacksmith
    2x Lysandre

    4x VS Seeker
    4x Battle Compressor
    4x Ultra Ball
    4x Muscle Band
    4x Hypnotoxic Laser
    2x Virbank City Gym
    3x Switch
    1x Professor's Letter
    1x Computer Search
Energy: 12

  • 8x Fire Energy
    4x Double Colorless Energy

When Flashfire was first released, I know that most of us hoped that a Charizard EX deck would be a competitive tier deck. The problem was that the support that he was given just wasn't enough to be able to power him up consistently. Fortunately, Phantom Forces has graced us with some new items that will drastically increase this strategy's consistency and speed; VS Seeker and Battle Compressor.

With this card combo, you can use Battle Compressor to get 2 Fire Energy and a Blacksmith into the discard pile, then instantly use VS Seeker to play Blacksmith to attach those 2 Fire energy to Charizard. Battle Compressor can also be used to get out any situational 1-of supporters in the deck so you can use them with VS Seeker.

The main things that I am still trying to figure out for this deck are:

1. What supporter set up is best for this kind of strategy? How many Juniper, N, Lysandre, and Blacksmith? Should I run any Skyla, Team Flare Grunt, PCL, or Lysandre's Last Resort? How many VS Seeker does this deck need to have to be consistent?

2. How many Battle Compressors does this deck need? Does this deck need to run more Professor's Letters as well for more outs to energy discard?

3. Besides Charizard EX, what other pokemon go well with this strategy and will assist in countering current meta cards like Yveltal EX and Siesmitoad EX?

4. Should I run Computer Search for speedy consistency or Scramble Switch for late game explosiveness?

5. Does the new Poke Doll card have a place in this deck? I think it might.

Please feel free to post any suggestions and ideas. This deck is in its very early stages I have not had the chance to play test it a whole lot.
outstare said:
Pokemon: 8

  • 4x Charizard EX (Combustion Blast)
    2-2 Leafeon (PLF)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 40

  • 4x Juniper
    4x N
    4x Blacksmith
    2x Lysandre

    4x VS Seeker
    4x Battle Compressor
    4x Ultra Ball
    4x Muscle Band
    4x Hypnotoxic Laser
    2x Virbank City Gym
    3x Switch
    1x Professor's Letter
    1x Computer Search
Energy: 12

  • 8x Fire Energy
    4x Double Colorless Energy
First of all, you've listed 41 Trainers, not 40; so, you have a total of 61.

I have built and run 2 different Charizard decks: Charizard-Pyroar and Seismitoad-Charizard. Although, I am still studying and analyzing how the new PFo cards will impact my decks, I will offer some initial comments for your consideration from my experience:

outstare said:
With this card combo, you can use Battle Compressor to get 2 Fire Energy and a Blacksmith into the discard pile, then instantly use VS Seeker to play Blacksmith to attach those 2 Fire energy to Charizard. Battle Compressor can also be used to get out any situational 1-of supporters in the deck so you can use them with VS Seeker.
But, at the same time, you may also want/need to attach energy during your turn too. So, incorporating 1-2 Professor's Letter(s) helps. After all, you will not (?), chances are, want to play Blacksmith 4+ times in a game. I would think 2 Battle Compressor would be sufficient along with normal turn energy attachment.

outstare said:
1. What supporter set up is best for this kind of strategy? How many Juniper, N, Lysandre, and Blacksmith? Should I run any Skyla, Team Flare Grunt, PCL, or Lysandre's Last Resort? How many VS Seeker does this deck need to have to be consistent?
Given your current Supporter mix and counts (i.e., 4 PJ, 4 N and 4 Blacksmith), you will have "too many" Supporter "clashes," IMO. These events will occur when you need/want to play a card-draw Supporter, as well as a Blacksmith. I found that I could reduce my PJ count, but added some Bicycle to address this concern. I play: 3 Bicycle, 3 Blacksmith, 2 Colress, 4 N, and just 2 PJ. This combo works well for me. Further, I run 1 Pal Pad too in my decks. This Item allows me to recover and recycle any 2 discarded Supporters. So, I was able to reuse certain key Supporters based upon game conditions.

With the re-introduction of VS Seeker, your discard pile becomes more of a "friend" in that once you place a Supporter there, you know for 100% certainty that you will have access to that card via VS Seeker. So, to some degree, a viable strategy may be to intentionally discard a few Supporters into your discard pile knowing you can access them later. And to some degree in this case, VS Seeker serves as a "better" Skyla.

PCL is a great Supporter, IMO. It helped me quite a bit at the recent Regional tournament (as well as upcoimg tournaments I suspect). Incorporating this card comes down to your deck priorities and playing style. For example, if you had just 1 deck slot left, what card(s) would best serve you?

TFG and LLR both also fall into that category of "nice 1 of," but that would need to be weigh against other priorities just like PCL, IMO.

outstare said:
2. How many Battle Compressors does this deck need? Does this deck need to run more Professor's Letters as well for more outs to energy discard?
The "need" will be determined through your playtesting. I'd suggest you drop 2 BCs and add another PL.

outstare said:
3. Besides Charizard EX, what other pokemon go well with this strategy and will assist in countering current meta cards like Yveltal EX and Siesmitoad EX?
In both of my decks, I also run Reshiram (Outrage) which is a FANTASTIC starter for this this type of deck. I also made room for 1 Zekrom (Outrage) in one of my decks too. Some players like Dedenne (FFi) as a Yveltal counter which can also assist in getting your bench setup too.

Leafeon (PFr) terrorizes all Seismitoad EXs and is a great attacker against any deck that stockpiles energy.

outstare said:
4. Should I run Computer Search for speedy consistency or Scramble Switch for late game explosiveness?
IMO, your choice depends upon the other Trainers you decide to utilize. So, just playtest with these, as well as, Dowsing Machine to determine what works best for you.

outstare said:
5. Does the new Poke Doll card have a place in this deck? I think it might.
I did not see this particular card; so, please explain what it does.

Given the above comments, following are some suggested changes:

-2 Professor Juniper
-1 Blacksmith
-1 VS Seeker
-2 Battle Compressor
-1 Ultra Ball

+2 Reshiram (Outrage)
+3 Bicycle
+1 Professor Letter (drop this, IMO, to get to 60 card count)
+1 Pokémon Fan Club / Zekrom (Outrage) / Pokémon Center Lady / Lysandre last Resort

I hope you find these comments helpful.